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Monarchy debate/discussion

Richey Edwards

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15 minutes ago, beefybake said:

Thank you, I remember that investigation. As I recall, not a single other paper, or broadcast media chose to pick up

that story, or run it.  The so-called royals are the relics of the days of the robber barons. The finery, titles,  patronages just

put a gloss on it. They should all be swept away.

One of the most worrying things about the current clown show is just how little criticism of it is voiced anywhere by the mainstream media. Lizzie Windsor is pretty much above scrutiny at this point - the BBC in particular abandons all supposed impartiality rules (with no questions asked) when it comes to this particular brand of state propaganda. Remember how Auntie Beeb claimed it had to give equal time and equal voice to, for example, Remain and Leave? Forget that - doesn’t matter - literally days can be given over to promoting the monarchy without even an acknowledgement that a significant section of society is anti-monarchy.

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2 hours ago, Joey Jo Jo Junior Shabadoo said:

Why are they remotely relevant?

”I think the monarchy is a fine, upstanding institution which we should keep because the UK sends aid to nuclear powers” is a fucking shite argument.

The point that I was trying/failing to make was why do people complain about what the monarchy gets from the public purse when it’s probably just a drop in the ocean compared to the ridiculous amount of money that the government gives out hand over fist to countries that are more than capable of supporting themselves.

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Just now, supermik said:

The point that I was trying/failing to make was why do people complain about what the monarchy gets from the public purse when it’s probably just a drop in the ocean compared to the ridiculous amount of money that the government gives out hand over fist to countries that are more than capable of supporting themselves.

It is possible to be annoyed by more than one issue at a time.

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58 minutes ago, Antlion said:

the BBC in particular abandons all supposed impartiality rules (with no questions asked) when it comes to this particular brand of state propaganda

Worse than that. There was that one instance where a journalist reported that the Her Madge had lobbied the Home Secretary to extradite Abu Hamza - an excellent example of a news story in the public interest dealing with how the people who run the country operate, you might think. It's not even as if the story painted the monarch in a particularly bad light. But no. Apparently the whole of British society - or at least everyone who mattered - was up in arms at the idea that people could hear that the Queen had actual opinions, and they badgered the BBC's correspondent into broadcasting a humiliating public apology for the crime of committing a grievous act of daily journalism.

In his defence, the guy was clearly working outside his remit, since he was merely the security correspondent who bumped into the queen. A trained BBC Royal correspondent would have had the journalistic urge to impart newsworthy information to the public thoroughly beaten out of them in their snivelling classes.

Edited by Aim Here
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8 minutes ago, supermik said:

The point that I was trying/failing to make was why do people complain about what the monarchy gets from the public purse when it’s probably just a drop in the ocean compared to the ridiculous amount of money that the government gives out hand over fist to countries that are more than capable of supporting themselves.

Pretty bizarre point. Why were people up in arms about MPs fleecing the taxpayers over dodgy expenses claims when the sums involved are a drop in the ocean compared to the wastage of money on worthless PPE, and when tourists flood the Palace of Westminster and Big Ben? Why were people up in arms about the various cash for questions scandals when the sums the MPs earned were minuscule compared to the billions lost when the government wrote off fraud?

Pointing out how one waste of money differs from another waste of money doesn’t make either look better. It just makes the UK look even worse. 

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55 minutes ago, supermik said:

The point that I was trying/failing to make was why do people complain about what the monarchy gets from the public purse when it’s probably just a drop in the ocean compared to the ridiculous amount of money that the government gives out hand over fist to countries that are more than capable of supporting themselves.

Diversion and whataboutery.

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I'm always bemused by such binary thinking, as if we can only express ourselves as a 0 or 1 and cannot be concerned by more than one thing at a time.
It's done deliberately of course. Fannies like Piers Morgon and Nigel Farage absolutely love a nonsense strawman
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3 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:
12 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:
I'm always bemused by such binary thinking, as if we can only express ourselves as a 0 or 1 and cannot be concerned by more than one thing at a time.

It's done deliberately of course. Fannies like Piers Morgon and Nigel Farage absolutely love a nonsense strawman

c***s should be chucked in a wicker man.

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I'm always bemused by such binary thinking, as if we can only express ourselves as a 0 or 1 and cannot be concerned by more than one thing at a time.

Remember though, a lot of posters on here are fans of the arsecheeks and subscribe to the opinion you HEFTIL support one or the other, a prime example of binary thinking
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2 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

Anyway, nothing screams subservience to the old hag and her inbred, c**t, scum family like a discount on a vacuum cleaner.


They missed a trick.  Use code RoyaltySucks10 to get the discount.

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44 minutes ago, Raidernation said:

Remember though, a lot of posters on here are fans of the arsecheeks and subscribe to the opinion you HEFTIL support one or the other, a prime example of binary thinking


1 minute ago, Fullerene said:

They missed a trick.  Use code RoyaltySucks10 to get the discount.

How dare you denigrate her majesty like that! God will save her but will damn you!

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3 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:


How dare you denigrate her majesty like that! God will save her but will damn you!

Surely if God were real he’d have spared us the last 70 years of Betty Windsor doing f**k all of value in return for one more day of Betty White?

Unless God’s a c**t, obviously.

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3 minutes ago, Antlion said:

Surely if God were real he’d have spared us the last 70 years of Betty Windsor doing f**k all of value in return for one more day of Betty White?

Unless God’s a c**t, obviously.

How dare you question the definitely not made up almighty being who absolutely isn't a heavily plagiarised version of other mythical beings!

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5 hours ago, Clockwork said:

Never been a Royalist\Monarchist by any stretch, it’s always felt a little strange that a group of people could be held in such ‘high esteem’ by so many, with an exalted status achieved by nothing more than accident of birth. The fascination with the Royals, through the media and the general public is baffling sometimes, it’s easy to see how visitors to this country also find the whole melodrama just bizarre if not oddly intriguing.
That said, I do have an historical interest in a 1100 year old line of succession, and it’s impact on the modern history of these islands. Their influence on the political, social and economic development of this tiny country on the World Map has been immense over that timeline.
Their longevity is unique but becoming increasingly outdated for many these days however. So much has changed across the Commonwealth over the last 70 years. The Royal Family’s link to our colonial past doesn’t sit comfortably or have any relevance today.
Once the Queen passes on, perhaps it is time for a rethink with regards to the role of the Monarchy and certainly without the funds and support of the public purse. Surely they’ve got enough stashed away now, to pay for the next few generations.
With regards to events this weekend, hope all those that wish to celebrate genuinely have a good time. Whether its the Olympics, The Queen’s Jubilee or even the Eurovision Song Contestemoji846.png, anything that brings groups of people together (families, friends, neighbours & complete strangers) can only be a good thing. There’s enough shite going on in the world at the moment, if it means a weekend of the pubs being full, people organising street parties or enjoying a picnic in the park together, I’m all for it.

Where are you getting an 1100 year line of succession from?

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