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Rest in Peace Scottish football

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3 minutes ago, Bogbrush1903 said:

Allegiances aside, I feel that's a ridiculous price to ask fans to pay especially with the current state of affairs in the country.

The club will say that if it sells out then they have their prices set correctly (or maybe even too low) but we know that they're taking advantage of the all-important aspect of football fandom, 'loyalty', alongside, of course, the prestige of the tournament and opponents.

I know that they sell the Euro group season ticket for precisely this reason but there's a fair chance you'll be paying £58 (a third of the total price) for a dead rubber.



Completely agree. I’d have been a bit sour at paying £150 but £174 is taking the piss.

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The vast majority of football fans globally, certainly those that attend games, will support a team that will seldom ever win anything.

I think you just learn to adjust your expectations based on reality.

As a Dons fans that lived through the glory days as a youngster, that has taken some amount of adjusting over the years - but I can comfortably now regard top 4, winning through a couple of European qualifiers and getting to the latter stages of cups as solid performance.

Achievement will be top three (again now - was top two a few years ago), winning another trophy (esp. Scottish Cup this time) and qualifying for European groups, which in theory should be a bit easier now (just in time for Hearts to benefit, despite us winning 13 ties to their 1 in the past decade !).

It is also fun to give either cheek a bloody nose now and again - but realistically that's all it will ever be, unless we get another liquidation event, with the other employing a slightly eccentric Norwegian as manager - and even then, we still couldn't quite take advantage for the big one, when it was maybe there for us in 2016.


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56 minutes ago, Jinky67 said:

You would probably have to win one 1st to understand how hollow it feels. Until then it’s just guesswork on your part

And Scottish Premiership titles aren’t worthless, last seasons was worth around £30 million 😉

Rangers earned pretty much the same and they finished second. And, even then, it's simply extra money that you don't need to beat teams that you'd beat anyway. 

Winning the Scottish Cup in 1995 was a better feeling than any league or cup could be now for Celtic. It's been diluted to the point of being worthless. 

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14 minutes ago, tamba_trio said:

Rangers earned pretty much the same and they finished second. And, even then, it's simply extra money that you don't need to beat teams that you'd beat anyway. 

Winning the Scottish Cup in 1995 was a better feeling than any league or cup could be now for Celtic. It's been diluted to the point of being worthless. 

Again that is your opinion but not the reality, the Scottish Cup final win in 1995 was amazing however i felt much better in 98, equally as good in 01 winning the treble, i went out of my mind when we came back in 08, the treble in 16/17 was unreal as was last season, in fact last season was as good a feeling as any i can remember.

As for needing the money well we need it to try close the gap to the teams that pump us, as much as the other clubs have the desire to close the gap on us we have gaps we want to close too and that matters to us.

But keep repeating its worthless mate, i have a lifetime of memories that i can rhyme off that mean something to me from standing in the protests against the Kellys all the way to last season and not one of them even the ones during Rangers banter years felt hollow or worthless.

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58 minutes ago, AJF said:

So I wasn’t too far off, the ticket prices range from £150-£180. Mine personally is £174 🙈

£60 quid a ticket is the max any club is allowed to charge for CL group games. That's what I'm paying for my seat in the main stand front. Bit of a pisstake really.

This is Liverpool's pricing for contrast:



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40 minutes ago, AJF said:

Completely agree. I’d have been a bit sour at paying £150 but £174 is taking the piss.

£174? I feel like i'm getting a bargain compared to that. Now also booked for Madrid which is a bucket list tie for me, can't wait 

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2 hours ago, HailHailHayley said:


Getting a wee bit bored of the personal shite though tbh boys, I get voted down for breathing & called 'thick', 'total c#nt', 'parody', 'gloryhunter', 'moron' etc etc etc for having opinions &, let's be honest here, supporting a football club which regularly pumps yours! 😅 It's always patter from me, there's no need to be so sensitive. 


If it is "patter" it's fucking awful "patter"

Honestly I suspect you get voted down for your patronising and infantile ravings TBH!

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19 hours ago, VincentGuerin said:

I think yes and no. I've got a couple of good mates who are home and away regulars at Clyde. A lot of their experience of going to the fitba seems miles more fun than being a top-flight club fan. They get to go to better grounds (in my opinion, anyway), there's a different kind of community about it, it's a bit cheaper, they get decent variety, it's generally competitive and interesting.

But this week one of them was pointing out to me that they'll never go in a group of thousands of Clyde fans to see their team at Fiorentina. They never get to go and sit in an away end at a big derby with the best part of 4,000 behind the goal at Easter Road. They don't go to cup finals with 20-odd thousand fans supporting their team etc.

I suppose the grass is always greener etc.


The appeal of being part of something far bigger than oneself is very deep in human nature.

It’s why everybody knows what year “their” club was founded. It’s why we can speak about club “legends” it’s why people still bother with the newco argument it’s why “what a shitey home support” gets sung. It’s why we have a poster called @Raidernation

of course the trade off is that the larger the crowd you attach yourself to the more insignificant in that crowd you are as an individual and the more alienating the “fan experience” will be.

You’re free to support Manchester United if you so wish but, according to Manchester United plc, so do 1.1 billion other people so does it mean anything?

The bigger the club the greater the suspension of disbelief required to feel you’re part of it and refer to it as “we”

As hearts fans we’re in the unusual  situation of having bought the club so it’s a bit easier to square that circle 


Edited by topcat(The most tip top)
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8 hours ago, tarapoa said:

The vast majority of football fans globally, certainly those that attend games, will support a team that will seldom ever win anything.

I'm not entirely sure about this to be honest. 

It won't be the case in Scotland.  Further afield, there is often less of a lower league culture than we have in the UK.

The sides that get big crowds tend to win stuff, while the sides who win stuff tend to get big crowds.

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21 hours ago, HailHailHayley said:

Diddy club fans will never, ever understand how amazing it feels to see your club winning the league, playing great football, creating history & era's, dominating your rivals, competing against (and sometimes beating) the best clubs in the world etc etc etc

It's magical being a Celtic fan. Who says the titles are hollow? You? Or the others actually spending time debating whether or not you're allowed to be happy when your team score?! GIFUY! 😂

I must admit, the sight of Neil Lennons face when Super Killie ended his treble dream at Hampden when Celtic apparently only had to turn up will remain in my Top 100 football memories. 
The thing you lot will never understand is that we have never cared who we’ve beaten to win the silverware, I mean, The Tennent Caledonian Trophy win at Ibrox in 1979 is probably the very best in my time, you simply had to be there! Goan the Diddys 

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On 28/08/2022 at 18:33, Jinky67 said:

Difference being is that 15 month old child won't really understand what Fifa is as a concept, know how to hold the controller properly, know what buttons to press, adjust tactics and instructions appropriately, which direction to shoot, what the op skill moves are etc etc etc.

Most professional footballers do at least know how to put their boots on, know who their team mates are in what direction the net to put the ball in lies.

But i don't buy the pre-determined argument, if i did then 20/21 would have been a very very different season ;)

I was being a little facetious in my post though....just a little

The reference of 20/21 season isn’t the best example to be honest to bolster your argument  . As poor as Celtic were in relative terms you still finished comfortably second . 

That is kind of the point most on the site are making . They are saying that the position of 1st and 2nd is pretty much pre determined before a ball is kicked each season . 

before it’s brought up I know we were third in 16/17 and 17/18 but we were still in basket case mode at that point

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16 hours ago, Jack_Jarvis said:

I must admit, the sight of Neil Lennons face when Super Killie ended his treble dream at Hampden when Celtic apparently only had to turn up will remain in my Top 100 football memories. 
The thing you lot will never understand is that we have never cared who we’ve beaten to win the silverware, I mean, The Tennent Caledonian Trophy win at Ibrox in 1979 is probably the very best in my time, you simply had to be there! Goan the Diddys 

I was at both but beating Celtic in 2012 was a far greater experience than winning the Tennent Caledonian Trophy (TCT) IMO.   While the circumstances of winning the TCT were hilarious it doesn't beat seeing popcorn's face at the end of the game, then listening to him moaning again. 

However the actual winning of the League Cup was the best experience in my lifetime of watching Killie, simply because to the level of the opposition, and was IMO something that old firm fans could possibly experience if they were to win a European trophy.   

They will disagree though, which they are perfectly entitled to do, with them being entitled people. 

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On 29/08/2022 at 18:55, Jinky67 said:

Again that is your opinion but not the reality, the Scottish Cup final win in 1995 was amazing however i felt much better in 98, equally as good in 01 winning the treble, i went out of my mind when we came back in 08, the treble in 16/17 was unreal as was last season, in fact last season was as good a feeling as any i can remember.

As for needing the money well we need it to try close the gap to the teams that pump us, as much as the other clubs have the desire to close the gap on us we have gaps we want to close too and that matters to us.

But keep repeating its worthless mate, i have a lifetime of memories that i can rhyme off that mean something to me from standing in the protests against the Kellys all the way to last season and not one of them even the ones during Rangers banter years felt hollow or worthless.

Maybe not worthless then, but definitely pointless. 

Newsflash: Celtic are going to win the league half the time over the rest of our lives. Rangers will win it the other half. Both sides will use each other to ramp up their fans and sell season tickets. 

At what point does it become worthless? If Celtic were beating an under 8s girls team 14-0, would we still all cheer and pretend it's normal and it's because we're great?? The league has been financially doped to such an extent that there Celtic can't have any rivalries now, with anyone other than Rangers. 


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20 hours ago, tamba_trio said:

Maybe not worthless then, but definitely pointless. 

Newsflash: Celtic are going to win the league half the time over the rest of our lives. Rangers will win it the other half. Both sides will use each other to ramp up their fans and sell season tickets. 

At what point does it become worthless? If Celtic were beating an under 8s girls team 14-0, would we still all cheer and pretend it's normal and it's because we're great?? The league has been financially doped to such an extent that there Celtic can't have any rivalries now, with anyone other than Rangers. 


That’s a pretty easy question for me to answer personally, it becomes worthless when i as a season ticket holder for 29 years decide it no longer represents value or going to the games becomes exciting.




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20 hours ago, tamba_trio said:

Maybe not worthless then, but definitely pointless. 

Newsflash: Celtic are going to win the league half the time over the rest of our lives. Rangers will win it the other half. Both sides will use each other to ramp up their fans and sell season tickets. 

At what point does it become worthless? If Celtic were beating an under 8s girls team 14-0, would we still all cheer and pretend it's normal and it's because we're great?? The league has been financially doped to such an extent that there Celtic can't have any rivalries now, with anyone other than Rangers. 


Very true and explains why Celtic didn't strengthen heavily during Rangers 'demotion' and put light years between them and their pals at Ibrox. They didn't really have to, such is the gap between them and the non-Old Firm clubs, but more pertinently they didn't want to. Celtic don't want a massive, insurmountable gap with Rangers and vice versa. This 'rivalry' is vital to them both. It is all they have. If Rangers, as they should have done, had died totally and irreversibly after liquidation then Celtic would have surely soon followed . They need each other, they are, in effect, each other. They know what they're about and TBF they deliver it very well. And, like the Tory party which they resemble so closely, a compliant and cheerleading press ensure that no divergence from the party line is given credible attention.  Happy times. !!!!


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3 hours ago, Jinky67 said:

That’s a pretty easy question for me to answer personally, it becomes worthless when i as a season ticket holder for 29 years decide it no longer represents value or going to the games becomes exciting.

that’s a tortured bit of circular logic which boils down to “I’ll deem it to be worthless if and when I deem it to be worthless”

far from being easy it’s actually recursive and paradoxical 


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On 29/08/2022 at 11:56, DMCs said:

£60 quid a ticket is the max any club is allowed to charge for CL group games. That's what I'm paying for my seat in the main stand front. Bit of a pisstake really.

This is Liverpool's pricing for contrast:



£60 would get you the cheap seats at Spurs

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1 hour ago, topcat(The most tip top) said:

£60 would get you the cheap seats at Spurs

I was incorrect. The £60 limit is only for away fans and yeah looks like a fair few of the Spurs seats will be dearer than that for the CL as they are category B.


But I'm pretty sure that makes us the 2nd most expensive tickets in the CL groups still. Chelsea's 3 match package is £135

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