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What is the point of labour ?


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Labour are done. They've tried Ed Miliband who was leftish. They've tried Jez, who was obviously left wing. Now Keith who is pretty centrist but, to be honest, i've no real clue as he doesn't appear to stand for anything concrete.

Going back I think the ship sailed for good when the party elected the wrong Miliband. He was the Blairite Tory lite option that maybe would have given the party a chance of winning an election. Not saying it would have been a great reforming government or anything, but in power nonetheless.

But then brexit and that was it. Scotland won't be back and it looks like England wont be either. There's nowhere left to go. England doesn't want them.


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47 minutes ago, RossBFaeDundee said:

England needs a new left-wing party and a youthful and inspiring leader to rekindle any hopes of taking back control in at least a decade or two imo. Hardly profound stuff, but if this doesn't wake Englanders to the fact that Labour is dead and they've been trying to revive a corpse for about a decade, then God knows what will.

When Labour picked Corbyn England was absolutely ready for a charismatic, confident, authentic, capable, powerful voice articulating the positions of the left. Unfortunately, they got Corbyn. He's just shit at politics. He's a bad communicator and a lousy leader. His fans don't realise this because he speaks their language, but he couldn't speak to the country beyond London.


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8 minutes ago, speckled tangerine said:

Labour are done. They've tried Ed Miliband who was leftish. They've tried Jez, who was obviously left wing. Now Keith who is pretty centrist but, to be honest, i've no real clue as he doesn't appear to stand for anything concrete.

Going back I think the ship sailed for good when the party elected the wrong Miliband. He was the Blairite Tory lite option that maybe would have given the party a chance of winning an election. Not saying it would have been a great reforming government or anything, but in power nonetheless.

But then brexit and that was it. Scotland won't be back and it looks like England wont be either. There's nowhere left to go. England doesn't want them.

Spot on.

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The only thing as inevitable as Keith's crushing defeat last night, was dorlomin's tear stained 'it's all the fault of Jorimy Corbyil and random leftists on the internet'.

You actually love to see it.

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1 hour ago, Iain said:

This is literally true. When you poll the issues without reference to parties "lefty" policies are very popular. The same cannot be said of the Labour party.

Conversely I posted something a few weeks back showing people disagreeing with a range of Tory policies then saying they would vote Tory.  People like that are beyond redemption.

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3 hours ago, Stormzy said:

Centrists did not lose the last election. Corbyn did 100%. The sabotage existed but he was the main proponent of sabotaging Labour from the inside. 

Delicious irony how the same radical lefties of the party seem to be trying their hardest to bring down Keir whilst also lamenting the sabotage from inside the party during the Corbyn era. 

Simplistic, media-fed pish. I'm ready for the accusations, but if anyone really believes the Labour Party, or Corbyn peraonally, has ever had a problem with anti-semitism, or any other racism which was in the same ball park as what faces them in the HoC, I have a bridge you may be interested in buying. 

As for Starmer - I didn't vote for him, but I feel a year has been more than enough time for him to lay out his vision for the Party's future. I am afraid it is abundantly clear that he doesn't have one. A total waste of a shirt, and has allowed the country's continued slide into a kleptocracy to continue unchallenged. 

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4 minutes ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

Have you ever actually been to Cuba?

Thought not.

It's not Francia's Paraguay, bro, it's actually really easy to visit and I would recommend. A greater and kinder bunch of lads and lassie you couldn't hope to meet. Even a man as viscerally unpleasant and horrid as you would probably get a lovely welcome.

Edited by NotThePars
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"A Conservative candidate who went viral this week for his bizarre campaign video roaming around a dilapidated Blackburn playground has beaten his Labour rival.

Taxi driver Tiger Patel won the Audley & Queen’s Park Ward by 113 votes.

Please enjoy his campaign video, which sees him silently stalk the play equipment to a Bhangra soundtrack, raising his alarms aloft like Jesus on the cross in front of some obscene graffiti."

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3 hours ago, Dunning1874 said:

While the rightward shift in British and especially English politics is clearly a thing, I think this blaming of the electorate lets Labour off the hook far too much. This isn't something Labour are powerless to do anything about.

Looking at Hartlepool election figures:

2015 - Labour 14076, UKIP 11052, Tory 8256

2017 - Labour 21969, Tory 14319, UKIP 4801

2019 - Labour 15464, Tory 11869, Brexit 10603

2021 - Tory 15529, Labour 8589

The right wing vote has been there for years, it's not a new development unleashed by the Brexit referendum. While it's the highest vote the Tories have had it's not a wild outlier compared to previous results. The defining factor here is the collapse of the Labour vote with people abandoning them to stay at home, not to move rightwards themselves.

If 15000 people in Hartlepool were still willing to vote Labour in 2019 despite Corbyn and despite their stance on Brexit in a constituency which had voted leave by about 70%, then it's simply not the case that the general rightward trend of English politics makes it impossible for Labour to win in seats like this.

7000 people in this one constituency who had voted Labour in 2019 didn't in 2021. That can only be a huge indictment on Starmer's leadership and the direction of the Labour Party; people see absolutely no reason to vote for them just now. This isn't due to the rightward shift of the English electorate, it's due to Labour being a directionless mess led by a wet wipe.

Your last paragraph hits the nail squarely on the head. 

I fought through the NL project, hoping the Party would rediscover itself. I don't think I have the energy to do the same again. I look at the state of Hartlepool, and the way that the people who live there cast thier vote, and I think, "why fucking bother?" - I'm scunnered with the whole fucking thing. Idiots who believe Johnson gives the slightest shite about anything other than hjimself happy to vote tory in the hope they get bigger scraps from the Establishment table. Yes, idiots. I am done with pretending there is any reason for the bottom 95% of this country to enable these carpetbagging cúnts. Even the over-riding Tory driver of se;lf-interest doesn't cut it when the result of over a decade of these lying scum in charge has meant that our kids will be worse off than us and, in some areas, will die earlier than we do. I repeat - fucking idiots. 

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15 minutes ago, NotThePars said:

It's not Francia's Paraguay, bro, it's actually really easy to visit and I would recommend. A greater and kinder bunch of lads and lassie you couldn't hope to meet. Even a man as viscerally unpleasant and horrid as you would probably get a lovely welcome.

The Cubans - "a great bunch of lads"

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12 minutes ago, Florentine_Pogen said:

"A Conservative candidate who went viral this week for his bizarre campaign video roaming around a dilapidated Blackburn playground has beaten his Labour rival.

Taxi driver Tiger Patel won the Audley & Queen’s Park Ward by 113 votes.

Please enjoy his campaign video, which sees him silently stalk the play equipment to a Bhangra soundtrack, raising his alarms aloft like Jesus on the cross in front of some obscene graffiti."





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38 minutes ago, speckled tangerine said:

Labour are done. They've tried Ed Miliband who was leftish. They've tried Jez, who was obviously left wing. Now Keith who is pretty centrist but, to be honest, i've no real clue as he doesn't appear to stand for anything concrete.

Going back I think the ship sailed for good when the party elected the wrong Miliband. He was the Blairite Tory lite option that maybe would have given the party a chance of winning an election. Not saying it would have been a great reforming government or anything, but in power nonetheless.

But then brexit and that was it. Scotland won't be back and it looks like England wont be either. There's nowhere left to go. England doesn't want them.


I remember reading things exactly like this after Labour had won a second landslide in 2001. And before 2014 it was unimaginable to most (not me) that Johnson could ever be prime minister. Things change in politics. I don't disagree with you in the short and medium term, but long term, any political party that can credibly promise that going to work will be better for those earning below £30k or so can romp an election.

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11 minutes ago, Gaz said:

The Cubans - "a great bunch of lads"

Sent doctors over to bail out Lombardy, one of the richest regions in the EU, during the first wave last spring as well. 

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58 minutes ago, NotThePars said:

It's not Francia's Paraguay, bro, it's actually really easy to visit and I would recommend. A greater and kinder bunch of lads and lassie you couldn't hope to meet. Even a man as viscerally unpleasant and horrid as you would probably get a lovely welcome.

Been there and actually met a friend of the Castros.

Apart from their health service, it’s a terrible place to live.

Yes, the people are great.

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