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The Very Meh Humza Yousaf Thread.


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14 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

Scotland is blessed - thanks to Barnett - with near Scandi levels of public financing.

That it has near-Malawi levels of service delivery is down to the Nats.

Scotland's GDP per head in 2021 was £33,033.
https://www.scotfact.com/GDP_Comp_Per_Head#:~:text=GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT&text=In 2021 The UK's GDP,Sea Revenue%2C was £ 33%2C033 .

Norway's GDP per head in 2021 was $89,154 (£72,500)
https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/NOR/norway/gdp-per-capita#:~:text=Norway gdp per capita for,a 8.97% increase from 2017.

Would you like to try again?

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1 minute ago, StellarHibee said:

No.  You've not addressed my point in the slightest.

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I would like to see a poll of people living in England as to whether they should be an independent country. After the Brexit vote, I would say a landslide. Good on them too, getting rid of the subsidiy junkies. A proud country is England.. 👍

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Humza reminds me of Chris Grayling but sightly better (if that makes any sense?)

I wish him all the best, he needs to unify the party and expand the base. I'll be interested to see who is in his cabinet and where. Will be interested to see what he does with Kate Forbes (if she opts to stay in government that is). At least we have certainty and Party HQ has been purged (that was essential).

I've been done with this race for the last two weeks so glad it's over.

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8 hours ago, Trogdor said:

Humza reminds me of Chris Grayling but sightly better (if that makes any sense?)

I wish him all the best, he needs to unify the party and expand the base. I'll be interested to see who is in his cabinet and where. Will be interested to see what he does with Kate Forbes (if she opts to stay in government that is). At least we have certainty and Party HQ has been purged (that was essential).

When it comes to incompetence and abject failure, Grayling is sui generis.


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The counter-argument, I suppose, is that the SNP leadership handed Yousaf these challenging appointments because they trusted him to make as good a job of them as possible.

I really don't understand the logic behind blaming him or the SNP for the state of the NHS when the Tory-run NHS in England and the Labour-run NHS in Wales are in similar (if not worse) positions, all having been affected by the same external pressures and only the Tories having the power to actually make any significant budgetary changes. What are we measuring his performance against? How do we determine what was or is possible? If pre-pandemic service levels could have been achieved already under a different party, why have they not been where those parties are in power?

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18 hours ago, The_Kincardine said:

Except they're not.

In my wee bit of Tory South Bucks the trains, buses and tubes run on time and the grammar schools offer a level of education that is admirable and aspirational.

Plus we're pretty-much Ned-free.  

South Bucks is not a nation of the UK. Plus, your neds are in the UK gov - benefits and tax cheats, numerous kids to unmarried parents, law-breaking...

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On 27/03/2023 at 23:11, The_Kincardine said:

Except they're not.

In my wee bit of Tory South Bucks the trains, buses and tubes run on time and the grammar schools offer a level of education that is admirable and aspirational.

Plus we're pretty-much Ned-free.  

Buses in Edinburgh are probably the cheapest and best run in the UK.

My son achieved 5 X A highers from a state school.

But I am lucky where I live, as are you in south bucks - neither area represent the entire country and we both know that there are parts of Scotland and England where these services are poor.

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Obviously I don’t have the independence movement’s best interests at heart, but picking the least popular with the public of the two seems like a mental thing to do.

Although in saying that, the focus should really be on that large ex-Labour contingent who switched post-2014.

I can’t see Yousaf keeping hold of that huge block though.

He is a polished speaker, but will be tied up in knots at FMQs and in debates IMO.  The SNP have been blessed with the think-on-yer-feet presentation skills of Salmond then Sturgeon, but that’s about to change.

Things that are now going to go against the SNP:

- Labour riding high in the polls.  Chance of them getting in to Westminster.

- No real chance of independence any time soon.  No carrot to dangle.

- No leader with broad appeal and the presentation skills of Sturgeon.

-Sarwar being genuinely likeable to the public.  Not obnoxious like Yousaf.

- The corruption regarding membership figures, finances etc.


Make no mistake about it, Labour are back.

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1 hour ago, CarrbridgeSaintee said:

Make no mistake about it, Labour are back

You appear to have a lot to say about the SNP, so how about a simple one relating to your own party.

How many members does Scottish Labour have?

or, if have mistaken which unionist affiliation is yours;

How many members does Scottish Conservatives have?

I am off out for a few hours to give you time to ruminate.

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5 minutes ago, Leith Green said:

You appear to have a lot to say about the SNP, so how about a simple one relating to your own party.

How many members does Scottish Labour have?

or, if have mistaken which unionist affiliation is yours;

How many members does Scottish Conservatives have?

I am off out for a few hours to give you time to ruminate.

I honestly have no actual party.  I don’t see it like supporting a fitba’ team where you attach yourself to one.

No idea what the Scot-Labour or Tory membership figures are.  Both of them combined will be way less than the SNP’s though.

Edited by CarrbridgeSaintee
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1 hour ago, CarrbridgeSaintee said:

Sarwar being genuinely likeable to the public. 

It's funny how differently we all view politicians. For me, of all the politicians in Scotland I can't see anyone who seems more unlikeable, smug, arrogant and poor at public speaking than Sarwar. Doesn't even come over as sincere when parroting head office releases. 

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4 minutes ago, The Skelpit Lug said:

It's funny how differently we all view politicians. For me, of all the politicians in Scotland I can't see anyone who seems more unlikeable, smug, arrogant and poor at public speaking than Sarwar. Doesn't even come over as sincere when parroting head office releases. 

I actually agree with you.  There’s nothing sincere about him.

I think his approval ratings have been decent compared to the rest though?  That’s all I’m going by really.

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