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Scottish Budget Day


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2 minutes ago, BFTD said:

Indeed, we all remember the famous liberal doctrine, "all men are created equal, but we've tried and now it's time to discriminate based on ignorance".

I do like the idea that coming from an island makes it ok ro be a c**t. Having lived with folk from Orkney and Lewis this appears to be the case. 

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39 minutes ago, williemillersmoustache said:

In my experience most people who have moved up at a senior enough level will have factored all this stuff in. I've moved a number of folk who have cited the ability to upgrade their property to a far greater extent than they ever could afford to down south and better access to schools etc. 

If you have lived in any of the myriad of shitehole commuter belt towns in Kent or Surrey, with an up to 3 hour commute either end and where the best you can do is a 2 bed shoe box then a 3 bed detached in Alloa is comparative paradise. 

This guy (yes, the Prof) didn't know that tax in Scotland was any different to England, and says it was a real shock.

He bought a flat near the uni, travels up and spends 2/3 nights a week here, then back down south to the family home. When he retires in a few years (he is in his 60s) he'll sell the flat and probably make a few quid if house prices keep rising.

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5 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

This guy (yes, the Prof) didn't know that tax in Scotland was any different to England, and says it was a real shock.

He bought a flat near the uni, travels up and spends 2/3 nights a week here, then back down south to the family home. When he retires in a few years (he is in his 60s) he'll sell the flat and probably make a few quid if house prices keep rising.

Aye, academics aren’t always bright.  I’ve noticed that.

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2 hours ago, scottsdad said:

This guy (yes, the Prof) didn't know that tax in Scotland was any different to England, and says it was a real shock.

He bought a flat near the uni, travels up and spends 2/3 nights a week here, then back down south to the family home. When he retires in a few years (he is in his 60s) he'll sell the flat and probably make a few quid if house prices keep rising.

Can he pay English taxes if he lives there most of the time?

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42 minutes ago, Dawson Park Boy said:


High taxes, High public expenditure, failure to stop channel crossings, net zero nonsense, I could go on.

Will that do you for now?

Ah, got you. You don't mean left wing as most people would understand it, but the current crop is to the left of the rabid, racist, insular Tory you'd prefer. OK, thanks.

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3 minutes ago, The Skelpit Lug said:

Ah, got you. You don't mean left wing as most people would understand it, but the current crop is to the left of the rabid, racist, insular Tory you'd prefer. OK, thanks.

It’s all down to your definition of left and right.

Anyway, glad I've cleared things up for you.

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7 hours ago, Aufc said:

This argument frustrates me. Whilst someone on £45k a year earns a decent sum compared to a lot of people, they are hardly rich.

Erm yes they are, by virtue of having a fully 50% higher salary than the median full-time employee in the country. 

NB: And they've likely enjoyed the cumulative effect of that benefit over successive years - which is how long-term, relative wealth is generated. 


Throw in the fact that their electric costs have almost certainly increased substantially, their mortgage rate possibly as well (if they can even afford a mortgage in edinburgh) alongside every other cost.

The cost of living impacts the income of the poor more than the rich (because there's a realistic limit to amount of energy a household consumes - the necessary minimum has to be paid for regardless). And if they have a mortgage then they have an asset that can be sold to meet their suddenly tightening cash flow.

That is how household financing works and nobody put a gun to their head to take out a mortgage on unaffordable terms. 


There are also many reasons why someone may earn £50k and live in Edinburgh. If they move out of Edinburgh as you say then it might introduce extra costs such as having to run a car or additional travel costs, additional childcare costs etc. Its not really as black and white as you suggesting

That's just tough luck for them. In what bizarre alternate universe is it the government's job to prioritise the commute and childcare costs of two parent families on ~£75k between them?

Edited by vikingTON
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5 hours ago, Abdul_Latif said:

Fucking hell, are we actually at the point of vilifying say a single parent senior nurse with two kids?

£45K is not a large salary and sums like that should be kept well out of the conversation when talking about high earners.

Apologies, the above was so ridiculous I couldn't tell whether or not you were being serious. 

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5 hours ago, Abdul_Latif said:

Fucking hell, are we actually at the point of vilifying say a single parent senior nurse with two kids?

£45K is not a large salary and sums like that should be kept well out of the conversation when talking about high earners.

The median full-time salary is £31k. In what way is £45k not a 'high salary' by any working definition then? 

No amount of special case pleading about circumstances changes that bottom line. Which is the precise thing being taken into account for an 'income tax'.

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3 minutes ago, virginton said:

The median full-time salary is £31k. In what way is £45k not a 'high salary' by any working definition then? 

£31K being the median is the piss take here.

£45K is really quite comfortable, don’t get me wrong, but comfortable is the minimum we should be looking for in a rich western country.




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5 minutes ago, Abdul_Latif said:

£31K being the median is the piss take here.

£45K is really quite comfortable, don’t get me wrong, but comfortable is the minimum we should be looking for in a rich western country.

No, it's quite objectively 'rich' for a single earner.

I don't recall the upper income leafy Edinburgh suburb sorts showing too much concern about salaries or indeed the existence of jobs in the rest of the country, over the past 35 years of entirely finance/service based prosperity that suited them to a tee.

I guess they'll now just have to put up with higher mortgages and Gemima's childcare or liquidate some of their six figure assets. 🤷‍♂️

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