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Artificial pitch vote

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8 hours ago, Wee jeemie said:

I’d hope if it happened they’d give plenty time to change , I remember Aberdeen being saved from relegation due to the Falkirk stadium not being standard , I can this shit Aberdeen side being saved again but this time due to Raith having a plastic pitch , mair lives than a cat 

This myth needs to be addressed once and for all. Cats only have one life, same as the rest of us. My sister’s kitten got run over, and stayed dead. First time.

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3 minutes ago, Sortmeout said:

Am I right in saying that if ourselves and Livingston reject this proposal then it’s fails under the 10/2 rule (or 11+1 or whatever it is called)? 



The SPFL board haven’t yet made it clear if a 9-3 majority will carry the day or whether the issue needs an 11-1 majority to pass.


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14 minutes ago, capt_oats said:


I’m not saying you will know the answer but just in case you do - what is the criteria for something to require an 11-1 vote vs a 9-3 vote?

Or is it just as simple as:

Will this vote potentially negatively affect one or both of the Old Firm?

If yes = 11-1 required

If no = 9-3 required


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1 hour ago, Steve McQueen said:

Do they have to be green, always looks fake & washed out. Lets get some different colours going.



Boise play in the same colour as the field. Fkn sore on the eyes! 

I reckon some kind of financial support needs to be in place or a vote will fail. 

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9 hours ago, capt_oats said:

I'm not sure that is the argument tbh.

The argument as far as I can see is that after several seasons, rightly or wrongly, it's increasingly been viewed as an absolute fucking riddy that we've a top flight league with games being played on the sort of surfaces that you'd see at the local Power League. Now, the Starks Park pitch may be a proverbial bowling green but currently, they're not in the Premiership whereas Killie and Livi are and it's their surfaces that have presumably motivated the lock out.

Whether it's true or not there's a general opinion that players don't like fully artificial surfaces, managers don't like them, fans don't like them and I'd imagine clubs who have prioritised investment on their playing surface to get them to a high standard are generally quite scunnered by others not adopting a similar position.

I mean, both are choices. No one's saying you *have* to spend £1.5m on a nice hybrid pitch just as two specific clubs in the Premiership decided it was worth trading off the quality of their pitch against on the money they'd save by having their 3G.

Killie and Livi both used to have grass pitches, but their going the artificial route presumably wasn't dictated by footballing reasons. I've noticed a couple of posts in this thread talking about how Killie are only reverting to grass because Bowie is putting his hand in his pocket which is fair enough but the rub there is, I guess, if they have a wealthy backer and money isn't an object why aren't they sticking with an upgraded version of the kind of surface they have just now?

Is it because despite all the Lovejoying through this thread there's a general acknowledgement that grass/hybrid surfaces are generally going to be preferable or "better" compared to a fully synthetic/artificial?

I mean, that's not for me to say.

It seems pretty clear there's now a view (presumably with Livi sinking in the way that they are) that for the top league the standard should be that games should not be played on fully synthetic surfaces and chances are they'll be able to implement this without being seen to be penalising any single team (assuming Livi are relegated and neither Raith or Airdrie are promoted).

Is it gatekeeping? Sure you could look at it that way. Should it be a priority? Maybe not. Will this improve Scottish football in any meaningful way? Almost certainly not. Is this being tabled in order to save Aberdeen from relegation? Yes. That's definitely what's happening here.

That said, as things stand, of the top 22 clubs in the country there are only Killie (who AFAIK are replacing their surface imminently), Livi, Airdrie and Raith currently playing on plastic. The rest - a significant majority in anyone's language - are either hybrid or grass.

It begs the question, if the vast majority of clubs in the top two divisions are able to maintain grass pitches is it that unreasonable for that to be a standard for the Premiership?

I guess there's a view that "convenience" and "it's more cost effective" or "our Youth Academy can train on it" isn't really enough of a justification when you're talking about top flight football. Is that particularly fair if you're talking about some of the small clubs with artificial surfaces currently installed? Not really.

However, again, as far as I can tell no one is "banning" artificial surfaces. If you're a team cutting about the Championship. League 1 or League 2 then you can be "maximising income" til your heart's content.

The proposal seems to be that they're just not being allowed in the Premiership and respectfully, if fan owned clubs like Thistle and Morton are able to maintain grass pitches in the Championship then you'd think teams competing at Premiership level should also be able to.

Either way, it's a fair point to mention that if the SPFL are going to get all particular about the quality of surfaces at Premiership level then they should equally be making recommendations on standards being met and maintained on all their grass surfaces.

The word maintain is repeatedly doing a lot of heavy lifting. The number of clubs who have grass pitches well maintained is only a small percentage of those that have grass pitches 

4 hours ago, Steve McQueen said:

Do they have to be green, always looks fake & washed out. Lets get some different colours going.



By IFAB they do, mostly to appeal to raging da’s about how they look, not that it stops them 

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Stephen McGowan of the Daily Mail, who's quite up to date on the SPFL's rules suggested that plastic pitches is 9-3 vote, as it's a rule change as opposed to an Amendment to the Articles of Association - which would be 11-1

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6 hours ago, Steve McQueen said:

Do they have to be green, always looks fake & washed out. Lets get some different colours going.



Rangers will go for orange, to celebrate their Dutch players, presumably.

Those clubs that want to preserve the status quo should push this agenda, because once Rangers fans realise they can have an orange pitch, everyone will be in favour.

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20 hours ago, Ray Patterson said:

Stephen McGowan of the Daily Mail, who's quite up to date on the SPFL's rules suggested that plastic pitches is 9-3 vote, as it's a rule change as opposed to an Amendment to the Articles of Association - which would be 11-1

Surely the controversy is reportedly only Premiership voting?

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28 minutes ago, HibeeJibee said:

Surely the controversy is reportedly only Premiership voting?

Has there been a justification/has it been confirmed that it’s Premiership only voting? As the SPFL is one body that seems bizarre - as it impacts all 42 clubs!

It presently impacts 21 as I think 9 clubs in the championship can still get promoted this year!

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On 13/03/2024 at 19:06, Sortmeout said:

I’m not saying you will know the answer but just in case you do - what is the criteria for something to require an 11-1 vote vs a 9-3 vote?

Or is it just as simple as:

Will this vote potentially negatively affect one or both of the Old Firm?

If yes = 11-1 required

If no = 9-3 required


I believe that is exactly it. 
And obvs it only required an 11-1 vote to put that rule in place. 😄

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This will be, what, the third Dundee home game to get scrubbed this season.  Yeah, this is *much* better, we should have more of this. 

Edit: Apologies, I have done them an injustice.  It's the fourth.

Edited by A Diamond For Me
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