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US Presidential Election 2024


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4 minutes ago, carpetmonster said:


Another subject where Americans drive me nuts. All derived from “if you are poor, it’s because you’re lazy” thus “you don’t deserve healthcare” 


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10 minutes ago, bigmarv said:

Another subject where Americans drive me nuts. All derived from “if you are poor, it’s because you’re lazy” thus “you don’t deserve healthcare” 


Plenty of them here too; we've had a few on this very forum.

The Americans do take it to a new level, though. They've got absolutely shocking problems with homelessness, but would rather try to criminalise people into suicide than ensure there are proper facilities to deal with mental illness, addiction, unemployment, domestic abuse, and all the other factors that can leave the vast majority of the populace destitute and vulnerable. They're far more comfortable claiming that homelessness is a choice, and the poor are just bad people, so should be punished accordingly.

For some folk, the only drawback to killing the poor would be the financial cost.

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He's spent his entire life in politics randomly making up numbers in front of news cameras without being challenged. I'm a bit surprised that the Democrats haven't tried this yet. Just rip the pish out of him and his support's willingness to swallow anything if it feeds their fantasies.

I'm hearing that 70, 80, maybe 90% of the atoms in Donald Trump's body came from Adolf Hitler, Pol Pot, and Thanos. Have you ever heard such a thing? They're telling me now that it might be as much as 105%! You're telling me that someone with that much communist in them can be trusted to run the country? Give me a break!

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Must admit I do like the Harris/waltz statements that get put out after the Don has ranted on TV that basically just say "whatever that was" or "weird" Defo having an effect as Trump had a rant about it 

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3 hours ago, bigmarv said:

WTF is this “nobody knew her last name” stuff? Does he not remember getting his arse handed to him by the Biden/Harris ticket four years ago? :)


He struggles to remember his own last name.  That's why he has it in big letters on all his buildings.

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Trump has mental health issues, not just deteriorating mental acuity but issues beyond that.

Normally that would excuse, at least in part, someone’s actions but his objectives and past activities negate his right to any mitigation.

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2 hours ago, doulikefish said:

Must admit I do like the Harris/waltz statements that get put out after the Don has ranted on TV that basically just say "whatever that was" or "weird" Defo having an effect as Trump had a rant about it 

He's f**king fuming about it. He can't handle that it gets to him big time.

53 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Trump has mental health issues, not just deteriorating mental acuity but issues beyond that.

Normally that would excuse, at least in part, someone’s actions but his objectives and past activities negate his right to any mitigation.

Yup, he's a piece of shit who deserves zero sympathy.

When he dies I'll genuinely celebrate.

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10 hours ago, bigmarv said:

Another subject where Americans drive me nuts. All derived from “if you are poor, it’s because you’re lazy” thus “you don’t deserve healthcare” 


Imagine if the other two emergency services were run along the same lines, and the police and fire department demanded to see your insurance certificates before they came to your aid.

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11 hours ago, bigmarv said:

Another subject where Americans drive me nuts. All derived from “if you are poor, it’s because you’re lazy” thus “you don’t deserve healthcare” 


I sometimes look on Quora for a laugh, and the amount of Americans who ask questions like "people from countries with socialised healthcare - how do you deal with the "freeloader" problem". They genuinely believe that people who aren't rich enough to pay for healthcare shouldn't get medical help even of the problem isn't of their own doing. Presumably they also think children shouldn't get to see a doctor as they haven't paid enough taxes yet. 

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22 minutes ago, GordonD said:

Imagine if the other two emergency services were run along the same lines, and the police and fire department demanded to see your insurance certificates before they came to your aid.

I like the model in ancient Rome - if your house was on fire, they'd put it out if you agreed to sell it to them for pennies. If you didn't, they'd just let it burn.

Some of the ghouls in US politics would be dripping at the thought.

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18 minutes ago, Salvo Montalbano said:

I sometimes look on Quora for a laugh, and the amount of Americans who ask questions like "people from countries with socialised healthcare - how do you deal with the "freeloader" problem". They genuinely believe that people who aren't rich enough to pay for healthcare shouldn't get medical help even of the problem isn't of their own doing. Presumably they also think children shouldn't get to see a doctor as they haven't paid enough taxes yet. 

I was at a training session on radiation protection a few months ago. In terms of how irradiated people are, the average US citizen receives 7 x the worldwide average doses of radiation. The reasons? Their healthcare system. 

No country in the world subjects their citizens to more X-rays, CAT scans, etc than the USA. If the healthcare there was more like here, without companies earning a profit every time they zap someone, then they wouldn't be so badly off. 

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16 hours ago, BFTD said:

Plenty of them here too; we've had a few on this very forum.

The Americans do take it to a new level, though. They've got absolutely shocking problems with homelessness, but would rather try to criminalise people into suicide than ensure there are proper facilities to deal with mental illness, addiction, unemployment, domestic abuse, and all the other factors that can leave the vast majority of the populace destitute and vulnerable. They're far more comfortable claiming that homelessness is a choice, and the poor are just bad people, so should be punished accordingly.

For some folk, the only drawback to killing the poor would be the financial cost.

It’s the “education”. There is this pathetic clinging on to the myth that anyone can become someone in the American system, despite the fact it hasn’t been true since at least the 1970’s. In the modern First World, only the UK has lower social mobility than America, and only just. Despite that, even kid is still told you can pull yourself up by your bootstraps and become someone, without acknowledging that little Timmy is starting with a pair of sandals while Josh has 6” platform boots with a set of laces he can climb…that is, if Josh even attended a public school instead of a swanky academy, and then an Ivy League college before using his connections to get a plum job while Timmy is working at 7-11 to pay for Community College.


5 hours ago, BFTD said:

I like the model in ancient Rome - if your house was on fire, they'd put it out if you agreed to sell it to them for pennies. If you didn't, they'd just let it burn.

Some of the ghouls in US politics would be dripping at the thought.

Something not altogether unlike this occurs in California today, except with regard to wildfires. You can contract with private companies to “protect” your property.


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3 hours ago, Cheese said:


Gangs of New York was about white on white crime, so it's an interesting film to use as an analogy. 

I can only assume he had turned away from the screen in order to f**k his couch and missed the whole thing.

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