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2022 Scottish Local Elections 5th May ** Official Match Thread**


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2 minutes ago, Day of the Lords said:

This doesn't explain how having Alba Councillors elected helps in any way shape or form.

Independence would be tremendous, but it's not going to be aided by moonhowlers obsessing over GRA, led by a guy that half the nation thinks is a monumental creep that can barely muster 2% of the vote. 

You are correct. 

It doesn't help Scotland either. 

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4 minutes ago, Kenneth840 said:

My strategy for an Independent Scotland would be recall all our MPs from Westminster, team up with our MSPs from Holyrood (Got to remember they are all supposed to be pro indy parties, SNP and Greens) dissolve the union and then, ONLY THEN, hold a referendum.  Any sooner then westminster controls it. 

What would you do when the Tories, Labour and LibDem MP's and MSP's ignore this call?

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5 hours ago, Kenneth840 said:

And the council elections have passed.  

How much closer to Independence are we now?  Results are still the same as before, and before anyone goes (yawn) it is a local election, explain how much closer we have got to Independence. 

People have had a public expression that the noisy weirdos on social media are a tiny irrelevance and they can vote for independence without fear that we might end up as a Celtic Chechnya. 

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2 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

What would you do when the Tories, Labour and LibDem MP's and MSP's ignore this call?

Not sure it matters what they think.  It only takes a nation to decide.  Might be helpful if the English government agreed to it, but in the end it is not their decision to make.  

It is our choice.

We decide. 

I agree with the Rangers, WE ARE THE PEOPLE,

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19 minutes ago, Kenneth840 said:

My strategy for an Independent Scotland would be recall all our MPs from Westminster, team up with our MSPs from Holyrood (Got to remember they are all supposed to be pro indy parties, SNP and Greens) dissolve the union and then, ONLY THEN, hold a referendum.  Any sooner then westminster controls it. 

Genius. This plan worked wonders for the free and independent nation state of Catalunya

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[mention=15829]Day of the Lords[/mention] greeny seeking has been successful, there is no denying that.  Thing is that Alba are not genital inspectors.  Fucking weirdo thinks there will be someone at the door inspecting knickers!!  Ha Ha Ha, more fool Dottled and the like for imagining that.  Ones for the watching indeed. 
I want an Independent Scotland.  You wish to remain in the Union.  With dottled c***s like this the union is always winning.  Dottled people and their like can't even see the damage that is being done to Scotland.  Or maybe they do and turn a blind eye thinking it is for the greater good.  7 years have shown nothing, I have no faith that another 7 years will produce results.  Keep dreaming dottled ones. 
It's rare that I'll post in this section of the forum. But I'll lay my personal opinion out to give maybe a different perspective, I'm sure I'm not the only one with this or a similar point of view.

I'm generally in favour of independence. I normally vote for independence supporting parties. But if independence was dependent on me voting Alba whilst they are standing people with views I find abhorrent (like Alex Arthur for an example), then f**k independence. I get that for people like you it's that important, but to me it's not important enough to sell out my morals and give people like him even 5 minutes of political support.

So whilst your blaming others for being devisive and ruining the chance of independence, then also be aware that the people you are supporting are also devisive and possibly turning others away from supporting independence.

Before you reply, please consider that I don't want you to try and convince me that Alba are misrepresented. I don't care if you think I'm not seeing the bigger picture, or even care if you think I'm an idiot or some kind of quisling. Just giving you a personal point of view.
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1 minute ago, Kenneth840 said:

Not sure it matters what they think.  It only takes a nation to decide.  Might be helpful if the English government agreed to it, but in the end it is not their decision to make.  

It is our choice.

We decide. 

I agree with the Rangers, WE ARE THE PEOPLE,

At least half the nation don't agree with you though, so if they thought it was a phony referendum stitched up by the pro independence parties they wouldn't take part, so it would have no validity, domestically or internationally. 

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4 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

At least half the nation don't agree with you though, so if they thought it was a phony referendum stitched up by the pro independence parties they wouldn't take part, so it would have no validity, domestically or internationally. 

And your solution is?...

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1 minute ago, Kenneth840 said:

Catalunya is different. Check out Spains constituition.   

So when Scotland claims UDI how would it be any different? What would be the major differences that would see the rest of the world recognising Scotland when they haven't recognised Catalunya, Western Sahara, Kashmir, etc...

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29 minutes ago, Kenneth840 said:

My strategy for an Independent Scotland would be recall all our MPs from Westminster, team up with our MSPs from Holyrood (Got to remember they are all supposed to be pro indy parties, SNP and Greens) dissolve the union and then, ONLY THEN, hold a referendum.  Any sooner then westminster controls it. 


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1 minute ago, Kenneth840 said:

And your solution is?...

Westminster's falling apart, the last decade has shown it. Provide a solid plan for independence including currency and the other awkward stuff Salmond didn't bother working out before 2014, get maximum support for the SNP for the next GE and demand a referendum as the price of supporting whichever party needs it for a Westminster majority when it happens, it will be close.

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10 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Westminster's falling apart, the last decade has shown it. Provide a solid plan for independence including currency and the other awkward stuff Salmond didn't bother working out before 2014, get maximum support for the SNP for the next GE and demand a referendum as the price of supporting whichever party needs it for a Westminster majority when it happens, it will be close.

It is on you then and the SNP.  

Dont think Labour will support us though. 

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13 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Westminster's falling apart, the last decade has shown it. Provide a solid plan for independence including currency and the other awkward stuff Salmond didn't bother working out before 2014, get maximum support for the SNP for the next GE and demand a referendum as the price of supporting whichever party needs it for a Westminster majority when it happens, it will be close.

8 years to sort out the awkward stuff. 

Demand a referendum from who? 7

Labour wont back it 

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1 minute ago, Kenneth840 said:

Do you have a plan?

Please tell.

The current one isnt working. 

The current one hasn't yet been carried out. I accept and indeed share the frustrations of the microscopically small number of folk in the Alba gang but just assembling the Avengers and declaring DISSOLVE THE UNION isn't going to cut it.  

FWIW I reckon the SNP will put forward legislation reasonably soon, it will get challenged in court and win or lose we'll know where we we stand and either hold a referendum in 2023 or go into the 2024 GE with the knowledge that UK is no longer a voluntary union and the price of a Starmer coalition would be an S30.

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1 minute ago, williemillersmoustache said:

The current one hasn't yet been carried out. I accept and indeed share the frustrations of the microscopically small number of folk in the Alba gang but just assembling the Avengers and declaring DISSOLVE THE UNION isn't going to cut it.  

FWIW I reckon the SNP will put forward legislation reasonably soon, it will get challenged in court and win or lose we'll know where we we stand and either hold a referendum in 2023 or go into the 2024 GE with the knowledge that UK is no longer a voluntary union and the price of a Starmer coalition would be an S30.


The SNP had the chance already, they actively went against deciding if it could be held without westminster permission.  Read about the Keatings case, the SNP actually stood against Scottish Independence there.  

You dont have to believe me, but the SNP is destroying Scotland. 

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