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Nicholas Rossi AKA Nicholas Alahverdian AKA Arthur Knight

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Posted (edited)
57 minutes ago, bobbykdy said:

One of the reporters went and visited him at home and asked to see his arms, no tatoos and no sign on having had any removed according to her. Bizarre.

You get some pretty good make-up that totally covers tattoos these days. One of my pals uses it when she poses for photos if the photographer requests she covers up. You can look at her arms from 6 inches away and there's absolutely no hint she's got full sleeves.

Obviously if you know she's covered up, then things like total consistency in skin tone and the absence of blemishes, freckles, and so on becomes pretty noticeable, but if you had no idea in the first place then I reckon it would easily fool a lot of people. Entirely possible the reporter wasn't all that great at recognising they'd been hoodwinked, although I'm no sure how easy that would be to do given it's an adult bloke who likely has a fair amount of visible hair on his arms. Some folk are just daft though.

Edited by Boo Khaki
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I watched them all. I’m glad they gave a lot of time to the victims of his crimes, the whole thing has been kind of a silly farce and the fact he’s accused of very serious crimes has been brushed over a bit. 

Looking at everything he is a pure narcissist, the stuff he put online about the woman he assaulted was so utterly self-absorbed it was unreal. Him writing his own obituaries saying what an amazing man he was, when he was actually an unemployed wife beating sex offender is another indication of this.

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On 19/01/2024 at 18:23, RH33 said:

I thought more orthodox Jew.

Either way, he's clearly a very dangerous man.

It wasn’t mentioned in the documentary but he has actually ‘converted’ to Orthodox Judaism in prison. If you look closely he’s wearing a kippah. 

I think a lot of prisoners ‘convert’ to other religions as they get better food if it’s halal or kosher. It’s very hard to convert to some forms of Orthodox Judaism, I highly, highly doubt he has genuinely converted.

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23 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

It wasn’t mentioned in the documentary but he has actually ‘converted’ to Orthodox Judaism in prison. If you look closely he’s wearing a kippah. 

I think a lot of prisoners ‘convert’ to other religions as they get better food if it’s halal or kosher. It’s very hard to convert to some forms of Orthodox Judaism, I highly, highly doubt he has genuinely converted.

Very difficult to question a suggestion that someone has a"faith". Possibly why so many wrong uns do it.  Evidence isn't really a thing in matters of "faith" so it someone now claims that they fervently believe in something today that they didn't believe in yesterday, you kind of have to go along with it. A crazy situation, but there it is.

If prisoners can claim their conversion to a "faith" - any "faith" - I'm amazed that someone hasn't come up with a "faith"  that demanded steak with every meal, limitless quantities of booze and sweeties on demand and thrice weekly nookie seesions with supermodels.

Maybe "the Church of the Gluttonous Shagger"?

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4 minutes ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

I'm amazed that someone hasn't come up with a "faith"  that demanded steak with every meal, limitless quantities of booze and sweeties on demand and thrice weekly nookie seesions with supermodels.

Maybe "the Church of the Gluttonous Shagger"?

Where do we sign up?

Churches are exempt from paying council tax in the UK.

Win win!

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Watched the last part. The questions now really hang over his missus. 

How does she explain the tattoos? It was 100% her making funeral arrangements, so not so innocent here. Why did she keep the poodle muzzled? And (the wife noticed) why did her accent change from time to time also?

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1 minute ago, scottsdad said:

Watched the last part. The questions now really hang over his missus. 

How does she explain the tattoos? It was 100% her making funeral arrangements, so not so innocent here. Why did she keep the poodle muzzled? And (the wife noticed) why did her accent change from time to time also?

Ask a language expert.


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7 hours ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

Very difficult to question a suggestion that someone has a"faith". Possibly why so many wrong uns do it.  Evidence isn't really a thing in matters of "faith" so it someone now claims that they fervently believe in something today that they didn't believe in yesterday, you kind of have to go along with it. A crazy situation, but there it is.

If prisoners can claim their conversion to a "faith" - any "faith" - I'm amazed that someone hasn't come up with a "faith"  that demanded steak with every meal, limitless quantities of booze and sweeties on demand and thrice weekly nookie seesions with supermodels.

Maybe "the Church of the Gluttonous Shagger"?

You can't convert to Orthodox Judaism by saying "I believe in Orthodox Judaism therefore I'm an Orthodox Jew".




Conversion is a lifetime commitment. This means that you really need to know what you’re getting into, and the Jewish community, as represented by the beit din, needs to know whom they are embracing as the newest member of the Jewish family. In order to make sure that everyone is on the same page, many beit dins have a regimen of study and observance they require potential converts to undertake before they will perform a conversion. You’ll often be required to live immersed within the Jewish community, observing all the mitzvahs, so that you get a firsthand feel of every aspect of a committed Jewish life.

In some cases this process might be overseen by a rabbi vouching for your sincerity, knowledge and commitment. Other beit dins may actually set a course of study and practice spread out over the several months or years, to make sure that you are really ready to convert



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7 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

You can't convert to Orthodox Judaism by saying "I believe in Orthodox Judaism therefore I'm an Orthodox Jew".



Hmm... I wonder which name he joined under. 

Anyhoo, isn't there such a thing as "unorthodox" Judaism? Bound to be some wriggle room with it... Plenty of religions out there. 

If Trump can hold a Bible, individuals claiming a faith as if that grants them some form of respectability doesn't impress me at all.

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1 hour ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

Hmm... I wonder which name he joined under. 

Anyhoo, isn't there such a thing as "unorthodox" Judaism? Bound to be some wriggle room with it... Plenty of religions out there. 

If Trump can hold a Bible, individuals claiming a faith as if that grants them some form of respectability doesn't impress me at all.

There are various denominations of Judaism, some of them will accept basically anyone and others will not accept any converts.

There's a joke about different shades of Judaism

At the Orthodox wedding, the bride's mother is pregnant.

At the Conservative wedding, the bride is pregnant.

At the the Reform wedding, the rabbi is pregnant.

At a Reconstructionist wedding the rabbi and her wife are pregnant

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Posted (edited)
10 hours ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

Very difficult to question a suggestion that someone has a"faith". Possibly why so many wrong uns do it.  Evidence isn't really a thing in matters of "faith" so it someone now claims that they fervently believe in something today that they didn't believe in yesterday, you kind of have to go along with it. A crazy situation, but there it is.

If prisoners can claim their conversion to a "faith" - any "faith" - I'm amazed that someone hasn't come up with a "faith"  that demanded steak with every meal, limitless quantities of booze and sweeties on demand and thrice weekly nookie seesions with supermodels.

Maybe "the Church of the Gluttonous Shagger"?


9 hours ago, Molotov said:

Where do we sign up?

Churches are exempt from paying council tax in the UK.

Win win!

In my 15 years (less one day) on P&B I can say that this is best suggestion I’ve ever seen.

Sadly I’m now in voluntary exile but if I were still back home I’d seriously look at doing this.

I can think of no better way of showing my utter contempt for organised religion than starting one that has a bunch of anti-establishment rules(?) observations(?) whatever.


Edited by Granny Danger
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On 24/05/2024 at 08:47, Salt n Vinegar said:

Very difficult to question a suggestion that someone has a"faith". Possibly why so many wrong uns do it.  Evidence isn't really a thing in matters of "faith" so it someone now claims that they fervently believe in something today that they didn't believe in yesterday, you kind of have to go along with it. A crazy situation, but there it is.

I can think of a few secular identities where the exact same sequence of events could be applied. I think you might be ending up with JK Rowling if you keep that line of argument going - best of luck. 

On 24/05/2024 at 18:47, Granny Danger said:


In my 15 years (less one day) on P&B I can say that this is best suggestion I’ve ever seen.

Sadly I’m now in voluntary exile but if I were still back home I’d seriously look at doing this.

Sadly in voluntary exile having directly voted to sink the country permanently below the waterline. 🤡

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7 minutes ago, virginton said:


Sadly in voluntary exile having directly voted to sink the country permanently below the waterline. 🤡

It must be awful being you.

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On 24/05/2024 at 09:20, scottsdad said:

Watched the last part. The questions now really hang over his missus. 

How does she explain the tattoos? It was 100% her making funeral arrangements, so not so innocent here. Why did she keep the poodle muzzled? And (the wife noticed) why did her accent change from time to time also?

That whole documentary was weird.  The tattoos thing is just plain insanity, but just as mad is making the real life folk act out wee recreations.

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