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P&B Weight Observers Thread 23/24

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5 minutes ago, velo army said:

Intermittent fasting has worked for me. I mixed it in with some intermittent drinking which stymied the weight loss for a while. I've cut out the boozing a bit (weekly and not a big sesh) and added on a HIIT sesh a couple of times a week.

I'm now half way towards my initial target of 80kg. A wee bit more discipline on the sugary shite front and I'll be grand.

I highly recommend a HIIT sesh, even just 5mins per day. It raises the metabolism and generally makes you feel more energised. Also taking cold showers in the morning (even just a minute) increases fat burning through the creation of brown fat.

Anyway, I'm wearing medium tee shirts now for the first time in years, which is nice.

Nothing clears visceral fat quicker than HIIT sessions.

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I think i'll weigh myself tomorrow morning and post it on here. Maybe posting it publically will help me keep motivated. I need to lose 4 stone minimum, probably more like 5.

I'll not be adopting any specific diet other than avoiding rubbish and cutting down alcohol intake. I do quite enjoy exercise so will be doing a few weekly runs.


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5 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

Sorry for not being up to date, but what is a HIIT session?

If you normally do f**k all, a single burpee, a set of 10 push ups, a 20sec plank and 10 body weight squats is an achievable beginning. I make sure I do at least a set of something per day. 

The Wim Hof stuff is superb too. 

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Just now, velo army said:

If you normally do f**k all, a single burpee, a set of 10 push ups, a 20sec plank and 10 body weight squats is an achievable beginning. I make sure I do at least a set of something per day. 

The Wim Hof stuff is superb too. 

I could do the burping.

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36 minutes ago, velo army said:

taking cold showers in the morning (even just a minute) increases fat burning through the creation of brown fat.


Curious- is there an evidence base for this? Not doubting you, just keen to read some peer-reviewed research on this stuff. 

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Really need to nail my diet this year to kick on with my fitness goals.

Breakfast is fine- I love porridge and happy to eat it every day. 

Lunch is a danger point- often guilty of binging like mad to offset work stress. Going to try to batch cook home made soup and see how I go and have a ‘eat as much fruit as you want’ policy. Need to avoid bakers; chip shop and fast food places in general.

Dinner- tend not to be too bad here, but often eating when I’m not hungry due to overeating at lunch. 

Snacks- bad. Crisps; biscuits; jelly sweets etc. basically a 5 year old’s dream.

Drink- don’t drink alcohol during the week but absolutely tank the cans at weekends. Going to attempt to reduce alcohol down to one day per week. Like bad food, it’s an emotional crutch for a crazy stressful job. 

The amount of exercise I do, the weight would absolutely drop off if I got anywhere near in control of my diet. Let’s see if we can’t find out…


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92.6kg this morning.

My aim was 90kg. I was 108kg. 

I've a busy, busy year ahead planned with my own work and I'm going to try get a business in a some way fitness related scene off the ground. I've 70% sorted my own earing out - it's far from perfect but I've realised it's the fizzy juice that gutters me. If I stay away from that, it's all good.

Going to try shred it down to 85kg and get up to a 150kg bench. Massive strides needed here. Might see how it's going by May/June then get an enhancer cycle.

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38 minutes ago, Nutz_the_Squirrel said:

Curious- is there an evidence base for this? Not doubting you, just keen to read some peer-reviewed research on this stuff. 

I read it in a book called "what doesn't kill us". Brown Adipose Tissue is the type of fat found in babies. They don't have the muscles to shiver so they create heat in colder environments through BAT. It breaks down white fat creating an exothermic reaction. Almost literal fat burning. BAT is created by our bodies when we're consistently exposed to cold. I credit it with some of my fat loss as my core temperature is warmer these days and I can handle a colder flat than before. I'm assuming that my body is burning some of the white fat to maintain this homeostasis when my flat is 14 Celsius and I'm in a teeshirt.

I can't recall in the book if there were peer reviewed studies for sure but I imagine there must be. It would be an easy thing to study. I haven't been bothered as I was primarily attracted to the calming aspect of cold showers rather than the fat burning.

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37 minutes ago, Nutz_the_Squirrel said:

Really need to nail my diet this year to kick on with my fitness goals.

Breakfast is fine- I love porridge and happy to eat it every day. 

Lunch is a danger point- often guilty of binging like mad to offset work stress. Going to try to batch cook home made soup and see how I go and have a ‘eat as much fruit as you want’ policy. Need to avoid bakers; chip shop and fast food places in general.

Dinner- tend not to be too bad here, but often eating when I’m not hungry due to overeating at lunch. 

Snacks- bad. Crisps; biscuits; jelly sweets etc. basically a 5 year old’s dream.

Drink- don’t drink alcohol during the week but absolutely tank the cans at weekends. Going to attempt to reduce alcohol down to one day per week. Like bad food, it’s an emotional crutch for a crazy stressful job. 

The amount of exercise I do, the weight would absolutely drop off if I got anywhere near in control of my diet. Let’s see if we can’t find out…


Half the battle here is recognising that stress is a trigger for eating shite. Cortisol (stress hormone) causes a spike in blood sugar which leads to a crash. I'm absolutely fucking murder for stress eating. Bread mostly.

I can't recommend Intermittent Fasting enough. Weirdly it increases my energy level but also calms my nervous system. I've even been known to cycle for two hours in a fasted state and be absolutely fine. 

Cooking from scratch is an absolute must too. The weight falls off me when my dinners for the week are chillis, curries or stews that I've made myself and packed with veg. I put it on when I rely on shite from sandwich shops, bakers or delis.

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15 minutes ago, AMMjag said:

I live a sedentary lifestyle and consume a 16 inch meat feast pizza with 4 Greggs pink jammies every day. I stay shredded by having a cold shower every morning.

Sam Sulek! How you doing, Bruh?

Killing it on YouTube right now man. Massive fan.

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Losing weight just requires discipline in my opinion. If I want to lose a bit of beef then I just walk everywhere and that has always done the trick in the past. If it's half hearted then it doesn't work so I just embrace the bald life for a bit. Good for saving money too. I don't have to make significant dietary changes, but tend to eat less as I'm spending more time walking.

I don't see weight as something to be defined by. I see it more like an actor who will put it on for a film and take it off for another. I've been fat and thin at different points in my life and I know what works for me: how to put it on and take it off. I start tomorrow, looking forward to it - usually takes 3 months and then I'll have lost all my winter fat. 🙂

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14 hours ago, Am Featha *****h Nan Clach said:

I think i'll weigh myself tomorrow morning and post it on here. Maybe posting it publically will help me keep motivated. I need to lose 4 stone minimum, probably more like 5.

I'll not be adopting any specific diet other than avoiding rubbish and cutting down alcohol intake. I do quite enjoy exercise so will be doing a few weekly runs.



240.2 lbs. Christ!

My goals are 210lbs by the start of April and 180lbs by the start of July.

Probably far too ambitious but I'll give it a go! If I'm anything under 196lbs (14 stone) come July I'll be reasonably happy

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Just stood on the scales of shame - 15st 9lbs/101kgs. 

Pretty much the heaviest I've been and I'm feeling it. 

Need to get finger out for health reasons. I've moved up belt notches and family say my snoring is horrendous. 

I've used the 5:2 before but its hard, hard work. 

Just going to use the Nutracheck app and try keep to around 1,500 cals a day and up the walking /gym. 

My meals are generally ok. I barely drink. And I walk a lot. My downfall is snacking - crisps, biscuits and chocolate. Hopefully the app will put a stop to that. 

Short term goal is sub 14st so we'll see how it goes. 

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42 minutes ago, PWL said:

Just stood on the scales of shame - 15st 9lbs/101kgs. 

Pretty much the heaviest I've been and I'm feeling it. 

Need to get finger out for health reasons. I've moved up belt notches and family say my snoring is horrendous. 

I've used the 5:2 before but its hard, hard work. 

Just going to use the Nutracheck app and try keep to around 1,500 cals a day and up the walking /gym. 

My meals are generally ok. I barely drink. And I walk a lot. My downfall is snacking - crisps, biscuits and chocolate. Hopefully the app will put a stop to that. 

Short term goal is sub 14st so we'll see how it goes. 

5:2 is pretty extreme and sounds like it would be setting you up for failure and said feeling of shame.

It also sounds like you have a fairly good idea of what your obstacles are. The thing with calorie counting is I also found it a lot of work, especially as I cook a lot from scratch. 

Habits are built through small sustainable steps. I know you didn't ask for advice or suggestions, so take it or leave it, but it might be a good idea to pick one thing to change/give up/substitute and then build on that.

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