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Richey Edwards


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23 minutes ago, alta-pete said:

More trouble for Humza as his similarly puffed up Solicitor decides to intervene…


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ousaf's gay marriage vote excuse under spotlight as lawyer intervenes

1 hr ago
Yousaf's gay marriage vote excuse under spotlight as lawyer intervenes (Image: PA)

HUMZA Yousaf is facing more questions about his missed vote on gay marriage after a statement from a lawyer apparently meant to help the SNP leadership hopeful backfired.

Aamer Anwar today revealed he put pressure on Mr Yousaf to intervene on behalf of the family of a mentally ill Scottish man sentenced to death in Pakistan for blasphemy.

Mr Yousaf has repeatedly said he missed the gay marriage vote because he was talking to the Pakistan Consul General in Glasgow about the case of pensioner Mohammad Asghar.

However, Mr Anwar's statement revealed he did not make his approach until weeks after Mr Yousaf had already set up his meeting with the consul, undermining Mr Yousaf’s excuse.

Mr Yousaf set up the meeting on 16 January 2014, two days after being told to be in parliament for the gay marriage vote on February 4.

Mr Asghar was not sentenced to death until a week later, on January 23.

The UK Foreign Office minister Baroness Warsi issued a statement about it the following day, saying: “We will be raising our concerns in the strongest possible terms with the Pakistani government."

After Mr Yousaf met the Pakistan Consul General on the same day as the marriage vote, he suggested on Twitter the meeting had been unavoidable, despite setting it up 19 days in advance, and cited Mr Asghar's case.

“Meeting Pakistan Consul discussing Scot on death row accused under Blasphemy Law not one could/want avoid,” he tweeted on February 5 when asked to explain his absence.

Mr Yousaf has been challenged by both Alex Salmond and former cabinet minister Alex Neil over his account of why he missed the vote, raising questions about his credibility in the SNP leadership race.

READ MORE: Alex Salmond queries Humza Yousaf's gay marriage vote excuse

Although Mr Yousaf, then the minister for external affairs, backed the equal marriage bill’s general principles in November 2013, he was the only minister to miss its final stage vote.

Mr Neil, who is backing Kate Forbes for SNP leader, has claimed Mr Yousaf had set up the diary clash as “cover” in order to skip the vote, because of “pressure from the mosque”.

Because Mr Yousaf has suggested Ms Forbes's failure to support gay marriage makes her unsuitable to be SNP leader and first minister, his own action has seen him accused of hypocrisy.

In his statement today, Mr Anwar praises Mr Yousaf’s actions at the time on behalf of Mr Asghar and says the man’s daughter is also grateful.

But he also laid out a timeline indicating Mr Yousaf’s meeting with the consul general was not arranged with Mr Asghar in mind, although this may have become its unexpected focus.


Mr Anwar said: “Once Mr Asghar was sentenced to death in January 2014, the family recognised that it was a race against time and I was instructed to act by the family in February 2014, following the sentence of death being pronounced in a Pakistani court

“Humza Yousaf’s role as International Minister came at a critical time in the life of Mohammed Asghar, with Humza being of Pakistani origin, it meant his ministerial role was crucial in raising the case with the Pakistani authorities. 

“One of my first steps on behalf of the family was to place pressure on Humza Yousaf, the Scottish Government and others to intervene, whilst the family were highly critical of the FCO and UK Government who wanted them to remain silent.

“Humza Yousaf agreed to act after the family spoke out and indeed, he continued to meet with Pakistani officials including the Governor of Punjab in the weeks and months ahead.

"The matter was raised by the UK Prime Minister and the family were also met with the then first Minister Alex Salmond in October 2014.

“Over the last two weeks it has been suggested that supporting a man accused of blasphemy in Pakistan was an easier option for Mr Yousaf than turning up for a vote for same sex marriage, the reality is very different.

“The Asghar family welcomed Mr Yousaf’s support as a high-profile Muslim at a critical time, when others were too scared to speak out and use their influence.  

READ MORE: Yousaf denies deliberately skipping gay marriage vote

“Humza knew that Mr Asghar’s life hung by a thread and that every passing minute increased the threat to his life. 

“Jasmine Rana the daughter of Mohammed Asghar asked me to state that they have always appreciated the role that Humza Yousaf played, it was a critical role, and he was tireless in ensuring that her father Mr Asghar was finally able to return home in 2016 to Scotland, to be surrounded by his family and sadly he passed away in 2017. “

“Jasmine believes that but for Mr Yousaf’s involvement and support, she doubts her father would ever have died peacefully at home, for that her family will always be grateful.” 

My Yousaf’s campaign has been asked to explain why he originally set up his meeting with the Consul General on the day of the marriage vote, given he did so before Mr Asghar was sentenced, before his family engaged Mr Anwar, and before Mr Anwar urged Mr Yousaf to intervene in the case.


Oooft. Major "that uppity Muslim" vibes here. 


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32 minutes ago, Dunning1874 said:

Sorry, I've maybe missed something here; when was this was proven to be untrue? I thought the only evidence to the contrary was Salmond and Neil claiming otherwise as opposed to factual proof that he was instead fabricating reasons to duck out?

He scheduled the meeting after the vote on equal marriage was arranged. The meeting was at his request not the Pakistani Consulate. The subject of the meeting wasn't actually on death row when the meeting was scheduled (he was subsequently). That is all a matter of public record. 

There is no need for Alex Neil or Alex Salmond to confirm that. The Alex's are commenting on his motivations for doing it. The evidence clearly shows he ducked the vote. Why lie about it?

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2 minutes ago, Trogdor said:

A lot of folk are not far away from that tbh.

I am a former party member and continued to vote for them even after leaving the party. They only got my vote because they are the biggest pro-independence party and were the best of a very bad bunch out of the available parties to vote for. I will not be voting for a party led by any of these candidates.

Not that losing my vote will matter to them. I think the SNP will continue to dominate Scottish politics for the foreseeable future as long as there is no credible alternative to them.

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42 minutes ago, Richey Edwards said:

The SNP can say bye bye to my vote regardless of which of these clowns is picked tbh.

I can't believe one of the more big hitters didn't step in when it was kicking off last week.  The new leader hasn't even been voted for yet and yet the party is already damaged.  Angus Robertson and John Swinney (for example) aren't exactly inspiring but they would be middle-of-the-road leaders who'd at least probably get until the next election without taking any more major damage.

Humza Yousaf might be able to do that if he can somehow reverse his current habit of everything he touches turning to garbage but Forbes is now damaged goods who has already put voters off.

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Totally understand why others might have looked at it and thought 'f**k that'. It's going to be a rough couple of years until the criminal cartel in London are fired into the sun. Screw having to deal with that when you can let some other sap be the Mail's punchbag for a couple of years, then hopefully pick up the baton with a slightly more rational Labour government in situ at Westminster.

Politicians are still human and it's a wearing job at the best of times, let alone in the middle of a culture war manufactured by an insular, xenophobic corpse of a government that will do anything it possibly can to return its party to power and has no actual interest in running the UK for anyone's benefit but their own. You are basically asking someone to work a ridiculously long week, take all sorts of shit from an increasingly hostile and partisan media, barely have any time for their family, and struggle to make any tangible difference to anything in any case. So it's hardly an appealing career move, especially so in such difficult circumstances that you are more or less guaranteed to make a James Hunt of it and come out with a worse reputation than you took in.

How many on here would genuinely look at it and think "yeah, I'm up for that"?

Edited by Boo Khaki
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6 minutes ago, Suspect Device said:

You having trouble sleeping?

The first one was a refresghing change from the sniping and snarling and whataboutery I'm used to over here.

Although I accept they are all in the one party so would have broadly similar views.

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1 hour ago, Richey Edwards said:

The SNP can say bye bye to my vote regardless of which of these clowns is picked tbh.

I'm growing old and may well die whilst a series of Westminster gangsters continue to take us for fools.

My vote will always be for better things and if that means the SNP, well great, I don't regard myself as over thinking it.


Ash is going to win with a giant readiness thermometer with a dial on it to prove we're good to go. She doesn't yet know if it'll dominate either the Glasgow or Edinburgh skyline. I can't wait.

Edited by sophia
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1 hour ago, Boo Khaki said:

Err... that is exactly what I'm saying.

You did not 'ask for a concrete example', you simply stated that there were none, and that's not a point I was ever in contention with anyway, so I don't see it as incumbent upon me to provide one.

I quite clearly did:

12 hours ago, virginton said:

Such as?

The fact that you've yet to provide one is why I'm drawing a conclusion that no such instances exist. 


The point of my extrapolation was to emphasise that we can't predict what is coming a year, two years, or five years from now, so demanding concrete examples is a bit pointless when my concerns, as I've repeatedly stated, stem from not trusting Forbes with potential, future hypotheticals, which are by definition going to be less than 'concrete' at this precise moment. 

Not so much 'less than concrete' as 'non-existent'. 


You can demand I just declare her a 'religious wrong'un' if you like, and as I have said, that pretty much is my view of her. However, I think it's important to lend some context to why I feel that about her, rather than just writing her off as a religious nutjob, hence why I have provided some expansion on exactly what it is that concerns me about her religiosity, and how I am concerned that it might well affect policy and direction on a few salient, current matters. 

The context is cover for simply not wanting someone with Forbes' views anywhere near the FM job on point of principle. Which is your remit. 

I'm just sick and tired of the utter bullshit lengths that people are going to (and using minority rights as political cover) for the reality that they just don't want religious nutters in political office. 


 It is completely unnecessary to specify which future policies, because there will undoubtedly be matters arising that nobody is thinking about right at this moment, and it's also patently ridiculous to go demanding examples that haven't yet been conceived.

It's not 'undoubted' at all - governments actually go decades at a time without having to address the vanishingly narrow list of identity issues that Forbes' religion could even theoretically impact in her judgment.  

The fact that we can't go three minutes in Scotland in 2023 without someone trying to dredge up identity politics is the aberration rather than the norm. 

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1 hour ago, Dunning1874 said:

Have these Catholic politicians been hauled over the coals for not doing enough to support gay marriage or abortion rights after speaking and voting in favour of it?

If they played the 'I'm a man of secular principles' card, only to have ducked out of a final vote to cover their flank from Catholic Church disapproval then they absolutely would, yes. To claim that there are double standards based on the type of religion or race of candidate is risible, quite frankly. 

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1 hour ago, Highland Capital said:

I can't believe one of the more big hitters didn't step in when it was kicking off last week.  The new leader hasn't even been voted for yet and yet the party is already damaged.  Angus Robertson and John Swinney (for example) aren't exactly inspiring but they would be middle-of-the-road leaders who'd at least probably get until the next election without taking any more major damage.

Leaving his unfortunate family issues aside, Swinney was a catastrophically bald leader first time round and would be no better this time either. 

I agree that none of the candidates are well placed to unite the SNP. The chief responsibility for that however rests IMO with the identity politics/Twitter wing of the Party - all Sturgeon loyalists - who derailed the contest after 0.3 seconds to turn it into a hopeless tussle over their beloved GRR. There was already enough of that issue with Regan's nomination before they went for Forbes over the same point. 

I presume Yousaf weighed in because he expected the backlash to quickly finish Forbes off as a serious candidate. We'll see if that proves correct, but the furore has largely dissipated and lasting damage has been done to all the candidates involved and their party. Well done guys! 

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