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22 minutes ago, CaspianChris said:

How did the 3 new boys look and was the injury to Holt as bad as it sounds?

Richards had virtually nothing to do. Ferry looked good - very positive and decent pace; Sevelj also looked pretty good - passed the ball well but wasn't really challenged at all. Game was pretty much one way traffic so not easy to judge how good the new guys are.

Looked like Holt caught an elbow maybe. Went off straightaway but I think just because he was bleeding rather than being badly injured. Probably fine with a couple of stitches.

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59 minutes ago, CaspianChris said:

How did the 3 new boys look and was the injury to Holt as bad as it sounds?


Croatian lad looked decent

goalie had zero to do, talks a hell of a lot 

ferry ball is stuck to his foot, looked a good player 

holt took a elbow to head and was really wobbly on his feeet when he got up, will be fine for next week

was most in impressed with young Harding at centre half and odonnell second half, could be a big season for both. 

Edited by dundeeunited83
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3 hours ago, Pull My Strings said:

First half 


Sevelj ...... Cleall-Harding ...... Graham

Domeracki .... Docherty .... Constable ... Ferry

Fotheringham ... Moult...... MacLeod 

Second half started as 


Grimshaw.... Gallagher .... Holt

Forbes... O'Donnell... Sibbald .... Middleton

Mwangi... Stirton ... Watt 


Oh dearie me. 😂

Thank you.

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1 hour ago, WhatDayIsIt said:

This thread would be dead if it wasn't for fans of other teams coming in here and crying.

I assume this happens all over the forum?

Especially when the team they support gets relegated.

You should be familiar with that.


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This is poor trolling lads. It's over  a year since we were relegated. We've just bounced straight back up as champions, with a very strong finish and are all very pleased with the new signings thus far. Lol relegated, just isn't going to cut through.

D-, must do better.

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3 hours ago, mcginns said:


You are proving my point. A team full of internationalists including some who played at the World Cup that year who couldn't handle playing at a big European club. 

St Mirren are currently enjoying the best period in their history by finishing 6th or something and that's great but it's easier to play at a club where there is no pressure. Playing in front of about 2000 fans where for most of them St Mirren is their second team will not be the same at all.

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38 minutes ago, Pull My Strings said:

Fffs man, at least put a bit of effort in. You're eating your own shit here.

Ok, you lot going with Holtie and Gallacher as your central defence, and Moultie and Watt as your strikers? You've been gone too long, these 'has-beens'/'never beens' wont cut it in the top flight anymore.

Thank you.

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16 minutes ago, Bigmouth Strikes Again said:

Ok, you lot going with Holtie and Gallacher as your central defence, and Moultie and Watt as your strikers? You've been gone too long, these 'has-beens'/'never beens' wont cut it in the top flight anymore.

Thank you.

There we go, now you're putting half your arse into it. No, I wouldn't expect us to line up with a central defence of Holt and Gallagher, nor a front two of Watt and Moult. Although, if we did, how much worse than Rickie Lamie and some random teenager on loan from the Burnley academy could they really be? It's not been that long, tbf.

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1 minute ago, Pull My Strings said:

There we go, now you're putting half your arse into it. No, I wouldn't expect us to line up with a central defence of Holt and Gallagher, nor a front two of Watt and Moult. Although, if we did, how much worse than Rickie Lamie and some random teenager on loan from the Burnley academy could they really be? It's not been that long, tbf.

Lamie is gone, and hardly played, do keep up.

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2 minutes ago, Bigmouth Strikes Again said:

Not really, he can't get in the 1st team, be a good signing for your lot though. IMO.

Well, you did announce that he'd signed a PCA again, two years after he signed a PCA and then publicly backed out after you were relegated .. and then you chased him again and brought him in on loan and offered him another PCA .. and were thrilled that he agreed to sign. Not my words, ...

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2 minutes ago, Pull My Strings said:

Well, you did announce that he'd signed a PCA again, two years after he signed a PCA and then publicly backed out after you were relegated .. and then you chased him again and brought him in on loan and offered him another PCA .. and were thrilled that he agreed to sign. Not my words, ...

What's with the obsession with Ricki? Think he's in talks with Airdrie at the moment.😂

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3 minutes ago, Bigmouth Strikes Again said:

What's with the obsession with Ricki? Think he's in talks with Airdrie at the moment.😂

I can honestly say that I have never had any interest in Rickie Lamie, certainly not as a footballer. As a source of comedy, his public shaming of Dundee has been mildly diverting but that's the extent of it. Anyway, congratulations on breaking your contract with Lamie/ commiserations on being jilted, again, by Rickie Lamie. Well done. 

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Sadly the Dees won't be the ones to relegate this pitiful United team this coming season, we will prob be top 6 again. Then again United are so weak looking they could be gone by March. 

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