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Willie Collum; good guy? complete dick? corrupt? / ..and should (Old Firm) clubs "have the power to ban him"?

Two sided poll - Willie Collum's decisions & club control over referees.  

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3 hours ago, willywastecoat said:

You seem to be missing the point M8,Collum has seen it hit Johnston's hand but deemed it wasn't a penalty, just because it hand his hand doesn't mean it's a pen M8.
I know rangers fans expect pens to be given every time it hits an opponents hand in the box,it's good to see that change.

Whit? I literally said:


They obviously disagree with Collum’s decision that it wasn’t a handball

So no, I never missed that point 😂


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45 minutes ago, Crawford said:

Shouldn't have referees from the same country judging the competition at the highest level. I would go as far to say no UK born referee should ref any game in the UK.

Remember I'm talking about the top level here. 

That is one of the worst ideas I’ve ever read.

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29 minutes ago, Sortmeout said:

First of all who is going to pay for it? That’s question 1.

Ah yes, the game is seriously lacking in cash.

I'm not talking about just Scotland, I mean all top leagues. It removes any arguments of bias almost immediately.

Please do though tell me the rest of the points as to why it's one of the worst ideas you've ever read though.

Edit - The FAs currently pay for referee budgets themselves, what I am suggesting is a much higher level change than that and would be theoretically payed for by FIFA.

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A club that is known for getting a lot of penalties and not conceding many penalties is kicking up a huge fuss about a penalty decision that didn't matter as it was offside anyway. Not something to take seriously in my book. I see their fans are threatening boycotts, protests and legal action again so we'll see how it all pans out. 

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2 minutes ago, Arnie said:

Our team has had poor decisions against us but do we go to the lengths rangers go to it’s embarrassing 

VAR seems to have a problem with decisions for/against Aberdeen. Moan about them, then move on.

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2 hours ago, MazzyStar said:

That ref looks like he’d struggle to run the length of the pitch let alone keep up with game. 

Tom Wharton was a longstanding UEFA and international referee... he oversaw about a dozen domestic cup finals, numerous major European QFs + SFs and Cup-Winners' Cup Final in 1962.

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1 minute ago, HibeeJibee said:

Tom Wharton was a longstanding UEFA and international referee... he oversaw about a dozen domestic cup finals, numerous major European QFs + SFs and Cup-Winners' Cup Final in 1962.

I’m surprised he never keeled over 

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3 minutes ago, MazzyStar said:

I’m surprised he never keeled over 

Different game back then.

After retiring he chaired SFA referee committee for many years and served on FIFA's equivalent. Less well known he also headed Football Trust up here which rebuilt many ground/stands/etc. during 1990s.

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27 minutes ago, Buckets said:

A club that is known for getting a lot of penalties and not conceding many penalties is kicking up a huge fuss about a penalty decision that didn't matter as it was offside anyway. Not something to take seriously in my book. I see their fans are threatening boycotts protests & legal action again so we'll see how it all pans out. 

Heard all that shit in 2012 😂

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44 minutes ago, Crawford said:

Ah yes, the game is seriously lacking in cash.

I'm not talking about just Scotland, I mean all top leagues. It removes any arguments of bias almost immediately.

Please do though tell me the rest of the points as to why it's one of the worst ideas you've ever read though.

Edit - The FAs currently pay for referee budgets themselves, what I am suggesting is a much higher level change than that and would be theoretically payed for by FIFA.

So sorry who is paying for it? Who is going to pay to fly referees into Scotland every week?

Are you talking about just the referee or the entire referee squad including 4th official and VAR etc? 

Once again who is going to pay for this? Do you think the English FA or Premiership will pay for their referees to come to Scotland and also pay us to send them Wullie fucking Collum to replace those referees because our own referees aren’t good enough for us?

Really? That is your idea?


ETA - you seem to be indicating that Scotland is flush with cash. I don’t know what you’ve been smoking but it’s definitely not.  In case you missed it the big clubs, big leagues and UEFA aren’t too keen on sharing their wealth with the smaller countries? 

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No need to "fly" VAR refs to Scotland. Some kid can sit in a studio in Vietnam/Canada/anywhere to review the film. With no horse in the race they'll make an honest decision. Just like the ref strike when foreign refs came to Scotland games started being refereed better 😃, then the strike was over.

What happens to WC will be interesting. After "Davisgate", Andy Davis was "retired" BUT given the line to run at the Scottish Cup Final Celtic v Dundee Utd. He gave a pointed throw to United when their player kicked it out. Lots of booing from Celtic fans but the Authorities had backed his nonsense from Tynecastle so "doubled down" as they were confident he wouldn't "do" Celtic in the final and had to be seen to be backing their man.

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