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Stirling Albion Season 24/25 Thread

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On 20/05/2024 at 19:23, BB_Bino said:

My Son just told me the news, that is a shock. No idea what has happened there, and no disrespect to Cumnock, but I’m stunned he has had to drop to such a level….surely this is a “closer to home and fits my personal life” move and not a football one?

I’m going to miss Blair, thought he was a cracking keeper for this level, yes he had his moments, but he’s someone I’ll always have fond memories of. Wish him the best of luck in his football and in life in general, honestly one of life’s good guys!!

See. You said else where but think should be trying to get Gaston. Trying think who else would be interested in him? Especially if he’s looking to be first choice. 

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Posted (edited)
16 minutes ago, Moorie said:

See. You said else where but think should be trying to get Gaston. Trying think who else would be interested in him? Especially if he’s looking to be first choice. 

If stories of budget stringency are correct, we’re un likely to be hiring players at the top end of the market. Even an aging championship goalkeeper might prove too much.

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32 minutes ago, AlbionMan said:

If stories of budget stringency are correct, we’re un likely to be hiring players at the top end of the market. Even an aging championship goalkeeper might prove too much.

True. Guess will depend on other offers he gets. Can’t see any teams in the championship he’d come in at number 1 for? 

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Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, WC Boggs said:

There was a bank account with 450k in it when this lot took control. That's a fact.  According to Redwatch , by their own figures there was 209k left by May 31st this year.  That's close on 250k blown in just 2 years.  Never mind though, it's all about doing things professionally.   

We've got shot of a good keeper and oh look Arbroath's released Gaston, what a coincidence.  That's my bet for our replacement keeper.

As far as I'm aware the 450k in the bank when the previous board were ousted and the 209k left now under the present board is pretty close.

The first 160-180k was apparently set in stone as the budget for the promotion winning season by the previous board prior to their exit.The present board was obliged to follow through on that.A further 50-60k was allocated by the present board to consolidate the team in Lge.1.

It seems to me it was possibly a fair price to pay for that situation to happen.On the footballing side,the managment team failed to deliver and we are  where we are now.Trying to blame the current board for this failure is ridiculous.

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14 hours ago, MrBeeno said:

As far as I'm aware the 450k in the bank when the previous board were ousted and the 209k left now under the present board is pretty close.

The first 160-180k was apparently set in stone as the budget for the promotion winning season by the previous board prior to their exit.The present board was obliged to follow through on that.A further 50-60k was allocated by the present board to consolidate the team in Lge.1.

It seems to me it was possibly a fair price to pay for that situation to happen.On the footballing side,the managment team failed to deliver and we are  where we are now.Trying to blame the current board for this failure is ridiculous.

I am not blaming the current board for our relegation. Where are you getting that from?

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Posted (edited)
19 hours ago, MrBeeno said:

As far as I'm aware the 450k in the bank when the previous board were ousted and the 209k left now under the present board is pretty close.

The first 160-180k was apparently set in stone as the budget for the promotion winning season by the previous board prior to their exit.The present board was obliged to follow through on that.A further 50-60k was allocated by the present board to consolidate the team in Lge.1.

It seems to me it was possibly a fair price to pay for that situation to happen.On the footballing side,the managment team failed to deliver and we are  where we are now.Trying to blame the current board for this failure is ridiculous.

The projection made by the ousted board for the promotion winning season was I repeat -62k.  That did not include cup games as you can't predict cup draws. Neither did it include projections for increased crowds in a promotion winning season, or monies gained from matches won and actually winning the championship. It also did not include the loss of Dron and Dickson's sponsorship as a direct result of the coup.  That, outsourcing and paying staff to do jobs that were previously covered for free, is probably how -62k worst case scenario was transformed into -180k with some  creative blame transference. I'll leave the fans to make a judgement on that one.

Again, I have not blamed and do not blame the current board for relegation, so who is it you claim does?

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Have just read the boards statement on the search for a new Manager, first of all, it seems that Jim Jeffries is not involved in the search and it's Jimmy Bone. However the line that stood out to me more than anything was:

- A track record of management success

So reading that, it would appear to me that it's not going to be a rookie boss like Robert Snodgrass or Darren Barr (mentioned above). I'm not sure who would be out there that would apply for the job and fit that criteria....there are plenty of Managers out there that would want to get back in though I'm sure. But with the statement finishing off talking about budget cuts, will it be enough to convince someone with a track record to come?

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1 hour ago, BB_Bino said:

Have just read the boards statement on the search for a new Manager, first of all, it seems that Jim Jeffries is not involved in the search and it's Jimmy Bone. However the line that stood out to me more than anything was:

- A track record of management success

So reading that, it would appear to me that it's not going to be a rookie boss like Robert Snodgrass or Darren Barr (mentioned above). I'm not sure who would be out there that would apply for the job and fit that criteria....there are plenty of Managers out there that would want to get back in though I'm sure. But with the statement finishing off talking about budget cuts, will it be enough to convince someone with a track record to come?

What stood out to me is their total failure to admit to the loss of Dron and Dickson sponsorship, or the increased staff expenditure they have incurred in reaching that 180k deficit total for season 22/23. Despite that, taking the 180k deficit as accurate and including a 50k donation, they still managed to drop another 30k or so in 23/24.  A good thing somebody was generous then, or it would have been a lot worse.  

As for the selection process, I'm sure they will have a super duper experienced megastar lined up and aren't just dicking around.



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3 hours ago, BB_Bino said:

Have just read the boards statement on the search for a new Manager, first of all, it seems that Jim Jeffries is not involved in the search and it's Jimmy Bone. However the line that stood out to me more than anything was:

- A track record of management success

So reading that, it would appear to me that it's not going to be a rookie boss like Robert Snodgrass or Darren Barr (mentioned above). I'm not sure who would be out there that would apply for the job and fit that criteria....there are plenty of Managers out there that would want to get back in though I'm sure. But with the statement finishing off talking about budget cuts, will it be enough to convince someone with a track record to come?

Ray McKinnon's your man! 

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1 hour ago, ScottishLoon said:

Ray McKinnon's your man! 

He did play one game for us, at Hampden against QP, so maybe it’s not so far fetched to think he’d want to come back to a youthful love, rose tinted rear view mirror and all that. Mind you reading Forfar fans posts on here it would heart breaking for them if he did. I don’t think the Albion could live with themselves if they tried and managed to break up such a close and loving relationship.

if that’s too much to follow;  the answer’s no he’s not.

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Posted (edited)

Mark Weir, the first known player to be released/leave on a free. No great loss imho, but wish him well. 


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23 minutes ago, David W said:

Paul McLean is away to Cowdenbeath as well.

Yip, confirmed by the club, sad to see him go, could have still done a job for us in League 2. Wish him well though and hope it’s the first step as a successful Coach or Manager



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Sad to see him go.

Definitely could still do a job in league 2. It really is looking like the end of an era.

Departs with a goalscoring record for us that betters a lot of our midfielders over the same time.

Woll miss his set piece presence at both ends of the park.

Great capture for Cowdenbeath. Hope it works out well

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I'm also sorry to see Paul go, but wish him every success at making a name for himself in his new role at Cowdenbeath.  He's going to be a tough act to replace.

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