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The years of discontent, 2022/23


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4 hours ago, SweeperDee said:

I do realise this; it’s an ideal situation proposal. I find it funny when folk say the SG should raise income tax but when we can only raise it so much it wouldn’t be enough but they’d still be seen as “raising income tax” which is rarely a vote winner.

Cutting public services seems to be popular though.

Something drastic does need to happen, and something a bit more “outside of the box” needs to happen other than preaching Tory rhetoric like “the only way this can happen is through cutting the public sector and taxing the f**k out of nurses”.

Posturing about windfall taxes that the SG cannot do, and pretending that there are no consequences to service provision by giving inflation-matching pay hikes all round doesn't actually address the problem though. That's just another form of empty rhetoric.  

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That's paramedics going on strike.
People absolutely will die because of this. Is it really worth it for a few extra quid?
Is anyone willing to accept the death of a loved one as a price worth paying to get these people a slightly higher pay rise?

Indeed. If it's just a "slightly higher pay rise" it's a no brainer to award it rather than risk people dying ;)
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11 hours ago, oaksoft said:

TBH, this thread is slowly pushing me towards a view that maybe we do need to tighten the rules on who can strike.

If the police are not allowed to strike, maybe there should also be a ban on those involved in critical health service provision such as nurses, paramedics and firefighters. I'm starting to have some sympathy for that view because what is happening right now is an abuse of the right to strike. I also wonder whether there should also be limits on how much disruption teaching and lecturing staff should be able to impose on our young people. I think this is going to be the inevitable end result of all this disruption and frankly the unions will have nobody but themselves and their members to blame.

Police officers and prison officers cannot strike. The reasons are obvious here - if the police were not working for even a night there would be riots, looting and so on. 

Extending this to other areas is just wrong though. The right to strike is essential. If this right is taken away from paramedics and lecturers (!?) then employers can simply impose ever worse conditions. Below inflation wage rises, eroded pensions, more workload, less security - why would you want this?

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4 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

Police officers and prison officers cannot strike. The reasons are obvious here - if the police were not working for even a night there would be riots, looting and so on. 

Extending this to other areas is just wrong though. The right to strike is essential. If this right is taken away from paramedics and lecturers (!?) then employers can simply impose ever worse conditions. Below inflation wage rises, eroded pensions, more workload, less security - why would you want this?

When do you start striking?

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Below inflation wage rises, eroded pensions, more workload, less security - why would you want this?

The Tories have done a right number on some folk - "Know your place, drones".

FWIW, I think this is an excellent time for Nurses and Teachers to be bartering for better working conditions. If there's no money available (apparently) then the Unions should be saying they'll accept that bullshit but we want to get these conditions sorted.

My experience from my wife's work (district nurse) is that it's not the pay that's the issue as such, it's the workload. They're being landed with shite that's an OT/Physio/Mental Health Nurse's job and yet they're expected to do it. One lassie even left nursing completely as it's not what she signed up for with the added workload. The managers seem to be allowed to impose what they want as well. The latest being they will be doing spot car searches; I'm not even sure that's legal. But she comes home regularly saying the management has imposed stuff and I tell her there's no chance they'd get away with it in my work without the Union at the very least discussing it.

If a job is shit, being paid more money to do it won't change your mood or motivation. Better working conditions is what they should be fighting for just now IMO and it may well encourage folk to go back to these professions.
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"Some bad folk on the internet said things I disagree with so I'm pretending to turn Tory, even though I was all along, as I inexplicably think that my act is fooling people and that no one recalls the shit I've posted in the past."

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What is needed here is give and take on both sides but right now it's all one side.

You're absolutely right it's all one sided here and that's why the workers are deciding enough is enough. I don't think the RCN has ever had a vote to strike and from what I can see it's been about 30 years since the paramedics did as well - not much give and take there but were you bumping your gums then? Now they finally stand up and say enough is enough, folk like you have the audacity to come away with shite like "it's all one side"? Behave yourself.
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51 minutes ago, 19QOS19 said:










FWIW, I think this is an excellent time for Nurses and Teachers to be bartering for better working conditions. If there's no money available (apparently) then the Unions should be saying they'll accept that bullshit but we want to get these conditions sorted.

My experience from my wife's work (district nurse) is that it's not the pay that's the issue as such, it's the workload. They're being landed with shite that's an OT/Physio/Mental Health Nurse's job and yet they're expected to do it. One lassie even left nursing completely as it's not what she signed up for with the added workload. The managers seem to be allowed to impose what they want as well. The latest being they will be doing spot car searches; I'm not even sure that's legal. But she comes home regularly saying the management has imposed stuff and I tell her there's no chance they'd get away with it in my work without the Union at the very least discussing it.

If a job is shit, being paid more money to do it won't change your mood or motivation. Better working conditions is what they should be fighting for just now IMO and it may well encourage folk to go back to these professions.









Your overall point re: workload is absolutely sound. But if workload is the issue, because there is no money to employ additional resources, demanding stonking pay rises will do little to help ease that workload.

Clearly the pool of money available isn't enough. I don't think anyone is disputing that. And that's before even considering any pay increases. No-one, however, seems willing to stick their head above the parapet and state which services should be cut and/or which taxes should be raised to increase the size of that pool.

"bUt wHaT aBouT tEh BaNKeRs?1" isn't a helpful response either, as that isn't anything to do with the SG

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25 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

Your overall point re: workload is absolutely sound. But if workload is the issue, because there is no money to employ additional resources, demanding stonking pay rises will do little to help ease that workload.

Clearly the pool of money available isn't enough. I don't think anyone is disputing that. And that's before even considering any pay increases. No-one, however, seems willing to stick their head above the parapet and state which services should be cut and/or which taxes should be raised to increase the size of that pool.

"bUt wHaT aBouT tEh BaNKeRs?1" isn't a helpful response either, as that isn't anything to do with the SG

What about Diversity Officers?

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