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The Famous Aberdeen’s European Tour 2023/24

Frank Grimes

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A disappointing result, as they were a fairly unremarkable side considering they have been regular participants in the group stages of European competitions recently.

A few thoughts from last night:

If we are playing 2 up top, they've got to work as a pair. Miovski and Duk are so isolated if / when they receive the ball. Duk tends to drift without a great deal of purpose at times, and there's no 'opposite movement' to lose his marker. When I was coaching I always told my forwards to make 2 runs - 1 for the defender, then one for the pass. We're trying to play killer passes from inside our own half, and it's easy to defend 99% of the time. Maybe our performance analysts identified HJK as playing a high line leaving space in behind to exploit, but I didn't see much evidence of it last night. And there's no denying that Duk is a shadow of the player that finished last season. He's got no confidence when 1 v 1 with the keeper, and last night he just blasted the ball straight at the HJK goalie as hard as he could, rather than looking to drive it low either side or lift it over him. Last season he would have probably done a couple of stepovers then 'rainbow-flicked' it over him before heading it over the line. 

Both our wing-backs are both considerably more 'back' than 'wing'. We were sitting almost at pitch level about 25 yards from the goal at the Merkland end, so were in line with our defence in the 2nd half, and more often than not McKenzie was the last man out as we pushed up. When Hayes came on, he got out much quicker so his starting position when he got the ball was a good 10 - 15 yards higher, and we were far more progressive as a result.

For the love of god, play Clarkson in behind the forward(s) as a No. 10. He looks lost playing from so far back, and it might stop Shinnie from pushing up alongside Miovski trying to make something happen instead of the sitting / holding position he should occupy. If he does that v PAOK we'll get get caught on the break with no protection, as we did v Hacken.

Jensen & Gartenmann are 'proper' defenders, and playing alongside them is improving Rubezic's game incrementally. Jensen's head is going to be throbbing this morning though. 🤕

The stoppages towards the end of the 1st half killed the tempo and the atmosphere, and the start of the 2nd half was so flat from us. If you give even a mediocre team enough of the ball, there's a chance they'll do something with it. Cracking finish to be fair.

Despite being no more than 15 - 20 yards from the incident when Duk got elbowed in the head, I didn't see it at all. Is there any video of the incident online?

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12 hours ago, kingjoey said:

Disappointed not to win that. For all the moaning about how badly we played, I didn't think that we did, we made some excellent chances which we have to take. Off the top of my head, Miovski header in first half just past the post, Duk header in the first half when a slight flick would have put it over the keeper, Shinnie fresh air shot in second half and Duk one on one in second half. All great chances which you have to take. I thought the defence played ok, particularly Rubezic, Shinnie was good, McGrath was ok, but Clarkson was off it. Great goal by Miovski but how many games has Duk cost us this season by missing countless one on ones. Not awful tonight by any means, but please, please take our chances.

I agree, I thought you guys played well and deserved to win. When it was 0-0, I had the feeling that you would lose the first goal. It reminded me of the play off game against the Swedish mob. However, they were much better than the side from last night. 

Far too many golden opportunities wasted though, at this level you can’t afford to pass them up. As your opponents certainly won’t! 

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8 hours ago, kingjoey said:

Totally agree with you about Barron. I thought he could have been on at half time for Clarkson.

I have no idea why Robson reverted to the Shinnie, McGrath and Clarkson triumvirate in the first place.

All good players, but the lack of chemistry there was a large part of the reason for the early season $hiteshows.

Shinnie is particularly curtailed. 

I was delighted to get Clarkson back, but right now it’s proving difficult to fit him into a 3-5-2 with this personnel - it’s basically just giving up midfield superiority.

I listened to the Sportsound podcast and most of what they said was fair - actually think Loy is a good pundit who gave the right balance between the positives and negatives of last night - there were plenty of both.

On Bojan - agree, probably the best player in the league right now on form - and arguably in terms of the level he looks like he can go to in the game.

Just enjoy him whilst he’s here folks……..the lad is absolute class.

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20 minutes ago, betting competition said:

Tickets on sale this morning for HJK Helsinki - wonder what the demand will be like. 

I'm amazed that over 1200 are going to Thessaloniki as not the easiest to get to

Is that how many we’ve sold? Thought it was more like 5-600

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  • 2 weeks later...
7 hours ago, Melanius Mullarkay said:

Obviously the PAOK game is at the forefront of everyone's minds this week...

Can see this being a bit of a pumping tbqh.

Maybe the A90 will still be blocked.

Only 14k sold so far for this one - not sure if the flat performances so far at Pittodrie this far season or maybe just the fact it’s school hols have to led less take up for this one.

Given full houses are often accompanied with the team shitting the bed, maybe a more low key build up will suit us against the undoubted step up in quality that is PAOK.

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