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Some P&J journo confirms that Terry Dunfield* has signed until the end of the season. He was at Oldham for a brief spell earlier this year.

*Midfielder apparently. Mixed reviews from Toronto fans on teh internet ("he's shit" but he's like Chuck Norris and his middle name is "Fucking") but the general consensus is that for what he lacks in ability he more than makes up for with his work rate and desire to run through a brick wall for the team. Sounds like a Kettlewell "replacement". Hopefully he's, quality-wise at least, similar to our last Canadian.

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Quinn out long term it would seem (hip surgery) and Brittain shorter term (foot surgery), McIntyre obviously didn't think we had suitable cover?

And Irvine would be missing the Celtic game as well, leaving County with Kiss and one or two of:



Development Squad players who can play in centre midfield

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We wanted to sign Martin Woods last season, but Steven Anderson got injured and we couldn't afford Woods and defensive cover so we didn't offer him anything. Be interested to see how he gets on tbh, but he does has a bit on an injury problem hanging over him

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Jesus f**k, and County fans get uppity when anyone questions the amount of players that come in, its a constant stream of transfers

I think you'll find that we've spent most of this season shaking our heads at the activity this summer and the sheer volume of players that have been signed since promotion. I made a post earlier in this thread with all transfer activity from promotion (so the end of the 11/12 season) to this summer. I can now update it:

Ross Tokely

Gary Glen

Martin Scott [loan]

Mihael Kovacevic

Jon Bateson

Mark Brown

Mark Fotheringham

Ivan Sproule

Andre Hainault

Steffen Wohlfarth

Evangelos Oikonmou [x2]

Branislav Micic

Paul Gallacher

Graham Carey

Kevin Luckassen

Marc Klok

Darren Maatsen

Melvin De Leeuw

Ben Gordon

Brian McLean

Steven Saunders

Erik Cikos [loan]

Yann Songo'o [loan]

Orhan Mustafi [loan]

Filip Kiss [loan x2]

Michael Tidser [loan]

Jordan Slew [loan]

Yoann Arquin

Jordi Balk

Joe Cardle

Tim Dreesen

Ben Frempah

Uros Celcer

Antonio Reguero

Jake Jervis

Liam Boyce

Rosario Latouchent

Jim Fenlon

Jackson Irvine [loan]

Michael Gardyne [loan]

Darren Barr

Lewis Toshney

Martin Woods

That list doesn't include Terry Dunfield or Paul Quinn.

Of course, McIntyre might well argue that he isn't responsible for any of the summer transfer window signings and that he doesn't rate them, therefore he needs to bring in his own players.

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Some (like me tbh) got uppity at the accusations of the amounts of money involved and budgets in place. I think the majority view the level of player turnover as the result of a poor signing policy, destabilising, mental, or all 3.

January will be interesting to see who gets binned, with next Summer more so. We all really want a trim, balanced squad of settled players, and some decent youths gettin opportunities. The board and Jim MacIntyre made all the right noises about that being the future, really hoping so...

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Who will be out the door though?

Fenlon, Celcer and Dreeson would be the obvious choices.

Yes, yes, and yes. You may also see Balk & Ross go out on loan.

Edited by Spain
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