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General Election 2024

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Any independence supporter who votes for Labour or the Tories really must have horrifically low self-esteem. Imagine voting for a party that labelled Independence voters the way they did in 2014. 

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14 hours ago, GTee said:

Any independence supporter who votes for Labour or the Tories really must have horrifically low self-esteem. Imagine voting for a party that labelled Independence voters the way they did in 2014. 

I keep saying this to supporters of independence - why vote for a party who will triumphantly use the result to stop independence?

Edited by DeeTillEhDeh
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It’s obvious that Labour are going to have a significant majority because of Sunak and the Tories unpopularity rather than because Starmer and Labour are inspiring anyone.  Starmer is effectively getting his win handed on a plate to him.

Sadly the same must be said for the LibDems.  An absolute joke of a campaign yet they will likely see their numbers increase significantly and no doubt will somehow claim that this once again makes them a real alternative to the main parties.

Most folk have little real interest in politics and will only ever look at the outcome of this election, the outcome will come nowhere close to telling the real story.


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15 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

It’s obvious that Labour are going to have a significant majority because of Sunak and the Tories unpopularity rather than because Starmer and Labour are inspiring anyone.  Starmer is effectively getting his win handed on a plate to him.



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53 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Sadly the same must be said for the LibDems.  An absolute joke of a campaign yet they will likely see their numbers increase significantly and no doubt will somehow claim that this once again makes them a real alternative to the main parties.

Disagree about this. Yes, there were a lot of crazy stunts at the start but they got Ed Davey noticed (how many people out of the politics nerds knew who he was?) and then once he and they started getting more media attention they were able to get some policy stuff out there, especially around adult social care and support for children with disabilities (particularly after the PEB where he spoke about looking after his own disabled child). Since then, the stunts have stopped and Nationally they are polling pretty well. Seems like a successful campaign to me? 

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1 minute ago, Dan Steele said:

'This country is a better place to live now than it was in 2010,' Sunak says'.

Fucking deluded.

He is coming over as a truly obnoxious and aggressive little sh*t in this interview.

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4 minutes ago, Dan Steele said:

'This country is a better place to live now than it was in 2010,' Sunak says'.

Fucking deluded.

He is referring to the filthy rich like himself.

In which case maybe it is.

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Just now, Dan Steele said:

'This country is a better place to live now than it was in 2010,' Sunak says'.

Fucking deluded.

They've almost completely destroyed public services, cut huge holes in the welfare safety net and made a lot of rich people richer. There's also been a huge increase in xenophobia and we've ditched that big post war European peace project in favour of talking about national service and a "war footing". 

They'll be disappointed that the massive expansion in foodbanks hasn't quite acheived a return of the workhouse. 

For your average Tory, Victorian society was Britain's zenith and we're closer to that now than at any point in my lifetime. 

Misssion accomplished 

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6 minutes ago, coprolite said:

Mission accomplished 

Can't argue with that. Still, Sir Keith's going to re-light the fire of optimism and hope in the country, so that's good. And if I can figure out just what that means ...

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49 minutes ago, Arch Stanton said:

WTAF is this implying?


Not sure what it’s implying but it’s definitely illustrating that the Tories are bereft of ideas and having nothing concrete to attack Labour with.

The Tory’s strategy should be simple.  Show how often Starmer has committed to something only to step back from those commitments.

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1 hour ago, Salvo Montalbano said:

Disagree about this. Yes, there were a lot of crazy stunts at the start but they got Ed Davey noticed (how many people out of the politics nerds knew who he was?) and then once he and they started getting more media attention they were able to get some policy stuff out there, especially around adult social care and support for children with disabilities (particularly after the PEB where he spoke about looking after his own disabled child). Since then, the stunts have stopped and Nationally they are polling pretty well. Seems like a successful campaign to me? 

We will have to agree to disagree.  You are implying that their polling figures are as a result of a successful campaign, do you think the same can be applied to Labour?  I certainly don’t.

The likely LibDem ‘success’ like the Labour ‘success’ will almost entirely be due to a total disillusionment with the Tories and a desperate search for any party that those disillusioned voters can support to give Sunak a bloody nose.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Labour gets a thumping majority with one of the lowest voter turnouts in recent years, I can see the LibDems votes per seat won being equally poor.

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1 hour ago, Granny Danger said:

We will have to agree to disagree.  You are implying that their polling figures are as a result of a successful campaign, do you think the same can be applied to Labour?  I certainly don’t.

The likely LibDem ‘success’ like the Labour ‘success’ will almost entirely be due to a total disillusionment with the Tories and a desperate search for any party that those disillusioned voters can support to give Sunak a bloody nose.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Labour gets a thumping majority with one of the lowest voter turnouts in recent years, I can see the LibDems votes per seat won being equally poor.

I'm judging success for the Lib Dems in a slightly different way tbf. In seats where they were close to beating the Tories last time out then yes, their success will be based on getting rid of the current MP. But I think they'll pick up votes elsewhere, from Labour as well as the Conservatives, and people generally speaking will at least now have some sort of idea of what they stand for rather than not even knowing they still exist as a party.

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On 12/06/2024 at 22:33, Cheese said:

He's looking slightly less bald today.


Back to fraudulently bald status.

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3 hours ago, Arch Stanton said:

WTAF is this implying?


Apparently it would be terrible if workers had the same rights as the ghastly frogs. 

French per capita gdp adjusted for ppp is $61k, ours is $58k. Thats about the best economic proxy for material living standards. And they work fewer hours. And retire earlier. 

I'm terrified by this prospect myself. Maybe i'm just not patriotic enough. 

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3 hours ago, coprolite said:

Apparently it would be terrible if workers had the same rights as the ghastly frogs. 

French per capita gdp adjusted for ppp is $61k, ours is $58k. Thats about the best economic proxy for material living standards. And they work fewer hours. And retire earlier. 

I'm terrified by this prospect myself. Maybe i'm just not patriotic enough. 

As someone who took early retirement I can assure you it's nothing to be afraid of. 🎉

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12 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

We will have to agree to disagree.  You are implying that their polling figures are as a result of a successful campaign, do you think the same can be applied to Labour?  I certainly don’t.

The likely LibDem ‘success’ like the Labour ‘success’ will almost entirely be due to a total disillusionment with the Tories and a desperate search for any party that those disillusioned voters can support to give Sunak a bloody nose.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Labour gets a thumping majority with one of the lowest voter turnouts in recent years, I can see the LibDems votes per seat won being equally poor.

Was reading elsewhere a few folk postulating that Starmer will likely win an enormous Majority, with fewer popular votes than Jeremy Corbyn's 2017 Labour Party. Considering Starmer has never been shy in lambasting Corbyn and everything and everyone associated with his time as Labour leader, that is an absolute screaming minter.

Edited by Boo Khaki
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