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Nutjob anti-vaxxer arrested.

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3 hours ago, AlbionSaint said:

The whole debate comes down to:

1) Whether one believes what they're told by officials.

There are those who think this whole thing is a 'plandemic' and has been invented or exaggerated for one of the following motives:

(i) to bring about economic change, possibly for environmental reasons, as an economic reset or to help the transition brought about by the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

(ii) to introduce an Orwellian internal passport scheme.

(iii) to depopulate the planet.


2) Whether one accepts that dissenting voices should be allowed, even if you personally don't subscribe to (1), above.


Authoritarian regimes usually do things stealthily or by deception. Interestingly, I understand uptake in the vaccines are lower in ethnic minority communities. Perhaps that's because they tend to have less trust in government. 


How long have you been a nutter?

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Piers before being arrested:


 "We've got to hammer to death those scum, those scum, who have decided to go ahead with introducing new fascism.

"We've got to get a list of them, we can get lists of them on websites, and if your MP's one of them, go to their offices, and well, I would recommend burning them down.

"But I can't say that on air, I hope we're not on air."

Piers after being released from custody:


I am out from Charing Cross police station, just released on a trumped-up charge of encouraging people to commit arson, and I am released pending further investigation without any bail conditions.


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5 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Piers before being arrested:

Piers after being released from custody:


Napoleon made a great point when he said "never interfere with your enemy while they're in the process of destroying themselves".


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2 hours ago, Satoshi said:

Rather odd stand to take. Do you support drink driving? Public defecation?

I have very little interest in my own business never mind anyone elses. I would prefer if people take vaccines but it certainly doesn't keep me up at night and I spent none of my time doing anything about it.

Society has also had these people and always will. I would consider saying nothing to be a more cowardly act than saying 'don't shit in the street' or 'take a vaccine to protect you and others'.

But fine, you don't like people commenting on the lives of others (except for when you're doing it I guess).

I wonder if these people would be so desperate to "both sides" the vaccine argument if the numbers of anti-vaxxers were higher. I can't imagine they'd be very happy if diseases we've successfully eradicated through vaccination and heard immunity made a significant comeback. 

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2 minutes ago, Mr. Brightside said:

I wonder if these people would be so desperate to "both sides" the vaccine argument if the numbers of anti-vaxxers were higher. I can't imagine they'd be very happy if diseases we've successfully eradicated through vaccination and heard immunity made a significant comeback. 

Don't listen to them!

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5 hours ago, oneteaminglasgow said:

I assume this “AlbionSaint” character is the new alias for that sinner to Saint nutter who got banned for racist conspiracy theories?

Wasn’t it a St Mirren fan who denied the Holocaust on here too? Wisbit maybe?

An odd bunch. 

"The HoloHoax"

4 hours ago, well fan for life said:

Can a mod merge these threads so we can keep this patter in one place?

Just so long as the Conspiracy Theories thread doesn't get tied in. We're close to solving Bigfoot over there, and don't need the distraction.

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1 hour ago, AlbionSaint said:

'And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.'

Fair point. I was curious who your avatar was and why you chose it so I googled it and this came up first. Maybe best to vary it a bit.



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31 minutes ago, AlbionSaint said:

I saw that guy's picture online with the words 'c**t destroyer' underneath and I laughed uncontrollably for a very long time and had to use it.

Have to say that doesn't inspire me with confidence.

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3 hours ago, AlbionSaint said:

I received my diagnosis approximately seventeen years ago. :) 

i think i might have play against you, are you the wee right back i went by for fun ? Or the fella in midfield who claimed to be more evil than satan ?



Edited by Meldrew
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1 minute ago, AlbionSaint said:

In me?! 🤣 I'm not claiming to be some sort of oracle. I'm just a guy on a football forum. One of my pals described me as a "paranoid loon". It's not like I'm trying to talk you out of taking the vaccine, I'm sure you've already had it, anyway. All I'm saying is let people decide for themselves.

No, it's because you chose your avatar from someone who describes himself as a "cuntdestroyer".

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26 minutes ago, AlbionSaint said:

In me?! 🤣 I'm not claiming to be some sort of oracle. I'm just a guy on a football forum. One of my pals described me as a "paranoid loon". It's not like I'm trying to talk you out of taking the vaccine, I'm sure you've already had it, anyway. All I'm saying is let people decide for themselves.

I agree with this.

The idea of the government being able to coerce us into taking this vaccine doesn't sit easy with me.

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1 hour ago, AlbionSaint said:


I saw that guy's picture online with the words 'c**t destroyer' underneath and I laughed uncontrollably for a very long time and had to use it. 🤣 The poor wee guy, whoever he is...


This thread seems to have taken a turn for the worse. My only point is that people shouldn't be coerced into taking the vaccine, but it's now taking a sinister turn. I fear the vaxxed v unvaxxed debate will become like the indy referendum or Brexit - neither of which I was particularly for or against, as it happens - and which became really unpleasant. 

My intention was just to defend the position that people should be able to decline a vaccine that was hastily produced to provide protection from a virus that, in my age group, kills a fraction of 1% of the population. I wasn't aware that would be so controversial. Historically people have been lied to by their governments and there are numerous examples of that. But basically I'm pro-choice. Take it or leave it. There should be no coercion. 

If this board reflects Scottish society then I believe ~90% of you will have taken the vaccine, and that's your choice. If I succumb to the virus as a result of my scepticism, then that's on me. Merry Christmas to you all! :) 

It seems you're relatively new here.. same as myself!

One thing I learned pretty quickly is that people accuse you of all sorts just for having an opinion that differs from the orthodoxy.  These echo-chamber dwellers often don't understand that people can actually have substantive opinions that aren't the same as their own.  Doesn't matter how polite you are in the face of constant sarcasm, abuse and bad manners, you'll have some who'll never engage in good faith never mind actually answer your points.

It's strange because I don't come across these people in real life.

Anyway, all the best! :D

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12 hours ago, AlbionSaint said:

The vaccines may have saved the lives of some of the elderly, but I think the pre-vaccine Covid epidemic will have already killed many of the most vulnerable people. I don't believe the vast majority need to be vaccinated against a virus that ordinarily kills fewer than 1% of the population.



I'm certainly not denying that Covid exists, which is surely what you mean by 'denialism', however I do believe the threat it poses to the public has been exaggerated. I believe attributing deaths to Covid merely because the deceased tested positive within the previous 28 days will have inflated the figures, and is disingenuous. How would you explain the Japanese figures?

I believe that many western governments are corrupt, or are keen to implement lockdowns to further the environmental agenda and the transition to the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which otherwise will have been quite difficult. People and businesses are now getting used to working from home, for example.


"Never let a good crisis go to waste" - Churchill.

Top points, especially about the threat having been exaggerated.  Figures of people dying with COVID are simply not the same as dying from it.  It has been talked up beyond belief.

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On 20/12/2021 at 16:06, oaksoft said:

I'll add one thing.

As much as I disagree with anti-vaxxers (and I very strongly do), I would rather live amongst them than live amongst moral high grounders.

The reason for that is quite simple. The former want to leave me the f**k alone and ask that I do otherwise. I respect that in a human. The latter can't stop their impulsive need to stick their noses into everyone else's business and control others. They are obsessed with the idea that only they know what's best for everyone and instantly judge others by the standards they've taken it upon themselves to write "for our benefit". They hide their control freakery behind the cliche - "the greater good". It's snivelling, sneaky, cowardly behaviour and those who engage in it are OFTW.

These control freaks are just absolutely insufferable to live and work alongside. I can't imagine they're much fun to drink with either TBH.

Except they aren't, they are not on the high ground, they are on the ground grounded.

This is like pitching Nigel Lawson against a rational and objective expert on climate change and giving them equal air.

Edited by sophia
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