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Private jets have a much higher rate of failure (ie crashing) than commercial airliners. So if Granny Danger were to take private jets on his constant holidaying he’d probably be dead by the end of the year.

Stay with us GD. 

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17 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

Private jets have a much higher rate of failure (ie crashing) than commercial airliners. So if Granny Danger were to take private jets on his constant holidaying he’d probably be dead by the end of the year.

Stay with us GD. 

Not actually as true as people like to spout. While private aircraft as a whole have a significantly higher crash risk, private jets are actually only a couple of times more likely to have an accident than commercial aviation. It’s all those low time and student pilots in small Cessnas and such that drive the numbers up.

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1 hour ago, TxRover said:

Not actually as true as people like to spout. While private aircraft as a whole have a significantly higher crash risk, private jets are actually only a couple of times more likely to have an accident than commercial aviation. It’s all those low time and student pilots in small Cessnas and such that drive the numbers up.

I would say twice the rate is "much higher"

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1 hour ago, ICTChris said:

Private jets have a much higher rate of failure (ie crashing) than commercial airliners. So if Granny Danger were to take private jets on his constant holidaying he’d probably be dead by the end of the year.

Stay with us GD. 

I appreciate your concern Chris, but now I live in sunny climes I fly far less often than when I lived in dreich Scotland.

Plus, sadly, I cannot afford private jets.  :(


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35 minutes ago, strichener said:

I would say twice the rate is "much higher"

I’ve got twice the chance of dating Sophia Vergara that I do of dating Taylor Swift…


The actual numbers are literally two orders of magnitude higher for general private aviation over commercial, and much closer for private business jets. In all cases, it’s safer than driving.

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16 minutes ago, TxRover said:

I’ve got twice the chance of dating Sophia Vergara that I do of dating Taylor Swift…


The actual numbers are literally two orders of magnitude higher for general private aviation over commercial, and much closer for private business jets. In all cases, it’s safer than driving.

Aw gonnae just shut the f**k up man?

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15 hours ago, ICTChris said:

Private jets have a much higher rate of failure (ie crashing) than commercial airliners. So if Granny Danger were to take private jets on his constant holidaying he’d probably be dead by the end of the year.

Stay with us GD. 

Is there a Go Fund Me page we can donate to so we can hurry up the process?

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15 hours ago, ICTChris said:

Private jets have a much higher rate of failure (ie crashing) than commercial airliners. So if Granny Danger were to take private jets on his constant holidaying he’d probably be dead by the end of the year.

Stay with us GD. 

At least he was alive long enough to see his Brexit happen. 

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On 03/09/2023 at 06:33, tam the bud said:

I would rather have a wee greeting face brat who doesn't know any better, than an adult who talked a load of shit for the whole trip while getting pissed.

Paying more to get away from brats won't mean your trip will be any better. 


Leave the wife/husband at home next time then. 

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On 01/09/2023 at 18:32, parsforlife said:

Wrong way round,  bringing a brat should cost extra and you get placed in the whining rat section due to you  causing problems for other customers

Ive never read a single news article about a badly behaved child forcing an easy jet or jet2 plane etc to make an emergency landing, but plenty about adults. My wee boy has travelled transatlantic 12 odd times and flown all over Europe and behaved great. If a kid cries on a plane id rather listen to that than someone who thinks theyve been elected to sing to the whole plane etc.

On 01/09/2023 at 18:38, DrewDon said:

I don't have any thoughts on this particular proposal, but I am usually a bit sceptical of people who make a thing out of being intolerant towards children and young people. 

Agreed, big red flag. 

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Sat on a flight to Spain yesterday across from an English couple and their 4 kids. The wee girl, about 7 or 8 sat next to me and was pleasant but a wee fidget. At one point she sat down and elbowed my arm as I was pouring my Jack Daniels and she spilled it on me, pretty mich drowned my left leg and t-shirt. I turned round instinctively thinking FFS and she was looking at me in horror, her wee lip trembling so immediately I caught on and told her it was fine, don't worry and accidents happen. The mum, who was across the aisle gave me an apologetic look and I sort of shrugged and smiled.

A row back from them was another family of six with dad in front with about a 4 year old and a 2 year old and mum one row back with i'd say a 5 year old and the 2 year old's twin. The twin with the mum was getting fidgety as flight was taxiing and she loudly proclaimed that if he 'didn't rap his fuckin shite, I swear to god ill rattle your arse', to a two year old baby FFS. The 4 year old, excited said 'when do we go on the plane' and she tutted and went 'we're on the plane the now ya mongo'

The problem in nearly 100% of cases isn't children, it's parents.

Edited by djchapsticks
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20 minutes ago, djchapsticks said:

didn't rap his fuckin shite, I swear to god ill rattle your arse', to a two year old baby FFS.

Ffs publicly talking about battering weans hope the polis put her door in.

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Since the wee guy came last October we've had two weddings, with another by the end of the year and another three next year, each wedding is different however with none of them being immediate family I don't really see the point in a <2 year old being there. 

Realistically he'd be bored for the most part, he'd far rather be at one of the grandparents going to a park/softplay/watching barney. A wedding isn't exactly a fun environment for a baby/toddler. From a parents perspective we'd then be trying to keep him entertained for the day. And probably most importantly, the bride/groom who have spunked a shed load of cash don't need the little one piping up during the ceremony. 

In the same way I wouldn't take my kid to a pub, some events/locations just aren't suited for kids of a certain age. 

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