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1 hour ago, RiG said:

Impressed that so many of our fans seem to think that the likes of Draper, Mckay and Tansey should have turned County down just because they (used to) play for ICT.

I don't seem to remember too many County fans being seething about Don Cowie going over the bridge. On the other hand Steve Hislop got lots of grief but that was as much just how he acted (which was entertaining but definitely got folk mad). Maybe County fans were raging back then and I just missed it by not knowing about fan forums yet.

Just how shit goes when one team in a rivalry does better than another but I suppose there's always got to be slatherers in a football fanbase. 

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On 1/8/2018 at 16:12, bpdon said:

Tansey hasn’t been even close to good for us anytime he has played - weak, clumsy, and ponderous mostly.

He is also struggling with injuries so I am genuinely surprised this loan has gone through because it doesn’t seem like the type of signing County need.

Way to encourage and lift our spirits, bpdon

Tansey is also an East of Scotland farming name for Ragwort, a notifiable weed, fwiw.

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Wow it's quiet, I know there's still over two weeks to go but for a team languishing at the bottom of the table and in desperate need of defenders it's too quiet for my liking. 

Had anyone itk heard of any one up training with the squad even?

What exactly is the issue between OC and O'Brien, does our best midfielder have a future or are we going to strengthen a rival again? 

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Considering other leagues aren't on a winter break, I'd be surprised if we signed a raft of players on loan or the like before the weekend. There's no incentive or rush for either party to get deals done until training on Tuesday.

JOB won't play for County again by the sound of things, and it's not an issue between him and Coyle so there's no point blaming him for it. It's also quite concerning to think that a man who is incapable of tackling can be considered our best midfielder.

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According to Coyle’s interview in the P&J today , Tansey was his first target. It also appears from his comments that neither Tansey or Draper are fully fit, which might explain Drapers irregular appearances, but I’m not sure having somebody who isn’t fit as your first target is a great plan.

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27 minutes ago, frankthetank22 said:

He quite clearly has been our best midfielder though and his influence on those playing around him has been sorely missed imo.

He has, but that says more about the squad than it does about JOB. This is comfortably the worst and most unbalanced squad we've had since the Jim Fenlon, Tim Dreesen etc. days. Granted they were considerably worse, but it's the worst we've had since then.

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2 hours ago, Spain said:

Considering other leagues aren't on a winter break, I'd be surprised if we signed a raft of players on loan or the like before the weekend. There's no incentive or rush for either party to get deals done until training on Tuesday.

JOB won't play for County again by the sound of things, and it's not an issue between him and Coyle so there's no point blaming him for it. It's also quite concerning to think that a man who is incapable of tackling can be considered our best midfielder.

Jim O'Brien never really merited a two-year deal.  He added a real spark when he first signed, but he's been living off that reputation for a while.  I'd go so far as to say County have never really replaced Lawson or Vigurs.   The threaded through ball goal has all but disappeared for a while.  I really hope Tansey can play a pass, because neither Draper or Chow is really that kind of player.  

Iain Vigurs is precisely the player this team needs.

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I disagree, O'Brien was good for a two-year deal.  I think he's well placed for being the more attacking of the midfield three.  He can't tackle but he can press and cause a nuisance of himself, and his speed of thought is excellent.  I think it's a shame he's due to be jettisoned, but as rumours go it's not Coyle's fault.

Tansey does seem like a signing by the board rather than Coyle, but if Coyle suggests he was his first target then fair enough - it's clear to me that Tansey is an upgrade on Routis at the back of the midfield three, and it's been obvious from day 1 that Coyle prefers to have a playmaker there rather than a destroyer.

The next few signings are key: centre-back, left-back, winger with pace, powerful centre-forward.

Richard Wilson hypothesises signing targets by Coyle, but I imagine they're all free agents and he could have already tried for them.  Having said that, David N'Gog is definitely the answer :thumsup2


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12 minutes ago, bunglebonce said:

Richard Wilson hypothesises signing targets by Coyle, but I imagine they're all free agents and he could have already tried for them.  Having said that, David N'Gog is definitely the answer :thumsup2


If you're looking for a take that is  consistently wrong then that guy's yer man. At least he's consistent though.

Very much enjoyed the kicking he took from Dundee fans pointing out that he couldn't be more wrong if he tried about theirs and that the players he rated are, to a man, the players the fans want rid of because they're pish.

Edited by capt_oats
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3 hours ago, Spain said:

This is comfortably the worst and most unbalanced squad we've had 

In previous windows we've worried about losing the likes of Irvine and Boyce. This January, meh. Bar Naismith and DKD I'm not bothered about anyone departing.

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2 hours ago, bunglebonce said:

Always had you as a Staggie, @capt_oats


Is Richard Wilson connected to that two point one (or whatever) project?  The head blogger from that went off on a very long twitter rant on my timeline (for some reason) after I made a joke about a train delay in Partick, which he thought was about his website thing.  There seems to be a few very highly strung Scottish football journalists.

And it does need to be repeated; David N'Gog.  

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