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The Queen of the South thread

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See Mitch Megginson has joined Raith, they seem to be getting a good looking squad together.

They seem to still have the same problem in that I don't see where they are going to get goals from to improve.

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They seem to still have the same problem in that I don't see where they are going to get goals from to improve.

Very True. We always seem to look like a good team preseason. But we don't seem to score as many goals as we should do, if we want to challenge at the top. Hopefully Vaughan and Stewarts incredible partnership towards the end of last season carries on and we get a wee glimpse of something special like you did with the Reilly/Lyle partnership. Only time will tell.
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Not really much of note in there. We payed some compensation for Skelton, but given the level he was at it will have been minimal.

My thoughts exactly. I was expecting something of note!

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Well maybe swithering about moving from a part-time English 7th level side to a Scottish 2nd level full-time setup was worth fretting about, it would put me off hiring him.

Yes why would you want anyone who showed a bit of loyalty to current employer.

I`d much rather have someone who had the maturity to weigh up all the relevant issues.

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When I interview people, I look into their eyes, if I see any doubts, they don't get hired.

Successful at a lower level, young, keen to improve and trusted by the manager.

That plus will have contacts in Scotland and North of England.

Time will tell but sounds a decent appointment to me.

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