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Semi Final: Aberdeen vs Celtic

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2 minutes ago, LuboMoravcik said:

"half arsed connection to a country they've never been to" is exactly the type of thing a bigot would say.

Sorry, but it’s clearly a dig at Celtic fans rather than Irish folk.

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Just now, AJF said:

Sorry, but it’s clearly a dig at Celtic fans rather than Irish folk.

A lot of Celtic fans are Irish folk, mate. And people with Irish heritage are free to celebrate that, although that only seems to be an issue in Scotland.

Edited by LuboMoravcik
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Just now, 10menwent2mow said:

Not judging by the folk I encountered on the approaches to hampden before and after the game. Just being honest. 

Aye well it's pretty normal that the majority of our fan base comes from Scotland.

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Just now, LuboMoravcik said:

Aye well it's pretty normal that the majority of our fan base comes from Scotland.

So the plot thickens. The majority of your fan base 'come from Scotland' yet you can't see a single saltire in your support but heaps of tricolour. Don't get me wrong, I level the same accusation at your sisters across the city but I have occasionally seen a saltire at ibrox. If the majority of your support comes from Scotland, why don't you identify with that. 

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1 minute ago, 10menwent2mow said:

So the plot thickens. The majority of your fan base 'come from Scotland' yet you can't see a single saltire in your support but heaps of tricolour. Don't get me wrong, I level the same accusation at your sisters across the city but I have occasionally seen a saltire at ibrox. If the majority of your support comes from Scotland, why don't you identify with that. 

I refer you to my previous post. A huge amount of our fans are part of the Irish diaspora that emigrated to Scotland, including myself. They're free to wave as many Irish flags as they like, and celebrate their connection to Ireland. I've seen Saltires at Celtic games too, but usually it's a green saltire for obvious reasons. Although there were more saltires in the build up to the referendum, if I remember correctly. It's possible to be proud of both your Scottishness, and your Irishness.


Though the proper saltire is seen:





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1 hour ago, LuboMoravcik said:

Not sure if football is the sport for you mate.

Just because the p***k cost a couple of million does not him  a player make. You defence is shite and he's at the heart of it. 

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I haven't read most of the thread, but my feeling at the game is that we were excellent in the first half and for the final fifteen or so minutes in the second half. The only period of proper Celtic dominance was the first twenty minutes of the second half, but we did just enough to keep ourselves in the game. 

When the line up was announced, I thought it wasn't pragmatic enough, but credit to Leven for a brave selection and the players for actually being so brave in possession - basically the main thing that we weren't in the League Cup final against Rangers. In fairness, this team hasn't really shown that they are capable of producing a performance like that, even against a weaker Celtic team that some we have come up against in recent years. The most disappointing aspect of normal time is just the nature of the goals we lost - the first is really poor from MacDonald, and then the second (although I didn't notice it at the game), watching the replay it appears that MacDonald should probably be blocking it. 

Some excellent individual performances - Clarkson and Miovski's link play was superb throughout, Barron was terrific, Gartenmann (for all I don't particularly rate him) seems to have a habit of playing well in the big games and did again today, McGrath really good throughout. The quality of Hoilett's deliveries when he came on was sublime, and you could tell that Johnston wasn't sure how to deal with him, and Milne also stood up well to being thrown in. I could probably mention others, but it was just a really good collective performance if not completely free of costly individual errors. 

Just gutted that we couldn't quite get the end that we would have merited in the shootout. I have previously fought against the narrative of Roos being bad at penalties on the basis that penalties are just very hard for goalkeepers, but even I was getting annoyed at his technique - most of them were well taken by Celtic anyway, but he seemed to be making himself smaller if anything. I just felt ill watching the whole thing, though, so wasn't really paying a huge amount of attention. 

Gutted at the outcome, but heartened by the performance and pleasantly surprised by the relative success of the approach. 

Edited by DrewDon
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 Its OK. You don't have to justify yourself. There will be heaps of celtic fans that haven't left the East end of Glasgow that are "irish'  Same as Rangers fans that think they have a connection with Northern Ireland. The rest of us will never understand why. But each to your own. 

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1 hour ago, 10menwent2mow said:

Just found it bizarre that some left as soon as the last pen was saved. 

Many Celtic fans had left the stadium before you equalised in normal match time. 


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6 minutes ago, DrewDon said:

I have previously fought against the narrative of Roos being bad at penalties on the basis that penalties are just very hard for goalkeepers, but even I was getting annoyed at his technique - most of them were well taken by Celtic anyway, but he seemed to be making himself smaller if anything.

You could tell after the first that he wasn't saving any. Had that, I've no confidence I'm saving any so everything lacks conviction dive going on, and it was no surprise he let a relatively simple save beat him later on in the shootout as he seemed surprised he chose the right way.

A better keeper and you win that.

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I’ll admit, I’ve searched for some shit on Google in my time, but if I ever have to search for ‘Scottish saltire flags waved at Celtic games’, then please, P&B, fly me to New York, douse me in petrol, set fcuking fire to me, put me out of my misery.

Thank you.

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20 minutes ago, DrewDon said:

Gutted at the outcome, but heartened by the performance and pleasantly surprised by the relative success of the approach. 

Just wait for someone to say that's your baseline. No, that's closer to your maximum than your baseline. 

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I come on here to to express how proud I was of The Dons today, despite the defeat, only to find pages and pages of shite about the Irish diaspora in Scotland.

I despair sometimes, I really do.

Anyhoo, played some nice stuff in the 1st half especially, defended reasonably well for the most part. I've seen the first penalty shout given, definitely a foul in the build-up for the 2nd. Celtic had better quality off the bench, which was where most of our penalty takers were sat after the end of extra time. Credit to Leven on how he set us up, and hopefully Thelin was watching and saw something to build on.


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Just back and it’s nice to feel a bit of pride in the team but gutted. Felt like it was just our day at points but oh well. 

I have to credit the resilience, I thought the James Forrest goal would be it for us as Celtic had a grip of it even before that goal and I can’t say I trust the character of this dons side. But it wasn’t smash and grab in the end, we had a few good chances before sokler finally finishes it. 

I haven’t seen the pen shout back other than the actual foul on hoilett which is as obvious a foul as you’ll ever see and this lubo guy is behaving very oddly about it. Can’t comment on whether it’s a foul in the build up…yet. But ultimately we equalise anyway so not the travesty some are saying. Thats the last I’ll say on refereeing decisions, Robertson was ‘ok’ today I thought. 

Fair play to leven too, I didn’t think he had much way of recovering us at 2-1 but his changes worked brilliantly. Hoilett was fantastic (cheers Neil) and sokler was as good as I’ve seen him tbh. 


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2 minutes ago, Dons_1988 said:

Just back and it’s nice to feel a bit of pride in the team but gutted. Felt like it was just our day at points but oh well. 

I have to credit the resilience, I thought the James Forrest goal would be it for us as Celtic had a grip of it even before that goal and I can’t say I trust the character of this dons side. But it wasn’t smash and grab in the end, we had a few good chances before sokler finally finishes it. 

I haven’t seen the pen shout back other than the actual foul on hoilett which is as obvious a foul as you’ll ever see and this lubo guy is behaving very oddly about it. Can’t comment on whether it’s a foul in the build up…yet. But ultimately we equalise anyway so not the travesty some are saying. Thats the last I’ll say on refereeing decisions, Robertson was ‘ok’ today I thought. 

Fair play to leven too, I didn’t think he had much way of recovering us at 2-1 but his changes worked brilliantly. Hoilett was fantastic (cheers Neil) and sokler was as good as I’ve seen him tbh. 


For context, Michael Stewart doesn't think it was a foul to Celtic.

Mental that Celtic win a game that will go down as a cup semi final classic and Lubos head has gone.

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I was celebrating the award of a penalty for a solid ten seconds in the ground, I'll be honest about that. 

Next time I look at Robertson, he's signalling for a free-kick. I will actually go against the grain of Aberdeen fans and say that I understand why a foul has been given on Johnston having seen the incident back: it's one of those that could probably go either way and you should just stick with the on field decision. It's not a clear and obvious error either way. If he's given it on field then that's fine and, as said above, we thankfully equalised anyway. 

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