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Top Gun:Maverick


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It's everything the first film was but still superb in it's own right, yeah there is a large element of, like the first film the plot essentially being 'AMERICA....f**k YEAH'......


......but it's well known that will be the under current and hidden rhetoric to the movie, it's a hugely enjoyable and sentimental two hours, for someone who was about 10 years old when the first film came out and is a huge movie fan it's manna from heaven for the likes of me.

One wee tip for those swithering about whether to watch it at the cinema or wait for it to appear on SKY or Netflix etc, go and see it on the big screen, the surround sound for the action sequences and the fighter jet 'whooshes' etc need the cinematic effect to be appreciated fully. 

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I saw this yesterday and here's my longish take on it.

It's pure nostalgia and undiluted fan service. If you loved the original movie then this will hit all the right notes for you. There's the bike, the bar, the opening credit sequence and there's very, very fast aeroplanes. In a world of boring CGI this film is a throwback to edge of your seat practical effects. In that respect this is a pure Tom Cruise action movie. You get the sense that he is actually flying and that it's risky (although he isn't, but you get the drift). The action scenes are an absolute joy, and as posters have said above, watch it in cinemas, or IMAX  you can. Maverick is still cocky, but a bit more humble. He doesn't want promotion. He's a pure pilot. He's poked at for being "just a captain" but he wears the jacket comfortably. 

When we see things that we remember from childhood we get a surge of dopamine. This is relevant because this film is full of nostalgic beats that feel very manipulative and actually get in the way of the story. A lot of the high praise for this movie come from people for whom the original movie (or movies like it from that period) mean a great deal. The nostalgic dopamine wave means that parts of the movie that were actually really poor, are ignored. The sheer relief that Maverick wasn't Skywalkered I think overrides the desire to critically evaluate a film whose dialogue sounded like it was written by a 10 year old. There's a scene with Ice Man (great to see Val Kilmer again) that should carry weight, but the dialogue is "live, laugh, love" levels of quality. The dialogue throughout the whole movie is terrible actually.

There's an entire plot involving one of the pilots who has a link with Maverick's past. It takes up the whole movie and, I felt, got in the way of developing the other characters. It was a sub plot straight out of a telenovella and it felt like an insult to the intelligence at times.. 

The casting is great though. Jennifer Connelly is becoming more beautiful as she ages, which is some going as she was a stunner as a younger woman too. She plays Penny with warmth and humour. The chemistry between her and Cruise is great. I would liked to have seen that relationship develop more tbh. The young pilots are brilliantly cast too, and Miles Teller is a fine young actor. The time dedicated to the relationship between Maverick and Rooster means that these pilots are just undeveloped side characters who get little in the way of an arc. it's a real shame.

The action scenes, as I said, are absolutely wonderful. The first time Maverick is out flying with the new young squad had me punching the air in delight. It's brilliant and hugely satisfying.

Overall I give this 6/10. 

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I'm not a big fan of cinemas. I'm not even much of a movie fan but I was buzzing all day yesterday to see this last night at the local cinema. 

I thought it was brilliant. I'm not going to go in to any depth right now as I don't want to spoil it for those still to see it but my main take is this was a prequel to another TopGun film to be released in the next few years with the main characters being Rooster and Hangman 

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17 hours ago, FK1Bairn said:

my main take is this was a prequel to another TopGun film to be released in the next few years with the main characters being Rooster and Hangman 

I'd be surprised tbh. I can't see how they could do that whilst keeping the plot centered around what TOPGUN actually is for.

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We had a rare child free night so my wife wanted to go to the cinema and see this.  Second time this week for me, but I was happy to see it again.  As good the second time round as the first.  Genuinely the best film I've seen for ages.  Total feel good cheese. 

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On 04/06/2022 at 17:25, Clown Job said:

Loved it 

I did notice the “bad guys” had no nationality, I’m guessing that’s so it can be released worldwide 

Rooster must be in his 40’s though 

I think they've been deliberately vague on how much time has supposedly passed since the first film.

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On 06/06/2022 at 09:01, KnightswoodVanBear said:

I think they've been deliberately vague on how much time has supposedly passed since the first film.

Apart from the bit the bar owner lassie mentioned that mav got papped out to iraq both times, as if she meant both wars over there

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15 hours ago, Clown Job said:

I hate how people can’t just enjoy things 

Maybe it’s me but I didn’t get any pro America  or pro military propaganda in the film 


I thought it was a great film and very entertaining but there is no doubt it is exactly the sort of film that the Pentagon would have approved of.

It makes joining the military look glamorous and fun.  Nothing like Full Metal Jacket.  Nothing like Saving Private Ryan.  Nothing like A Few Good Men.  Have fun flying around in fast planes and drinking beer with cool people.  Maverick is a maverick and he is the best of the best of the best of the best - slightly rebellious but in a good way.

It is possible to laugh at how corny it is but still enjoy it all the same.

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Have watched it the night with family


SPOILER WARNINGS AHEAD, id spoiler tag but tbqfh its a bit of a loose excuse for a plot anyway and relatively predictable; most of the plot really just serves to set up fun set pieces



Ok, so caveat aside - even if you get it spoiled for you beat by beat, its probably not going to ruin any enjoyment from going to see it, if its the type of thing you like. Im on my phone so will try to bullet point it.

Stuff i didnt like:

- Starting the movie with Dangerzone. I get its a tricky choice where to play it but i really really would rather they kept it to when they took off in the F-14. Would have been a more satisfying payoff imo, but maybe too on the nose even for this.

- As above posters have mentioned, the other side characters didnt quite have enough to do.

 Stuff i liked:

- if you're going to pander, pander. :lol: old porsche's, the motorcycle, flashbacks to the first film, a p51 mustang, an f-14, great balls of fire, dangerzone, CHAFF flares. Its all there.

- if you're going to suspend disbelief... suspend disbelief. Maverick surviving a mach 10+ ejection, maverick AND goose 2.0 getting hit with missiles and ejecting and living, maverick and goose 2.0 getting saved twice at the last possible second, an utterly ridiculous mission concept thats Blackadder Goes Forth levels of military insanity, Why Didnt They Just Tomahawk The Death Star Vents From The Cruiser?, Ed Harris is right and drones would make more sense (but i think the point of his character is just getting in front of it) At first i was questioning it a little but maybe the mantra repeated through the film "dont think bro, just do" is also aimed at the audience. Once you start to roll with it its *corny alert* a rollercoaster of cool high speed low altitude flying and the right kind of cheese. I enjoyed the ride.

- relatively funny too, without being a Marvel quipfest. "I dunno what those signals mean Maverick" "yeah i have no idea either", jennifer connelly having a bit of fun with him in the bar at the start, teller and cruise out of breath in the forest... A good few chuckles in the cinema throughout, perfect for the tone.

- Finally: i dont quite think its intended to be full on propaganda. No countries or ethnicitys are mentioned. It feels more like a film like Balboa, or Trainspotting 2 perhaps; the setups are ridiculous but its more just akin to some of the newer rocky movies conceit and playing with it (in this case "old retired champ takes on young modern star, who would win?" = "could an F-14 still fight modern aircraft and win with a great pilot") and imo the whole film builds to them jumping in the cockpit of an old f-14 for the climax. Having a fully fuelled, fully armed f-14 as the only aircraft untouched from the missile strike handy for both pilots to jump into? f**k it, why not?

8/10 from me. Agree with the other poster earlier too, jennifer connelly is still a wid.

Edited by Thistle_do_nicely
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Saw it on Saturday. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Did exactly what it said on the tin :) 

Loving the absolute (supposed) pinnacle of aviation technology relying on a 10 quid casio display from Aldi to tell you what the mach no is :lol: 

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