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Russian invasion of Ukraine


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9 hours ago, NorthernLights said:

I see your anti-tank dog and raise you human-ape hybrids - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ilya_Ivanov%23Human-ape_hybridization_experiments

That's wild. In terms of scientific usefulness it's right up there in Frankie Boyle "How many fruit pastilles would it take to choke a kestrel?" territory though.

Hybridisation between two closely related species is of course possible and happens in nature - there's a bird that visits here in small numbers called the pomarine skua that there's absolutely no evidence of having existed any further back in time than maybe five or six hundred years. Current thinking is that small geographically isolated populations of two other species freely interbred and their offspring produced a third viable species.

That being said, given some of the Russians' tactical awareness so far, maybe the experiments were more successful than they let on.

Edited by Hillonearth
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53 minutes ago, NorthernLights said:

Russia's tanks in Ukraine have a 'jack-in-the-box' design flaw. And the West has known about it since the Gulf war

Their BMD-4 infantry fighting vehicle is also described as a "mobile coffin".

I honestly think the huge numbers of Russian AFV losses so far are down to a number of factors, it's not just as simple as shite design.

I've seen countless videos of Ukranians attacking Russian tanks, mixed convoys of AFV's and soft-skin support stuff, single AFV's etc, and a common theme appears to be absolutely no Russian infantry support anywhere. All AFV's are enormously vulnerable without appropriate support, and there have been egregious examples of it caught on film. In the first few days of the conflict there was the footage of Ukranian standing in the open, not 30 yards away from a BMP broadcasting propaganda, takes his time and obliterates it with an RPG.

By contrast, when I have seen Ukranian armour being used against Russian columns, it's invariably working very closely with Ukranian infantry, and usually in tandem with other AFV's, either supporting the armour on one flank, or leading the assault itself while the armour takes potshots from cover and/or concealed positions.

If my suspicions are correct, and the Russian armour is not being adequately supported, then not only will that lead to increased losses in itself, but what it also means is any armour that takes a debilitating hit will have to be properly abandoned by crew, they will not be able to remain in the vicinity due to Ukranian boots in the immediate area, and the Russians will not be in any way able to limit the damage to, or recover their broken down armour. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if a lot of the Russian tanks that are the victim of ammo cook-offs have initially taken damage that is debilitating, but should not be fatal, the crew have bailed, and then a fire has taken hold an burned for a good while before actually causing a detonation. That wouldn't happen nearly as often if Russian infantry held sway over the immediate area, because the crews would be far better able to suppress small fires and so on, and have their support recover the vehicle for repairs.

Edited by Boo Khaki
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I don't get the fuss about paying Russia for gas and oil in roubles. What happens with Hungary for example is that they pay Gazprom in Euros as normal at the price agreed, who then convert them into roubles. It would obviously be better if nobody paid them anything but I don't understand the issue with what Gazprom does with their money. Obviously Gazprom buying a load of roubles will prop up their value, but that's always been a choice open to them surely? What am I missing?

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4 minutes ago, Detournement said:

Lol at the guy calling Chechens TikTok soldiers while doing an interview with Unherd where he is giving shout outs to Elon Musk with a pair of aviators balanced on his bald napper. 


Theres an obvious one here about a football forum conspiracy theorist lol'ing at other folks soldiering abilities. I'm soneone will be along to nail it shortly

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49 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

I don't get the fuss about paying Russia for gas and oil in roubles. What happens with Hungary for example is that they pay Gazprom in Euros as normal at the price agreed, who then convert them into roubles. It would obviously be better if nobody paid them anything but I don't understand the issue with what Gazprom does with their money. Obviously Gazprom buying a load of roubles will prop up their value, but that's always been a choice open to them surely? What am I missing?

The form of payment Russia is demanding allows the Russian Central Bank to control the Euro-Ruble exchange rate and effectively means that the total value of oil and gas sold has to be balanced by Russian entities being able to spend an equivalent amount of Euros in external trade. 

Given that Russia used to save a fair amount of the Euros in their foreign reserves they are actually getting more in real terms return for the natural assets they are selling than they were prewar. 

Edited by Detournement
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1 hour ago, Detournement said:

... Given that Russia used to save a fair amount of the Euros in their foreign reserves they are actually getting more in real terms return for the natural assets they are selling than they were prewar.

What happens to a petrostate that is largely propped up by the money EU countries have been spending on gas imports when those are phased out and the pipeline infrastructure isn't there yet to supply China instead on anything like the same scale?

Vlad needed a quick victory with the EU accepting it as a fait accompli. He didn't get it and even Germany is sending Ukraine tanks now...

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1 minute ago, LongTimeLurker said:

What happens to a petrostate that is largely propped up by the money EU countries have been spending on gas imports when those are phased out and the pipeline infrastructure isn't there yet to supply China instead on anything like the same scale?

Vlad needed a quick victory with the EU accepting it as a fait accompli. He didn't get it and even Germany is sending Ukraine tanks now...

Something, something CIA false flags ordered by deep state. Something, something Ukranian Nazis. He had the fucking cheek to call someone else hypocritical earlier, while his Russian pals are clearly rampaging across another Country. He will probably respond to this by pointing out some other fictional operation some other equally fuckwitted person has invented on the internet & how that makes everything the Russian Nazis are doing ok.

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