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Eligible can play Scotland


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On 15/11/2023 at 20:07, Ewanandmoreagain said:

I see the Daily R*c*ed has picked up on this !

Better late than never 

Convinced someone just played the new Football Manager and did a search for Scottish eligibility.

Rinse and repeat article same time every year.

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9 minutes ago, General dissaray said:


Another one that hasn't been nabbed by Jamaica yet

Windrush came to Britain not individual nations they came to Britain there for there eligible not just for England but Wales and Northern Ireland to and Scotland 

We tried to get John Barnes to play for us on exactly the same rules he choosed England 

And I'm not spamming at all just adding better content to this specific thread and widening the net

If you don't like that you can jog on


John Barnes moved to England when he was 12 and was schooled there. Why on earth would he have played for us?

We don’t call up players on citizenship because of the, you know, well known agreement between the home nations.

Stop posting utter pish.

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2 hours ago, Gordon EF said:

Some guy who you've vaguely heard of that used to play for Crystal Palace and now playes for Barnsley, or something.

Most are EPL players at Palace Forrest Bournemouth Sheff United daft agreements with rest UK needs to go in the bin and have it like the rugby we could have some team if we used same rules I'm sure quite a few would fancy it playing for European teams obviously wouldn't just be us after them Wales and NI would to but right now we are the team doing well and would probably have the jump over them

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3 hours ago, Bing.McCrosby said:

Good research mate. Im not sure if your correct or not but the effort is appreciated 👍

Hundred per cent relivant if there Grand Parents are British citizens they to should qualify on Grand Parents rule if we tear up the Gentlemans agreement with the English if we did that even getting two or three off these guys would make our squad better

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On 13/09/2023 at 13:39, VictorOnopko said:




In my defence, I didn't question his ability.

The narrative also shifted pretty massively from Gunn understandably not fancying coming in as understudy to Gordon for the Euros to pretty much undisputed number 1 due to Gordon's horror injury.

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On 16/11/2023 at 10:54, bdu98196 said:


Elliot Anderson had a chance to come in and basically play in a few games then head into the Euros with Scotland - good luck if he thinks he will get that with England anytime soon. Not sure I'd agree with any of these guys if it was the detriment of a player who'd done some 'hard miles' previously through that campaign.

I actually grudgingly respect Anderson for it. 

He joined the squad at a point where he would have been nailed on for a place in the 26 man finals pool and playing at a major finals and decided without fucking Scotland about to any massive or detrimental degree that it wasn't for him and instead backed himself to make it with England where he'll have no chance of making the 2024 Euros squad and probably a fleeting chance at best of making finals squads for 2026 onwards.

Respect to anyone who will back themselves in that manner. It's our and his loss in the short term but who is anyone to tell him at this point he'll never make it for the nation of his birth?

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41 minutes ago, General dissaray said:


Tearing up the Gentleman's agreement would mean that we could cap anyone English, Welsh or Northern Irish though?

We all have British passports and British is the official nationality so we could literally cap any "British" player. 

Unless I have completely misunderstood, you want to open that huge can of worms in order to cap a couple of lower league jobbers with Jamaican grannies

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Just now, Quentin Taranbino said:

Tearing up the Gentleman's agreement would mean that we could cap anyone English, Welsh or Northern Irish though?

We all have British passports and British is the official nationality so we could literally cap any "British" player. 

Unless I have completely misunderstood, you want to open that huge can of worms in order to cap a couple of lower league jobbers with Jamaican grannies

If I understand Stuart Cosgrove's point (which I probably don't), it sounded like the gentleman's agreement didn't quite cover the likes of the Windrush generation and their descendants; thus, why shouldn't we be selecting them?

I assume it's residency (X years in England) that makes it okay for England to have selected from this pool thus far?



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1 hour ago, Gordopolis said:

If I understand Stuart Cosgrove's point (which I probably don't), it sounded like the gentleman's agreement didn't quite cover the likes of the Windrush generation and their descendants; thus, why shouldn't we be selecting them?

I assume it's residency (X years in England) that makes it okay for England to have selected from this pool thus far?

Tbh I dont think I'd be keen on the idea if it were even possible.

Im all for selecting the best team we can. But people with a Scottish granny id imagine would have a case to feel more Scottish than someone who's possibly never even been here getting in on a loophole. 

But the guys just posting his opinions on football, and im all for outside the box thinking. Perhaps one post listing the players rather than a separate one for each player would have been an easier read.

But the people ganging up on him should maybe have a think around what kind of person they are.

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38 minutes ago, Bing.McCrosby said:

Tbh I dont think I'd be keen on the idea if it were even possible.

Im all for selecting the best team we can. But people with a Scottish granny id imagine would have a case to feel more Scottish than someone who's possibly never even been here getting in on a loophole. 

But the guys just posting his opinions on football, and im all for outside the box thinking. Perhaps one post listing the players rather than a separate one for each player would have been an easier read.

But the people ganging up on him should maybe have a think around what kind of person they are.

Naw it isn't about that its about this forums continued persucution off me its really getting boaring now wee bully complexes hiding behind pseudonyms as usual on power trips

Its why I'm rarely even on here anymore they can shove it

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2 hours ago, Quentin Taranbino said:

Tearing up the Gentleman's agreement would mean that we could cap anyone English, Welsh or Northern Irish though?

We all have British passports and British is the official nationality so we could literally cap any "British" player. 

Unless I have completely misunderstood, you want to open that huge can of worms in order to cap a couple of lower league jobbers with Jamaican grannies

Correct you have totally missread the situation and they weren't lower league jobbers either it was Bournemouth Newcastle Brentford Crystal Palace Burnley Everton Sheffield United players

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