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Firstly Very very Poor  tonight and from the 1st min on the Pitch to in the stands it felt very flat and passive almost like an end of season game when we actually had the chance to half the defecit with a Home Win...

Moving onto game...

Rennie can not play wide right & having scored two on saturday should have beem through the middle, Odd decision

McGinn is a LB and has done nothing wrong to be dropped...

Alex King is far more effective in CM than Bannatyne and Leitch who were total passengers & were both very lucky not to get taken off along with CY rightly so...

When Forfar attacked every time they had at least 4or5 bursting a gut to get into box, Apart from Leslie chance late on i didnt see that once from our midfield to front...

Honking display to put it mildly and yet another game we failed to show up when it matters to reduce the point gap and keep momentum going after Sat..

Mccall has to take part of the responsbility tonight for his set up with or without injuries/suspension but most will wait until Ross Lyon or Cameron take a bad throw in sat and normal service will resume..

Club is a mess from top to bottom and i include some of our support in that aswell.

Yer Mithers Pride


Edited by shawfield shed boy
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First game I went along to for about 18 months after the Hope from Saturday . f**k me.Absolutely lifeless. Forfar managed the game very well as it went on. Would Allan have made a difference? God knows but Rennie was as poor as the last time I saw him . So lightweight and carries himself like a jumper on a windy clothesline. The table doesn’t lie as it is said, but I still think McCall was the absolutely best option presented to us at the time..but six months too late. The board definitely have to take the blame by offering Duffy and an inexperienced manager the roles they gave them for such an important season. Too little too late. 

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17 minutes ago, Clyde85 said:

That was criminal from King in the last 10 minutes had blatantly given up. Bunch of cowards the lot of them.

As much as Ross Lyon is absolute dogshit he never hides or chucks it. Dreadful attitude from King, not what you need when you’re in the trenches.

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It's hard to criticise any supporter that is still going to games, but I thought the "encouragement" made things unnecessarily nervy in the first half; a first half where we were in reasonable control against a side that just sat deep with a tight midfield. Not sure there's anyone in the division that would be passing their way through that. The bigger issue for me was not winning second balls (not helped by Young not really disrupting the centre halves). We had three or four decent efforts on goal but by the end we looked completely shot of confidence.

Second half we don't defend a set piece (a real lack of presence in the air in general just now) and then end up chasing the game. We could easily score through Leslie or Rennie but had our momentum ruined by an awful decision to give Forfar a throw that they took 45 seconds to take, then played down into the corner. We were a bit unfortunate with the second, with Grant going down injured.

A fair few did chuck it after that. I'd not pick on King solely, there were others. At the end of the day, this team shows barely any signs of turning round a one goal deficit, never mind two. The whole club is just a complete and utter mess and I have no idea how to spark it back into life.

The positives are that we won't ever seen Kinnear lobbed from halfway. He looks absolutely petrified to come off his line. And I'll probably not have to bother with Elgin on the final day.

Lambie had been good in previous games but when the Forfar goalie spends the whole second half literally shouting at players to time waste, and he does nothing about it, then he isn't doing his job properly. For what it's worth, I thought all the yellow cards were fair enough. But giving Young offside from a clear Forfar header back is one of the worst decisions you will see.

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39 minutes ago, Clyde01 said:

If you were more raging at someone calling the players out for being a shower of c***s than you were about the product on the field and state of the club then it says a lot. Pathetic little happy clapping snakes wanting us to quietly slink off to oblivion without making a fuss.

If, as I suspect is the case, this is being said in defence of the three absolute dullards near the centre of the stand who were boring dozens of folk around them to death with their constant stream of vitriolic bile, then I can only laugh. Not bellowing at players and repetitively calling them everything under the sun for 90 minutes doesn't make reasonable fans "happy clappers", as they were informed by many around them, several of whom they meekly tried to square up to. Thankfully we were allowed to see out the final ten minutes or so in relative peace as they finally shut the f**k up for fear of a leathering.

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2 minutes ago, David W said:

The positives are that we won't ever seen Kinnear lobbed from halfway. He looks absolutely petrified to come off his line. And I'll probably not have to bother with Elgin on the final day.

I wouldn't be so sure, David; he was left scrambling by that dipping Skelly effort and then was also back-peddling rather hurriedly for a cross-cum-shot later on. I remarked at the game about his rootedness to his line for the opener; I'd need to see it again but my initial thought was that he should've been coming to punch that, at the very least. 

Hopefully that is the last time we ever have to see Peter Grant starting for Clyde. Nothing against the guy, but to say his legs have gone is a complete understatement. 

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1 hour ago, the_bully_wee said:

If, as I suspect is the case, this is being said in defence of the three absolute dullards near the centre of the stand who were boring dozens of folk around them to death with their constant stream of vitriolic bile, then I can only laugh. Not bellowing at players and repetitively calling them everything under the sun for 90 minutes doesn't make reasonable fans "happy clappers", as they were informed by many around them, several of whom they meekly tried to square up to. Thankfully we were allowed to see out the final ten minutes or so in relative peace as they finally shut the f**k up for fear of a leathering.

Aye, thank goodness you got to see out the last 10 minutes of heartless tripe in peace because the dissenters, just like the players, had chucked it.

For what’s it’s worth I did think the shouts were a bit excessive but it was hardly a constant stream of vitriolic bile. Telling fellow fans to f**k off and not come back in defence of a bunch of gutless charlatans who will be off out the door at the first opportunity is hardly the way forward though.

Plenty of embarrassing ‘Haud me back’ type aggression on both sides of the spat but if you pay your money you are entitled to your opinion. Just as the ‘we know how bad it is but give us peace’ gang are entitled to slip off quietly and celebrate the fact that we put Forfar under pressure for 10 minutes. 

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6 minutes ago, Clyde01 said:

Aye, thank goodness you got to see out the last 10 minutes of heartless tripe in peace because the dissenters, just like the players, had chucked it.

For what’s it’s worth I did think the shouts were a bit excessive but it was hardly a constant stream of vitriolic bile. Telling fellow fans to f**k off and not come back in defence of a bunch of gutless charlatans who will be off out the door at the first opportunity is hardly the way forward though.

Plenty of embarrassing ‘Haud me back’ type aggression on both sides of the spat but if you pay your money you are entitled to your opinion. Just as the ‘we know how bad it is but give us peace’ gang are entitled to slip off quietly and celebrate the fact that we put Forfar under pressure for 10 minutes. 

It was truly joyous compared to experiencing the same in the five minutes before, only with the foaming-mouthed mewlings of that specky boy soundtracking it. 

It kicked off when, during a lull in play, the aforementioned embarked on a good twenty to thirty second tirade, shouting essentially the same thing paraphrased with different swear words and insults. If, as you say, these players will be away at the first opportunity, what good will it do anyone to make them even less arsed by constantly berating them? Would you be more inclined to try harder for a cause you don't care all that much about if you were being bollocked constantly? We all know from experience that things turning toxic rarely ends well, and what we've got at present - manager and players - are all that we can call upon to turn this shitshow around; we can't change anything else now. It's clear that the players' confidence is extremely fragile and that it evaporates the moment something goes against them in a game, and getting on their back as some are is not conducive to any manner of remotely positive outcome in May.

I think most of us experience frustration at games and have the odd outburst, but that pish definitely crossed the line and then some. Nobody celebrated any of that tonight, but thankfully the majority of rational folk seem to understand the very basic reality that either encouraging the team or simply holding your tongue are far better options than slamming a bunch of guys who are not going to magically get any better off the back of being constantly bodied.

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6 hours ago, the_bully_wee said:

It was truly joyous compared to experiencing the same in the five minutes before, only with the foaming-mouthed mewlings of that specky boy soundtracking it. 

It kicked off when, during a lull in play, the aforementioned embarked on a good twenty to thirty second tirade, shouting essentially the same thing paraphrased with different swear words and insults. If, as you say, these players will be away at the first opportunity, what good will it do anyone to make them even less arsed by constantly berating them? Would you be more inclined to try harder for a cause you don't care all that much about if you were being bollocked constantly? We all know from experience that things turning toxic rarely ends well, and what we've got at present - manager and players - are all that we can call upon to turn this shitshow around; we can't change anything else now. It's clear that the players' confidence is extremely fragile and that it evaporates the moment something goes against them in a game, and getting on their back as some are is not conducive to any manner of remotely positive outcome in May.

I think most of us experience frustration at games and have the odd outburst, but that pish definitely crossed the line and then some. Nobody celebrated any of that tonight, but thankfully the majority of rational folk seem to understand the very basic reality that either encouraging the team or simply holding your tongue are far better options than slamming a bunch of guys who are not going to magically get any better off the back of being constantly bodied.

If you think there is going to be a positive outcome in May then I think you are in for a big disappointment. We have completely shat our pants in 3 must win matches against Elgin, Stranraer and Forfar. The latter 2 in particular are far worse sides than EK. Barring a miracle we are done for now.

Whilst I agree berating the players isn’t particularly constructive they more than deserve it for that performance and even worse throwing in the towel at 2-0. I don’t really care if hearing some boy having a melt down upsets them because their shite half arsed performances deserve it.

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We’ve all been guilty over the years of losing the plot and giving dogs abuse to the players but constantly ranting and raving at them doesn’t help anyone, least of all the players who already have zero confidence. 
I’m a moany b*****d when I watch us but I keep my “aw fur f**k sake *insert name here*” to a level nobody outwith a row in front or behind me can hear.

Last night was frustrating to watch. I’m not sure I agree that the players don’t care, maybe to a slight extent the boys on loan aren’t as invested, but I’d say the rest do care but have no confidence or self-belief. And no wonder.

Edited by BullyWeeStonehouse
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7 hours ago, Clyde01 said:

Plenty of embarrassing ‘Haud me back’ type aggression on both sides of the spat but if you pay your money you are entitled to your opinion.

For a start, it was pathetic from the boys shouting. They absolutely shat it. Secondly, this whole 'you pay your money' narrative is embarrassing. Yes, you can be entitled to your opinion, but that doesn't mean it's ok to come into the stand and be that odd fake aggressive way with other fans in the stadium. Stupid little wankers that really need to get a grip, or maybe experience the warmth of another human!

On to the game, aye, a bunch of shitebags. I almost don't blame King for chucking it. He's being played out of position in a situation where we need to win every game. It's almost like its set up to make him a scapegoat. We have a perfectly good left back sitting on the bench, and King is much better in an attacking role. It's absolutely mad that McCall has been taken over by the Clyde Fullback Madness.

As has been mentioned, one thing we really missed was Jordan Allan just occupying the centre halves and being an absolute pest. Without him we just look absolutely toothless. Young just can't do it in the same manner. Rennie should have been played as the striker with King up and McGinn brought in at left back.

I think if this team had been brought together much earlier it would be fine, as we've seen in flashes, but goodness me when the backs are against the wall you can really see that they haven't yet gelled. No one really backing anyone else.

Very grim viewing, but this has been coming for years and we deserve to be here.

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10 minutes ago, Brian Carrigan said:

On to the game, aye, a bunch of shitebags. I almost don't blame King for chucking it. He's being played out of position in a situation where we need to win every game. It's almost like it’s set up to make him a scapegoat. We have a perfectly good left back sitting on the bench, and King is much better in an attacking role. It's absolutely mad that McCall has been taken over by the Clyde Fullback Madness.

McGinn was on at left back and he had been moved forward into an attacking role by the time he gave up and started leathering the ball anywhere. Couldn’t deliver a corner past the first man on several occasions either. We don’t need guys with absolutely no stomach for the fight and he was an embarrassment in the second half last night. Granted not the only one.

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I streamed the game so didn't hear the abuse. My two cents would be that most of us (myself included) will occasionally lose the rag at games, especially during trying times such as these. However, spending a whole game, by the sounds of things, and I apologise if I've misunderstood, aggressively berating players is counterproductive and unpleasant to be around for staff and fans. Sympathise with the guys to some extent but they need to show maturity and tone it down.

On a somewhat related note, I really hope McCall has a quick but stern word with King. He's a young guy finding his feet in the man's game and in adulthood more generally, it's important to remember that. He's here for his development and has shown flashes of real ability in his time and could have a great career ahead of him if he applies himself. However, his attitude last night stunk. The one thing I can't fucking stomach as a fan is players not bothering their arse. It's the type of thing that leads to the sort of fan behaviour that has drawn criticism in here. It's also why I have a bit of a soft spot for Ross Lyon. He's not good but, as others have mentioned, he'll never hide and you'll never get less than 100% out of him.

ETA: King is not entirely to blame for chucking it. Senior players failed him in not coaxing/outright demanding a higher standard of professionalism from him.

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10 minutes ago, Clyde01 said:

McGinn was on at left back and he had been moved forward into an attacking role by the time he gave up and started leathering the ball anywhere. Couldn’t deliver a corner past the first man on several occasions either. We don’t need guys with absolutely no stomach for the fight and he was an embarrassment in the second half last night. Granted not the only one.

McGinn should have started left back. However, as per every Clyde manager for the last god knows how long, McCall played someone in there out of position. King was getting absolutely no joy at left back and I'm not saying chucking it is forgivable, but he has no skin in the game given he's on loan. He didn't have a good game on Saturday despite the win and that carried over into last night.

As I said, chucking it is a bad look, but no matter what happens with Clyde Alex King will either be back playing with Morton next season or playing somewhere else in the leagues. This is a free hit for him just to play some games. Chucking it is always a danger with the loan boys. McCall should be fully aware of that and to be honest, he should just be playing players in their actual fucking positions to get the best out them.

Edited by Brian Carrigan
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13 hours ago, Jan Vojáček said:

This really makes me feel a whole lot worse about our result on Saturday.

TBF you should be worried Jan. I did have a small amount of hope after the weekend as I thought we played OK, however perhaps my judgement was clouded by how poor you guys were, as opposed to us playing well.

Have a feeling both of our teams will be embarrassed in the playoffs ! (think you have enough of a cushion to get there).

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