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Week 18


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5 hours ago, jagfox said:


A lot has been said about how angry the Bengals are with being stiffed by the nonsense the league came up with, but not enough has been said about the fact KC did not control it's destiny with regard to the #1, a player gets injured in a game they weren't playing in, and suddenly it's handed to them on a plate if they beat an already quit LV team. 

Fair enough with the neutral venue thing, but they still get a week off that nobody else does even if Buffalo and Cinci both win tonight. The AFC North coinflip thing is a disgrace as well. OK, the Ravens had any possibility of winning that division taken away from them through no fault of their own, but the coinflip to decide the venue for the WC game is bullshit and fucks them again. Even if they win the game tonight, win the coinflip, and host and win the WC game, they'll still be seeded 6th and likely facing a trip to KC whereas they'd avoid that as the #3

The whole thing is enormously unfair on three teams and advantages a fourth team that wasn't even involved. It's a nonsense.

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Just now, lichtie23 said:

Bengals are whooping the Ravens

Great. We get to sit and watch Chase Daniel somehow make Russell Wilson look competent by comparison later :yucky

TBH, I'd name Herbert inactive and start Easton Stick. Daniel is a known quantity, whereas it would be a good opportunity to have a look at Stick in regular season action and see if he's worth bringing back as the #2 next season.

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5 minutes ago, Fuctifano said:

Indy losing to the Texans to deny them the number one pick? 

The Bears aint taking a QB at #1, so the Texans might have to get on the phone to Chicago ASAP to prevent some other QB-needy team gazzumping them, unless they're already comfortable with the thought of more than one guy.

Last I looked i counted at least 12 teams who could feasibly go QB in the 1st round, probably a couple more dependant on certain outlandish things happening.

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16 minutes ago, Boo Khaki said:

Great. We get to sit and watch Chase Daniel somehow make Russell Wilson look competent by comparison later :yucky

TBH, I'd name Herbert inactive and start Easton Stick. Daniel is a known quantity, whereas it would be a good opportunity to have a look at Stick in regular season action and see if he's worth bringing back as the #2 next season.

Thunder the Denver horse mascot could play QB and out-perform Russ’. Look on the bright side. Penner splashed out $400,000 relaying the Mile High turf - for ONE game, before it gets ripped up again and relayed before the start of next season. The Broncos trumpeted this online as being evidence of how the new ownership are willing to take the franchise back to the top of the tree… FFS. Etc.

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