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Russian invasion of Ukraine


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In a development likely to add to tensions in Washington, London and EU capitals, Russia and India’s trade ministers said on Monday the two countries were in talks to strike a free trade deal.

Two sovereign states on the other side of the world doing a trade deal and the usual suspects are buckling themselves. 

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This is really just Twitter shite and translates into very little of material consequence. Perhaps a minor amount of extra private donations are solicited off the back of these videos but that'll be it. It's really just fan service for Americans. Anyway, the top right of the screen for the duration of that video clip features the flag of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, who were abbreviated as UPA. The UPA, Ukrainian nationalists, spent the 1940s murdering as many innocent people as they could. Among their victims were the Poles of Volhynia and Eastern Galicia with between 50 000 and 100 000 of them slaughtered by the UPA in 1943 - 1945. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massacres_of_Poles_in_Volhynia_and_Eastern_Galicia


Most of the victims were women and children. Many of the Polish victims, regardless of age or gender, were tortured before being killed; some of the methods included rape, dismemberment or immolation, among others.

My principle is that all responsibility for the reaction of the invaded to their invasion rests with the invaders. So in this case, Russia and their invasion is entirely to blame for the resurrection of such historical sentiments among the people they've invaded. 

It's a very stupid look for that U24 group, though. All the comradely greetings of Slava Ukraini look a bit daft when there's a flag there honouring the massacres of Polish women and children. It remains a sore point between Poland and Ukraine with the former ruling the massacres as genocide to the latter's disagreement.

Edited by FreedomFarter
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Report on activity of Russian 'ghost' ships, which are registerd as fishing or research vessels but appear to be military in nature.


One of the vessels entered the Moray Firth last year and sailed to within 30 miles of RAF Lossiemouth.  Here is the photo of one of the crew of the 'underwater research' vessel, seems like a pretty normal looking researcher.

An armed man abroad the Russian vessel

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Footage of an engagement on the outskirts of Bakhmut.  I'll put it in spoilers as there is footage that could be upsetting or NSFW but it's just insane to watch, Ukrainian troops fighting off an attempt to storm their position, almost hand-to-hand fighting, shooting enemies feet away from them.  It's a cliche to say it's like WWI but it really is.


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4 hours ago, ICTChris said:

Report on activity of Russian 'ghost' ships, which are registerd as fishing or research vessels but appear to be military in nature.


One of the vessels entered the Moray Firth last year and sailed to within 30 miles of RAF Lossiemouth.  Here is the photo of one of the crew of the 'underwater research' vessel, seems like a pretty normal looking researcher.

An armed man abroad the Russian vessel

Back in my Navy days any trip up North would see us escorted by fishing boats that were covered in more aerials than the BT Tower - they'd pick up anything that went overboard including our rubbish which back in those days just got chucked over the side

Would've been mostly empty beer cans tbf

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42 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

Like something out of Starship Troopers:

come and join a human wave attack at Bakhmut and get vivisected by Ukrainian machine gun fire.

Aye, but you get £500 a week, 3-4 times the average wage!

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On 19/04/2023 at 11:35, welshbairn said:

It's unsurprising that they've recruited brutes who are brutalised even more and behave brutishly.

The Russians don't seem to realise that rather than merely terrifying their opponents into submission,it just motivates them to fight harder and more desperately than they otherwise might

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38 minutes ago, highlandcowden said:

It's unsurprising that they've recruited brutes who are brutalised even more and behave brutishly.

The Russians don't seem to realise that rather than merely terrifying their opponents into submission,it just motivates them to fight harder and more desperately than they otherwise might

After the War ends those brutes which survive will be walking Russia's streets. Hm! Wise move or not for ordinary Russian folk?


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