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US Presidential Election 2024


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11 hours ago, Zetterlund said:

Don't worry America, if it isn't the old guy who doesn't know where he is or the other old guy facing multiple criminal convictions, there's always a Plan C.


I’m not seeing Trump, RFK, or anyone else picking a VP candidate who is nearly as qualified, so I’ll live with that. Right now Trump’s leading VP candidates are Kristi Noem (Palin Mk II), Tim Scott (perennial “Black friend” for Republicans), Elise Stefanik (weathervaning Trump knob-gobbler), and J.D. Vance (white bread far right Republican)…no thanks.

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On 12/02/2024 at 11:13, BFTD said:

The biggest topic of conversation among these folk is "birth rates", so aye. Apparently the hue of people's skin in 2050 is massively important for some reason, and it's quite astonishing to see the mental gymnastics they'll pull off to try making it important, like embracing pseudoscience like eugenics. It's hilarious if you can remain detached enough, but terrifying and deeply depressing otherwise.

You mention eugenics there which got me again thinking how fervently USA lie about their own history. Accusations of either Nazism-adjacent or Hitler-like beliefs are constantly made in US discourse. Americans do this because they genuinely believe Nazism is some strictly European phenomenon entirely alien to their hallowed society. They ignore that Hitler wrote of his admiration for how the US settler entity had spread westwards, clearing the land of the indigenous people as it went. Hitler wanted to do this in an eastwards direction, clearing the Slavs of central and east Europe, Manifest Destiny directly inspired Lebensraum. Hitler's Aryanism was copied from the Nordicism of Americans Madison Grant and William Ripley. Nazi scholars and lawyers looked to USA to find ways to legally discriminate against Jews. Federal Indian Law and the 41 states with anti-miscegenation laws were used as models for some of the 1935 Nuremberg Laws. Jim Crow laws as well as immigration and naturalisation policies in USA were also points of influence. There's the celebrated American industrialists who financed the building of the Wehrmacht and much more to add but let's get back to present day.

Immigration via the Mexican border is very relevant in this presidential race. It's occupying Biden's thoughts so much he confused it for the Rafah border crossing recently. Republican senators and their media are howling about it. The wider response is mostly "what can you do?" shoulder shrugging. Well, a lot can be done  Start by teaching American schoolchildren the actual history of their nation. Teach them about the 1917 Bath riots (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1917_Bath_riots). Teach them the name Carmelita Torres. Teach them how the phrase "ethnic cleansing" came from the belief that a minority ethnic group was unclean and therefore could contaminate the societal majority. This is why Mexican migrant workers were stopped at the border, stripped naked and bathed in kerosene like sheep being dipped. It's why in the 1920s, USA started spraying those migrants' clothes with Zyklon B. Which takes us full circle as in 1937, Nazi scientist Gerhard Peters put forward the idea to use the chemical in concentration camps. He provided as an existing example the US use of it at the Mexican border (https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/zyklon-b-us-border/).

Edited by Freedom Farter
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He thinks he's being all sensible. He always talks of how he's "willing to reach across the aisle" as if that's a virtue. Does he not realise the Republicans are his opposition? He's not supposed to appease them while they continue his nation's legacy of shameful border practices. 

Edited by Freedom Farter
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2 hours ago, Freedom Farter said:


He thinks he's being all sensible. He always talks of how he's "willing to reach across the aisle" as if that's a virtue. Does he not realise the Republicans are his opposition? He's not supposed to appease them while they continue his nation's legacy of shameful border practices. 

He's played them beautifully. Now the Senate has passed just the Foreign Aid portion of the bill the House rejected, and the Speaker has now started roaring its shameful that a Foreign Aid Bill doesn't address the U.S. Border Problem (domestic). So he's reduced to either demanding the bill they just rejected be sent back to them...but it's probably too late for that because the Reich-Wing of the Republican Party can't turn around and vote for that because it's the only way they have to drum up support, scaring grandpa and grandma...or having to support voting down aid for Ukraine, Israel, the Palestinian's, Taiwan and Red Sea operations. Basically, they'd be voting down something that would manage to annoy 80%+ of their supporters in some way.

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8 hours ago, carpetmonster said:

Donald just wants to be loved.


Republicans just don’t learn, but maybe she was still a Democrat? I have an almost 99% Endorsement Success Rate in Primaries, and a very good number in the General Elections, as well, but just watched this very foolish woman, Mazi Melesa Pilip, running in a race where she didn’t endorse me and tried to “straddle the fence,” when she would have easily WON if she understood anything about MODERN DAY politics in America. MAGA, WHICH IS MOST OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY, STAYED HOME - AND IT ALWAYS WILL, UNLESS IT IS TREATED WITH THE RESPECT THAT IT DESERVES. I STAYED OUT OF THE RACE, “I WANT TO BE LOVED!” GIVE US A REAL CANDIDATE IN THE DISTRICT FOR NOVEMBER. SUOZZI, I KNOW HIM WELL, CAN BE EASILY BEATEN!



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8 hours ago, carpetmonster said:

Let’s be honest, if the Democrats had lost that it’d be almost not worth Joe running.  

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6 hours ago, welshbairn said:

Donald just wants to be loved.


Actual data:

“Trump touted his record for endorsing winning candidates on Truth Social Wednesday, claiming he has “an almost 99% Endorsement Success Rate in Primaries, and a very good number in the General Elections, as well.” Trump’s track record with endorsements has actually been more mixed than he’s claimed: While the New York Times found he had a 82% success rate with endorsements in the 2022 midterms, it noted most of those were for incumbents and “heavy favorites to win.” The ex-president’s favored candidates actually lost most of the closer races he weighed in on, including all five competitive House races in which he endorsed a candidate.” (Forbes)

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The Donald, just being honest in a Fox town hall appearance:

“We’re going to take over Washington, D.C. We’re going to federalize. We’re going to have very powerful crime, and you’re going to be proud of it again,”

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Michigan results show Trump with about 68%, still losing 30-40% of the primary vote, which is really chapping his ass.

Biden with a mid 80’s result, the a protest vote from the large Arab community in Michigan managing 13% to try to send a message to him.

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Are the Americans still producing adult movie parodies of their political leaders? There was a huge deal over that Sarah Palin one.

Asking for a mate, obviously.

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20 minutes ago, BFTD said:

Are the Americans still producing adult movie parodies of their political leaders? There was a huge deal over that Sarah Palin one.

Asking for a mate, obviously.

Unfortunately I haven’t got the legs for it, but I can’t believe there isn’t a drag queen called Rhonda Santos as yet. Maybe George’ll go in for it himself when he fancies being on telly again. 

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9 hours ago, TxRover said:

Michigan results show Trump with about 68%, still losing 30-40% of the primary vote, which is really chapping his ass.

Biden with a mid 80’s result, the a protest vote from the large Arab community in Michigan managing 13% to try to send a message to him.

Is Biden not running unopposed?

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