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Inner monologue

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2 hours ago, hk blues said:

I don't think I have an inner monologue, at least not one I can hear in my head.  I do daydream a lot though and think a fair bit but it's non-vocal (I think it is at least).

I think I am the same, I don't hear a voice but the words are there, I also daydream alot but again no proper sound but the words are there if needed if that makes any sense. 

I can mentally image things but it's fleeting, like the image appears and rapidly sods off

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2 minutes ago, weirdcal said:

I think I am the same, I don't hear a voice but the words are there, I also daydream alot but again no proper sound but the words are there if needed if that makes any sense. 

I can mentally image things but it's fleeting, like the image appears and rapidly sods off

Yep...it's the same kind of thing as when I dream - there aren't actually any faces but somehow I know who the people are.  When daydreaming however, I can visualise the faces etc clearly in my mind. 

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2 hours ago, Thistle_do_nicely said:

You also do that whole "involuntary reflexive noise to drown out the thoughts" thing? Bit like a mild tourettes that only kicks in when my brain decides to remind me of something cringeworthy from, say, 10 years ago.

Solidarity, brother. Assumed I was the only person stuck in this Tourette's halfway house. Oddly, it's only ever happened once or twice in the company of other people. I don't know if that means I can suppress it or I'm just less inclined to ruminate or allow my mind to drift when I'm not alone. Usually I'll be trying to sleep and then just let out a "f**k off, man!" accompanied by a shake of my head/body :lol: 

Also had to be medicated for a short time too as they became far too much, but this was exacerbated by a lack of sleep at the time.

2 hours ago, CityDave94 said:

Your inner monologue is part of your conscence descision making, your ego. Sometimes reffered to as adult, child and parent, each different with good and bad points.

Don't think I've heard of this before. Presumably influenced by TV but I've always thought of it as Good v Bad (parent v child?), devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other sort of thing. You mean I have a third force trying to make me do stuff?!

One time after a party my thoughts were in a Russian accent and it didn't reset 'til after I'd been to sleep.

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3 hours ago, Thistle_do_nicely said:


You also do that whole "involuntary reflexive noise to drown out the thoughts" thing? Bit like a mild tourettes that only kicks in when my brain decides to remind me of something cringeworthy from, say, 10 years ago.

My dad also tends to just loudly, randomly exclaim "stupid p***k" or "c**t" late at night apropros of nothing, so I suspect i get it from him.

More happily though, my brain likes to randomly start playing old NES / SNES songs from stuff I played as a kid. Pretty neat when some banger from Mega Man 3 just decideds to start rattling in my skull.


Aye, the day after a night out for me is spent abusing myself out load whenever anything cringe from the previous night pops into my head.

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I've posted this before, so here goes.

At a meeting there was a woman talking about something or other, but kept revamping her point several times to make it sound like loads of points.

My first reaction was 'can she not use verbal punctuation' 'how has she not passed out due to lack of oxygen? she cannot possibly be talking this long and not take a breath'

I then progressed to 'will you shut the f**k up' 'Oh no, she's still going, will you shut the f**k up'

I continued the pattern until...

...the room went totally quiet and everyone was looking at me, apparently my IM had mission creep and I had verbalised my thoughts.

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37 minutes ago, RawB93 said:

Don't think I've heard of this before. Presumably influenced by TV but I've always thought of it as Good v Bad (parent v child?), devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other sort of thing. You mean I have a third force trying to make me do stuff?!

One time after a party my thoughts were in a Russian accent and it didn't reset 'til after I'd been to sleep.

Learned about it around 40 years ago, can't remember who's book I was reading. Adult voice is practical and logic, parent voice tells you what to do but can also include both self praise and self criticism and child is the impulsive side which also includes creativity and humour. Can't remember in the book if the id is seperate or part of the child part of the ego, probably the former since it doesn't need to go through any conscious descision making process.

Googled it and it was Eric Berne and the book was 'Games People Play'. I wouldn't mind reading it again, I would probably have a very different take on it.

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4 hours ago, greendot said:

Waking up with a sense of anticipation, thoughts of the upcoming match fill my mind. Over breakfast, I replay the team's recent performance, analyzing strengths and weaknesses, debating strategies with myself.


Throughout the day, between work and daily tasks, I intermittently check news updates, hoping for positive news on injuries or transfers. I can't help but imagine the roar of the crowd, mentally preparing for the emotional rollercoaster the game will bring.


As match time approaches, my excitement builds, and my inner monologue intensifies. Memories of past victories and defeats surface, fueling a mix of hope and anxiety. Each player's name echoes in my mind, forming a mental lineup.


During the match, my inner monologue becomes a dynamic commentary – cheering for successful plays, groaning at missed opportunities. The emotional rollercoaster reaches its peak with each goal or near miss, evoking a cascade of thoughts and emotions.


Post-game, I reflect on the performance, questioning tactics and individual plays. Despite the outcome, my loyalty prevails, and my thoughts shift to the next fixture. The day closes with a mix of pride, disappointment, and unwavering support for my beloved team.

Post just reminded me and I'm rather glad; occasionally have extremely vivid dreams and note them down on my phone if I remember.

One a few weeks back where I could kind of... see myself in a post match interview, as a footballer for Thistle.

Was it a famous cup final victory? Win over the Old Firm? Win over a title rival and me talking about how proud I was?

Nope, just me talking about how disappointed I was that we didnt win, in an imaginary 1-1 draw with Dunfermline.

Also mind there being some kind of weird, PES style advertising in the background.

Dont know what that says about me. Or why Dunfermline, we hadnt even played them the day I dreamed.

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8 minutes ago, Thistle_do_nicely said:

Dont know what that says about me. Or why Dunfermline, we hadnt even played them the day I dreamed.

Do you read P&B before bed? I often find that it'll be one of the last things I thought about (consciously or unconsciously) will appear in my dream. Or even a person whose post on Instagram I just scrolled past and maybe don't even know that well.

Also the last song I listen to before I go out will be the one that continues to play in my head that day.

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17 hours ago, Richey Edwards said:

Apparently only 30-50% of people regularly experience an inner monologue. I always assumed that everyone had this.


Do YOU have an inner monologue? How often do you experience it?



13 hours ago, Bully Wee Villa said:

My inner monologue is always banging on about the Romans.


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More when I was younger but "Welshbairn, don't do it, you're drunk and you'll regret it later." " BORING!!! Ha Ha Ha Ha OUCH!" or "Where the f**k am I and why am I here, eww.. who's she?"


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I just wish my inner monologue wouldn’t randomly, just for the f**k of it, toss out a word with absolutely no relationship to anything going on. This morning I had to move the car because they are going to be spray painting outside…I get it parked away a bit, walking back and the word “monotreme” pops into my head…it’s damn annoying.

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14 hours ago, buchan30 said:

I had an argument with a girlfriend that was started by her asking “what i was thinking” and genuinely at that point in time, i had f**k all going through my head. This seemed to annoy her because in her words “you have to always be thinking something”
Having wife/kids means that i am constantly thinking about things and the inner monologue feels like it is constantly on the go. 

I absolutely fucking hate that. The wife does it sometimes.... Asks me that. Its a fucking stupid question. For the most part, what is running through my head at a given time is utter nonsense, has little to do with the situation I'm in, and might be some utterly heinous shit, some sort of extreme violence, or a totally mundane imagination of how a certain future conversation might play out. Iv always felt the line for psychopaths is that we ALL have horrific thoughts, but some people lose the ability to leave then as thoughts. 

Anyway, are people saying they hear voices clear as if someone is in the room with them here, but in their head? 

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5 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

 Anyway, are people saying they hear voices clear as if someone is in the room with them here, but in their head? 

For me it’s like hearing the word without hearing it…which makes little sense…but it’s not hearing it like some said it, but it pops into my consciousness as if someone said it. Weird when you think about it,

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1 minute ago, TxRover said:

For me it’s like hearing the word without hearing it…which makes little sense…but it’s not hearing it like some said it, but it pops into my consciousness as if someone said it. Weird when you think about it,

Aye, as in you create the sentence that's been said to you in your mind. 

I'm glad, cos I thought people were saying they genuinely hear voices..... To the best of my recollection, only twice in my life I have thought I genuinely heard a voice where there was no one talking. It's fucking Terrifying 

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1 hour ago, Bairnardo said:

I absolutely fucking hate that. The wife does it sometimes.... Asks me that. Its a fucking stupid question. For the most part, what is running through my head at a given time is utter nonsense, has little to do with the situation I'm in, and might be some utterly heinous shit, some sort of extreme violence, or a totally mundane imagination of how a certain future conversation might play out. Iv always felt the line for psychopaths is that we ALL have horrific thoughts, but some people lose the ability to leave then as thoughts. 

Anyway, are people saying they hear voices clear as if someone is in the room with them here, but in their head? 

There have been times where i have had to make something up to do with the kids or house/work. Because if I gave the honest answer of “can I negotiate to get X player on Fifa for cheaper” That wouldn’t go down too well.

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3 minutes ago, buchan30 said:

There have been times where i have had to make something up to do with the kids or house/work. Because if I gave the honest answer of “can I negotiate to get X player on Fifa for cheaper” That wouldn’t go down too well.

Aye I tend to just go with something topical to what we've been talking about or that. Like you say, the truth would not be well received in most cases

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