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Dog Kills Man

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8 minutes ago, Lurkst said:

Over 200 breeds of dog in the UK. Yet the XL Bully is responsible for 43% of attacks on humans this year.

Yep nothing to see here, move along...


Tones of "yes, I voted for the face-eating leopard party, but I didn't think my neighbours' faces would be eaten" in some of the reaction to this long overdue public safety measure.


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I'm very much on the side of banning a specific breed of dog won't work long twrm and that it's down to the owner rather than the pet itself but the XL Bully is a fairly modern breed and it's absolutely clear why they've been bred into existence.

I'm glad the government have seen sense and won't just cull the dog but I'm totally on board with registering, muzzling and neutering these dogs. It just begs the question what the next one to be targeted and owned by arseholes will be... my bet is on the Cane Corso. 

They should be slapping a ban on Pugs whilst they're at it for cruelty against animals.

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2 hours ago, Ludo*1 said:

It just begs the question what the next one to be targeted and owned by arseholes will be... my bet is on the Cane Corso.

Pure-breed Cane’s are too expensive, and the owners work hard to keep them that way. The answer is yet another mutt/mix, probably chosen for a variety of colors/shapes/sizes, making it harder to identify to ban. It’s like the never ending fight against synthetic drugs, you ban this, they change an ingredient and you now have to ban that too. It’s just on a longer timescale with dogs.

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It's eye opening to see just how many people don't want these killing machines banned because "my killing machine is a big softie and hasn't killed anyone yet because I'm such a good owner".

It's such a warped mentality to actively want to place others (as long as you don't know them, of course) in potential harms way just to continue to have something you can use to keep telling yourself you are such a better dog owner than others.

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12 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

It's eye opening to see just how many people don't want these killing machines banned because "my killing machine is a big softie and hasn't killed anyone yet because I'm such a good owner".

It's such a warped mentality to actively want to place others (as long as you don't know them, of course) in potential harms way just to continue to have something you can use to keep telling yourself you are such a better dog owner than others.

It's basically the UK's version of the US' gun lobby.

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19 hours ago, Richey Edwards said:

All dogs are communal. Let them run free.

They do in Thailand, and we do have our tragic 'death by dogs' and many bites.  However, dogs are dogs here. Not a pampered animal and it knows it's place in the society...When they step out of line, they'll know about it. With no fucks given by the owner, they know the rules.

Your dog protects your house and family, that's its job. If it does that, it gets fed.

They can run free and shag all day and night, and they mostly do that.  They are beneath humans in the hierarchy.  At no point should they or their owners think any differently. 


FFS look at this eyes it next meal


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1 hour ago, SlipperyP said:

They can run free and shag all day and night

... and most of the time they'll appear quite alright,

But when a doggy curls up to you all nice and tight,

Watch out for its teeth 'cause the bast*rd might bite.

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On 16/09/2023 at 12:05, Ludo*1 said:

It just begs the question what the next one to be targeted and owned by arseholes will be... my bet is on the Cane Corso. 

My guess would be a Presa Canario or something similar.

I have owned, and still do, own large dogs. The history of what the dog breed was used for definitely comes out in the traits of dogs today. XL Bully's have Pitbull ancestry within them, used for baiting and bloodsport, this definitely comes out in the XL Bully's you see going round today and why there's been so many attacks. These dogs need such strong attentive handlers that your average ned is not going to be. When we had our Rottweiler, Roxy, she was an absolutely perfect, loving family dog. But she needed strict training as a pup, one thing we never trained her to do was guard, it was just a trait and instinct that her breed possessed, she did it naturally. Which is why these XL Bully's will attack, without warning, it's in their nature. Ava, our current big dog, a Great Dane X Bullmastiff, has the lap dog traits of a Great Dane and the playful nature of the Bullmastiff. Which when jumping about the place can lead to a wrecked house! But we obviously don't train her to be like this, it's just the way they are.

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6 hours ago, Hedgecutter said:

It's basically the UK's version of the US' gun lobby.

Exactly what I was thinking.

1 hour ago, GNU_Linux said:

Bully XL sounds like an alternate name for Bully Scholarship Edition.

Itsounds more like an Energy Drink brand to me.

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I used to know a boy whose family owned one of these things when I was younger. I tried to avoid interacting with it at all costs. Not because I was intimidated, as such, but just because I was genuinely a bit taken aback by just how catastrophically ugly a dog it was. I wouldn't be against a ban. 

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