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Monarchy debate/discussion

Richey Edwards

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9 minutes ago, Dons_1988 said:

Aye, I don’t want to be too tinfoil hat but it really seems like a purposeful media campaign. It is genuinely beginning to get to me so I’ve been spending plenty time watching CBeebies with my daughter instead. 

And everyone in Aberdeen supports AFC mate. Sometimes they choose to do it in a moment of private reflection at home, in the pub or at ibrox but they do. 

Don’t worry - it’s not tinfoil hat. We know they’ve been planning a media blitz for decades and updating it each year she clung to life. Most of what they’re showing has been recorded for ages so they’d have enough material to flood people’s lives with propaganda.

What we’re seeing is the fruits of years of trying to convince us we all love Charlie, too. It’s well known his team went ham on PR when he decided to actually marry Camilla - and they haven’t stopped.

We all worshipped the queen. We all worship the king. We have always worshipped the king. Even his sausage-fingered body is as sacred and revered as his mother’s corpse remains.

It basically takes a shit-ton of propaganda to successfully pull of the con that an inbred family of little talent or ability is magical, sacred, born to reign over us.



Edited by Antlion
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8 hours ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

It's a tough call... 'that's not my hand' or 'I have no recollection of ever meeting that lady and if I ever did it was only briefly and entirely inconsequential..' 

I wonder what she’ll do with her $12 million?

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Remember when the Queen asked for poverty funds to cover heating Buckingham palace only to be refused because of the huge PR backlash?

Probably not, it was hidden from the press for 6 years and since then government have enacted a law to prevent such information about the royal family ever coming out. The royal family ruthlessly guards their secrecy, it's why the media don't report on the well known affair(s) of the person now first in line to the throne.

Since the implementation of the sovereign grant 10 years ago the amount paid annually for the royals has increased from £31m to £86m per year.

They are absolutely taking the piss and have been for years.

Thankfully, I'm quite pleased that P&B and reddit seem pretty (British) Republican. It really is one of those cases where the more you know the more you oppose them.

Meanwhile if you're a gullible sycophant prone to PR campaigns you will fawn all over your 'betters'.

Edited by Satoshi
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9 hours ago, tamthebam said:

In a country where the spivs in charge are happy to abolish ancient rights and freedoms fought for and knock down perfectly serviceable solid old buildings and replace them with little boxes made of ticky tack in the pursuit of profit it's a sick joke to talk about the personification of continuity

They'd privatise the Royal Family if they could get away with it "A successful takeover bid was accepted today and Britain's head of state will now be King Elon I"

We had to sing that awful shite every week in school assembly, as part of the attempt to marry traditional hymns with modern songs that don't mention God but, when you think about it, doesn't this remind you a bit of Jesus? So, thanks for that memory.

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I don't especially mind the levels of coverage. You just think they'd try to THINK a bit more. When some 'royal historian' says some mince like 'She was the glue that held the nation together' any proper journo would ask, 'Can you explain exactly what you mean by that?'


The dog-whistle queueing in Embra is baffling and it'll be worse in ThatLondon. And this is from someone who is no rabid republican and who was quite moved by those horse riders who had lined up by the road at Peterculter. A bit of dignity and effort and organisation there.


However, back to Embra; Supporters of Scotland's most beloved 10-year-old football club are in no doubt what they think...



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The events of the past few days have been fucking depressing, mind-blowing and worrying all in one. 

I can't tell which is worse...the faux grief or the actual real grief. 

I can't believe that we live in a society where freedom of speech gets totally knocked out of the park and people are arrested for holding up a piece of paper.

I can't believe there are absolute weapons going to Buckingham Palace placing marmalade sandwiches at the front gates whilst there is a food crisis.

It goes far beyond comprehension that because of some auld dears funeral many doctors appointments, hospital visits, cancer screenings are being cancelled.

Worst of all...probably most depressing. Is that this media love-in that is on our screens constantly, like some sort of fucking clockwork orange experiment, will probably make the union bond stronger to the maniacs and keep us as part of this circus. 

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Watched a news bulletin on channel 5 last night. Expecting 80% coverage of a coffin and the rest on other stuff (the Ukrainian counter-offensive, energy prices, the weather, whatever).

Nope. 100% about a woman in a box. Apparently nothing else happened in the world yesterday.

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15 hours ago, Clown Job said:

I do kinda laugh at people being outrage at individuals being arrested for being “offensive” by protesting….

While the same people supported the OBFA which done the same thing to football fans deemed “offensive” by the police 

Are they really the same people though?

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13 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

Anyone here even paid inheritance tax?

Shh, don't remind them that the plebs can still evade paying their fair share if they're poor enough!

3 hours ago, Dons_1988 said:

‘these people will be thrilled to have an audience with the king…no doubt they will be declaring their allegiance to him’

Lol, that sounds like the wedding scene in The Godfather!

Oh, wait, that's exactly what it is.

4 minutes ago, Pens_Dark said:

I can't believe that we live in a society where freedom of speech gets totally knocked out of the park and people are arrested for holding up a piece of paper.

I'm really surprised by how many people are surprised by this. The police literally exist to protect the interests of our betters, and the government's been slowly working away at reducing the right to protest for longer than I've been alive.

Most folk appear to be perfectly okay with that, right up to the point at which they discover there's something unfair that they personally care about, and they cease to be alright, Jack.

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Some daft bint getting interviewed outside St Giles on bbc news, saying the Queen was the toughest old lady she’d ever met. Turns out, she’d never actually met the queen.

North Korea level brainwashing is now complete in the UK in 2022. 


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15 minutes ago, BFTD said:

Shh, don't remind them that the plebs can still evade paying their fair share if they're poor enough!

Lol, that sounds like the wedding scene in The Godfather!

Oh, wait, that's exactly what it is.

I'm really surprised by how many people are surprised by this. The police literally exist to protect the interests of our betters, and the government's been slowly working away at reducing the right to protest for longer than I've been alive.

Most folk appear to be perfectly okay with that, right up to the point at which they discover there's something unfair that they personally care about, and they cease to be alright, Jack.

I'm not surprised. I can't believe it is happening in plain sight for all of us to see without any fight-back.

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It's a bank holiday. Almost no one will be open. I work in a college - if we went ahead with classes imagine the fuming in the Mail and Express: EVIL JOCKOLAND COLLEGE MAKES GRIEVING ROYALS CRY BY FORCING STUDENTS TO STUDY DURING FUNERAL!


Regarding the arrests - there is a counterargument in that the protestors were arrested to protect them. Remember that chip shop owner whose place got trashed when she questioned the obsequies. Royal enthusiasts can get pretty nasty. I wouldn't recommend any protestors to exercise their freedom of speech on the routes to Ibrox tomorrow night, say.

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