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Russian invasion of Ukraine


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30 minutes ago, Theroadlesstravelled said:


All Russia Today stoogies can comfortably be placed in that category.

Pilger was a genuinely ground-breaking documentarian in his day - I picked up a box set of his best work in a charity shop a while back and a lot of it is essential viewing - but in recent years he seems to have jumped the shark into full-on useful idiot territory.


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Could\should go in the space thread. 


But Eric Berger is the best space journalist in the world. He has nailed it from early in the war, for the most part ignore the constant noise about Russia pulling out the ISS. The guy in charge, Rogozin was given the job as a bump down from Deputy Prime Minister. He is an old Putin ally who used to run fake far right parties that were just fronts for pro Putin politicians to pull votes from the far right of Russian politics. He crawled up the Putin system but was too corrupt and incompetent for his job as deputy PM in charge of defence so got the Roscosmos job as a demotion. He has zero interest in space and once a week or so there is a story in the western press about Russia pulling out the ISS. Its mostly down to him and his Telegram account making a big noise for the Z War tv shows. 


And that's understandable. "In terms of overall cooperation on the ISS, the rank and file at Roscosmos, even the leadership of Roscosmos, desperately wants and needs this activity to continue," the source said. "Because if they drop out of the ISS they lose their space program. We are literally talking about the death of the Russian civil space program."

You will here "they will go with the Chinese". They cant. Soyuz cannot get to that inclination. Not without major rework. If they pull out that is the end of manned space for Russia. 

So next time you see one of these stories, dismiss it until its coming from NASA\ESA. 

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1 hour ago, highlandcowden said:

So is the circle the right an encircled Ukrainian pocket?are they trying to link with that?

Probably an area that the Ukrainian military withdrew from but the Russians haven't tried to actively control yet because it is well away from their main supply lines. What's interesting about this latest Ukrainian advance from Kharkiv is mainly whether it puts the Belgorod to Izium supply lines by road and rail in range of Ukrainian artillery.

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20 minutes ago, Detournement said:

I had never heard of this before. Russia wiping us out with a 500m high radioactive Tsunami. 

Trident should be over in Fife. 

I know its obvious to say but i legit cant help but imagine that as a cool Red Alert 2 mission briefing, just needs Eva to interrupt and tell you to build a base in the area in order to destroy the Soviet's heavily guarded Poseidon command centre before it detonates.

Would probably be one of those fucking timed missions and all 😬

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22 minutes ago, Detournement said:

I had never heard of this before. Russia wiping us out with a 500m high radioactive Tsunami. 

Trident should be over in Fife. 

Submarines could not give a shiny f**k about Tsunamis when they are fully submerged. Lavrov apparently feels the same about  Jews but his Nazi handler absolves him of blame because they are fucking scum.

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1 minute ago, Thistle_do_nicely said:

I know its obvious to say but i legit cant help but imagine that as a cool Red Alert 2 mission briefing, just needs Eva to interrupt and tell you to build a base in the area in order to destroy the Soviet's heavily guarded Poseidon command centre before it detonates.

Would probably be one of those fucking timed missions and all 😬

Well, that's the Hell March stuck in my head for the rest of the f***ing night, thank you very much.


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Anyhoo, if fucking Cancer kills Putin, it will be the first decent thing it has ever done.

Edited by Moomintroll
H_B 75 needs emptied for being a vile anti semitic, Putin loving arsehole.
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I know I am taking it too far atm, but these people need to be removed from Society in order to allow the rest of us to exist peacefully. f**k Hitler, f**k Stalin, f**k Pol Pot, f**k Mao Tse Tung, f**k Churchill, f**k Nixon, f**k every extremist arsehole who believes their brand of extremism is better than their oppos brand. But mostly, f**k Putin and all who try to apologise for him and his ilk.

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13 minutes ago, Moomintroll said:

I know I am taking it too far atm, but these people need to be removed from Society in order to allow the rest of us to exist peacefully. f**k Hitler, f**k Stalin, f**k Pol Pot, f**k Mao Tse Tung, f**k Churchill, f**k Nixon, f**k every extremist arsehole who believes their brand of extremism is better than their oppos brand. But mostly, f**k Putin and all who try to apologise for him and his ilk.

Bit fascist m8.

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1 hour ago, Detournement said:

I had never heard of this before. Russia wiping us out with a 500m high radioactive Tsunami. 

Trident should be over in Fife. 

I'm sure if they let it off at the mouth of an estuary or the like it would be capable of doing a lot of damage locally, but that Day After Tomorrow shite they're spouting is fantasy island stuff.

In order to generate a meaningful tsunami, an earthquake needs to be of around 7 on the moment magnitude scale...translated into megatonnage, close to 2000? The Indian Ocean tsunami unleashed the equivalent of something like 10,000MT and we didn't see any 500m waves....compared to that, anything humanity is capable of making go boom is just a pish in the pool.

Edited by Hillonearth
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Belarus are stepping up to the plate to supply Russia with hi tech components sanctioned by the West.


"What is happening today is urging us to cooperate tightly. For instance, they have warned Russia that they will terminate the supplies of high-tech equipment, first and foremost, microchips and so on, which we make at our industrial association Integral (Belarusian manufacturer of microchips and LCD indicators - TASS). Welcome!" he said. Lukashenko remarked that Belarusian microchips might be a little larger, but they were in no way inferior in terms of quality and reliability.






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Listening to a report on Radio Ulster from Ukraine about increased military aid including "night vision goggles and radar jammers", which I initially heard as "radar pyjamas", which could be handy when I'm stumbling about in the dark in the middle of the night heading to the bathroom.

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On 01/05/2022 at 19:55, Day of the Lords said:
On 01/05/2022 at 19:34, Kenneth840 said:

No it isn't, you moonhowling, genital-inspecting clown.

This is without doubt the most accurate and best insult, I’ve ever read on this fine forum. 

Also, the Putin cancer rumours have been around for a while. Apparently the invasion was to be his Lenin/Stalin legacy defining monent.  

Edited by MONKMAN
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