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Nicola Sturgeon Arrested, Peter Murrell Charged


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7 minutes ago, Suspect Device said:

reminds me of the Billy Connolly joke.

A large hole appeared in Sauchiehall street today.

Police are looking into it.

I always thought it was a Two Ronnie's gag ...

A hole was discovered in the fence surrounding the local nudist colony





Police are looking into it

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15 hours ago, Jim McLean's Ghost said:

What does IndyRef 2 mean here. The SNP Executive can argue spening on national elections is spending to get Indy Ref 2.

The other thing that strikes me is if the donators wanted this money specifically for indy Ref 2 official campaign spending, and not on the broader campaign to achieve indyref2, why give it to the SNP who did not run the official Yes Scotland campaign. A political party isn't really the place to park money. If they were smart they would have set up their own investment account and increased the pot in the intervening years.


Yeah, they were asking for it really, eh>

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2 hours ago, Hedgecutter said:

It was all over the BBC News channel yesterday tbf.  Correspondent standing two feet in front of some poor police officer trying to stand still and not pick his nose or whatever.

That said, although not BBC, I tuned into Talk Radio for a laugh the other day (good to see how the other side think on occasion) and there was some phone-in caller who said something along the lines of "I'm sick to my back teeth of hearing about Scotland.  Don't they realise there are just as many people living in Yorkshire as there are in Scotland".  Union of nations, aye? 

Fair enough observation although it would of course hardly be the first time someone up here had said they were sick of hearing about e.g. London! :D

And, to be fair, I suspect northern English/Welsh/etc etc often same the same.

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22 minutes ago, Suspect Device said:

reminds me of the Billy Connolly joke.

A large hole appeared in Sauchiehall street today.

Police are looking into it.

I think you’ll find that Congressman George Santos first told that joke.

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1 hour ago, virginton said:

Scottish journalists and above all  PE have been investigating and writing about Murrell's Ted Crilly handling of the £600k for months, if not a year or two now. The resignation of the SNP's internal whistleblowers was a long time ago too. 

That you chose to bury your head in the sand does not actually mean that the allegations only 'surfaced' this week and that the circumstances are completely obscure. 

Utter bollocks. Most of the UK has been rooting for Boris Johnson and co. to be charged by the police and prosecuted for their misconduct over 'Partygate'. If Rishi Sunak and Douglas Ross were personally implicated in a potential criminal offence tomorrow I would be laughing all day long. 

This smacks of special (and particularly pathetic) pleading. 

Eh ? I'm making exactly that point, it's been in the public domain since the allegations were made. Absolutely no argument from me there and no idea where you get that I'm burying my head in the sand to it. Totally bizarre response presumably misquoting me ???

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2 hours ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

It's not good enough for the SNP (and the wider independence movement) to measure themselves against Tory misdemeanours - they need to be better than that.

I get where you are coming from with regards to specific misdemeanours. Whilst we remain so inextricably linked to the finances of the UK, it seems to me to be perfectly fair to benchmark against Westminster.

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imo, Its that constant oh the tories are worse has allwoed the SNP to drop standards

The tories should be called out but when it becomes an easy way to deflect the snps own poor policy, ways of working or generally just taking voters for granted. That isnt helping indpendence or the SNP in the long term

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4 hours ago, TheScarf said:

Since when has the BBC given a f**k about Scotland or Scottish politics?  

The independence referendum? They seemed happy then to promote one side of the argument to influence the outcome to suit their agenda.
Tory cnuts. 

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40 minutes ago, ScotiaNostra said:

is magpie code for a couple of tea leafs

The police should really have called it Operation Magpie.

I'm surprised no one mocked up a t-shirt with a mugshot of Murrell like Trump was trying to sell earlier in the week.

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