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Russell Brand - In Plain Sight


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10 minutes ago, BTFD said:

Unfortunately, it appears to be ingrained into the entertainment industry that the talent must be kept happy at all costs, both here and in America. Some of the stories of what they're allowed to do just to keep production going are quite astounding, up to and including sexual assault. Last one I read was about the star of a film demanding that a make-up artist get her tits out, and refusing to work for hours because she wouldn't. In the end she did because she was getting the blame for the amount of time and money being wasted (I've read estimates that it can cost tens or hundreds of thousands of pounds per hour just to have everyone on set during a shoot).

You read that in this thread less than twelve hours ago. 

11 hours ago, ICTChris said:

I doubt any of Brand’s current audience will really care about this. If you are being ultra cynical you might suggest he’s deliberately cultivated this sort of audience because he knew that eventually someone would do this sort of expose on his behaviour. 

Someone involved in the entertainment industry once told me a story about Brand - he was doing a movie and refused to leave his dressing room for shooting until the make up artist showed him her breasts. She refused and he sat in his trailer for several hours until eventually the make up artist just said “oh get it over with”, pulled up her top and showed him. He then came out and filming resumed.

The person who told me this wasn’t there and heard it third or fourth hand so I wouldn’t say it’s entirely reliable but that’s the sort of story people tell about Brand.


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24 minutes ago, Jacksgranda said:

How many times have we read similar stuff?
And how many more times are we to read similar stuff?

It's like youngsters being abused and murdered by their parents/step parents/foster parents - it just happens again and again and again. And although "lessons have been learned" they don't seem to be on the curriculum the next time it happens.

There's always going to be rapists and child abusers about, as there are murderers, it's the code of silence by people who could stop it that is depressing and avoidable. 

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Let’s not pretend this is confined to the entertainment industry, it’s about all people who think they are are in power & must be protected at all costs.

Just look at all the bullying / sexual advances etc in the UK parliament! If that happened at the same rate in a general workforce, it would be regarded as shocking.

Prince Andrew! Why we kept quiet & didn’t storm the palaces to reclaim at least the £12m we paid for that nonce to avoid charges, it’s another example of power & money = no consequence.

High profile sports stars, seems to be mainly footballers, but not confined to that, think that it’s ok to to abuse & bully, it’s unacceptable.

This is sadly just another example in a long litany of abuses of power. It makes me sad that these people are protected until the point they can’t possibly be. 


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2 hours ago, welshbairn said:

What thread was that in, just want to check if I need to delete anything compromising? 

Honestly, I fully expect somebody I admire off the telly to end up being a bit rapey, so I’m just going to post a cover-all comment saying “ I knew it all along and was just pretending to like him/her.”


I’d like to think I wouldn’t have sung Brand’s praises, but I do foresee some folk I have some time for not coming out of this very well.   

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Used to listen to his show now and again on a Sunday morning on 6Music with his mate, Matt I think, must be 15 years ago, and they came across as a pair of right creepy b*****ds. Vaguely remember them giggling along to some story about a threesome they had where Brand had been officiously coordinating positions, much to his mate's amusement, and even back then it all sounded a bit shady.

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Kenneth Branagh has cast Johnny Depp and Russell Brand in his 2 Agatha Christie remakes.

If the tend continues is Jamie Dornan next to be dragged through the courts. Of course Mr Dornan I'm sure has never done anything wrong in his life.

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3 hours ago, sparky88 said:

He knew this was coming and groomed his fans by painting himself as a right wing hero.

Those fans are the ones now defending him blindly.

It’s almost as if he didn’t believe a thing he was saying all along, isn’t it?

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I think most celebrities who have reputations as “shaggers” or in old speak “lady killers” all have at the very least some poor behaviour in their history. This goes as well for non-celebrities. Almost every man I’ve known who makes “pulling women” a core part of their personality has been a sleaze at the least.

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17 minutes ago, Savage Henry said:

Honestly, I fully expect somebody I admire off the telly to end up being a bit rapey, so I’m just going to post a cover-all comment saying “ I knew it all along and was just pretending to like him/her.”


I’d like to think I wouldn’t have sung Brand’s praises, but I do foresee some folk I have some time for not coming out of this very well.   

Mickey Flanagan does a bit where he says his mum always knew Jimmy Saville was a “nonce”.   There must be lots of folk who look at the likes of Brand and reach the same conclusion.


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  • ICTChris changed the title to Russell Brand - In Plain Sight
4 minutes ago, Melanius Mullarkay said:

Surprised Ross hasn’t been pulled in yet.

He’s on my list.

Next to Osman.

Well if we’re playing that game, I can see this being Noel Fielding’s last series of Bake Off.   Something’s off with that lad.  

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