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The Malik Tillman Incident - What Would You Want?


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As a kid we were always told to only put the ball out for your own player, but make sure you hoof it as far away from your goal-line as possible. Don't put it out for their player, but if it's a bad one then same caveat. 

And play to the whistle..... if the ref doesn't stop the game, play on. 

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That Leeds - Aston Villa one is ridiculous.

It’s upto Leeds to decide they are going to put the ball out of play, not for the Villa players to just stop in the expectation that that is what Leeds have to do.  

The whole thing is a nonsense now. There’s massive indignation when a team doesn’t give the ball back as if it’s a rule. For me, if you kick it out when your own player is injured then the opposition are entitled to keep it from the throw in, whereas if you put it out for an opponent down injured then it’s the right thing to give it back. 

But it’s upto the teams involved, there’s no rule.

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1 hour ago, Melanius Mullarkay said:

f**k "sportsmanship".   It only leads to this kind of utter utter shite.  The White Card.

First-ever white card shown in Football - Everything you need to know


Genuinely thought that was just a yellow reflecting light.

After looking into it, I hope the white card makes its appearance in Scottish football. I want Rangers fans out for blood if one of their players/staff get one.

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1 hour ago, stressball said:

 Tillman opted to feign injury in the hope of getting the Thistle player sent off for accidentally standing on his ankle it’s 100% the right decision.

Even their own club is victimising Rangers fans these days.

Just because it was accidental doesn’t mean he was feigning injury. He quite clearly stood on him so again, I think trying too hard here.

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9 minutes ago, stressball said:

He got up and was running around perfectly fine moments after?

Again, I think you’re trying too hard here. You can see clearly from the clip his ankle was stood on.

From that point to play starting again it must’ve been about a minute/a minute and half.

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3 hours ago, Jacky1990 said:

Teams shouldnt be putting the ball out for an injured player in the first place. Let the ref stop it if he thinks its a head knock or a serious injury. Other than that play on and we dont end up with these situations.

On this incident though, it was the right thing for Rangers to do and would like to think Thistle would do the same. But it is fucking hilarious that some mutants are raging about one of the only decent acts their horrible little club has ever done. 

I know the villa one keeps coming to mind but was there not a cl game a few years back where they scored and *didnt* allow the other team a goal back? Shaktar iirc, brazilian guy that scored, ill have a look.

Im inclined to think the solution is just to have the captains/managers of both teams let each other know pre match what they'll do if a player is down injured, and let the ref know.

Our playoff against Livi at Firhill was amazing for cynicism; several times livi players went down when we had the ball and when we put the ball out, livi would boot it for a throw in as close to our goal as possible before pressing high up in numbers. It wasnt why we lost and went down but i mind it boiling my piss at the time given what was at stake and how blatant it was. Cant mind if the ref was asking our players to put it out or not.

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I've just watched the Tillman incident in full, for the first time. Did he get treatment, as it doesn't look like he did?

If he did, did he have to leave the field? Presuming he didn't, why did the game take so long to restart?

I'm asking these things, as I'm not clear on the situation, just from the footage available.


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7 hours ago, gannonball said:

I appreciate this won't be too popular but perhaps put onus on the 'injured' player to raise there hand to stop play and an accepted minimum time for assessment in or immediate substitute. Would stop players feigning injury as much or that the injury doesn't require immediate care and stopping the game

Joe Hart tried to pull a fast one on us at Parkhead where he got exposed coming out too far and feigned a head injury as it immediately makes the referee stop the game.

Long and short there's guys out there willing to do anything to win regardless of any moral stance.

James Scott was vilified for a goal also at Parkhead when we were 2-0 down. The difference here was Ryan Christie pulled his hammy and Celtic put it out for a shy to facilitate a sub. Jimmy latched on to the ball thrown to the corner and was squared up to by I guess entitlement? The scorer (Ariyibi) avoided any censure and St Brendan had a long moan.

What would you do here if it was your team?

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