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What is the point of labour ?


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I'm sure that, in a few decades, when the Tories have finally stripped the UK of every saleable asset and rounded up the lower-orders into Poundland workhouses, people will get tired of them and vote for the party that doesn't even know why it exists. Your criticisms will all look pretty silly then, won't they?

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Just now, Stormzy said:

The highs of 2017 😂

I chuckled at this as well. How on earth does still managing to lose to a shambles of an administration led by the hapless Theresa fucking May count as a high? That election was pretty much a penalty kick which Labour missed by Gareth Bale proportions. May rubbered debates, didn't do much campaigning in person, totally avoided any and all possible awkward questions, and let's not forgot turned in one of the most hilariously awful conference speeches in living memory, resulting in nationwide humiliation.

Labour still couldn't beat her. 

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4 minutes ago, Day of the Lords said:

I chuckled at this as well. How on earth does still managing to lose to a shambles of an administration led by the hapless Theresa fucking May count as a high? That election was pretty much a penalty kick which Labour missed by Gareth Bale proportions. May rubbered debates, didn't do much campaigning in person, totally avoided any and all possible awkward questions, and let's not forgot turned in one of the most hilariously awful conference speeches in living memory, resulting in nationwide humiliation.

Labour still couldn't beat her. 

Aye but they had a lot of people chanting in Glastonbury or something. 

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2 hours ago, Stormzy said:

The highs of 2017 😂


2 hours ago, Day of the Lords said:

I chuckled at this as well. How on earth does still managing to lose to a shambles of an administration led by the hapless Theresa fucking May count as a high? That election was pretty much a penalty kick which Labour missed by Gareth Bale proportions. May rubbered debates, didn't do much campaigning in person, totally avoided any and all possible awkward questions, and let's not forgot turned in one of the most hilariously awful conference speeches in living memory, resulting in nationwide humiliation.

Labour still couldn't beat her. 

I never mentioned the GE. The early part of the year saw month-on-month rises in membership, there was palpable optimism in local and national meetings, and a feeling that, if you actiually offered the electorate a choice, they may take it. I actually, and uncharacteristically, felt optimistic. An optimism which I still maintain was justified. To come so close, under the non-stop slurs and downright lies aimed at the Party and, in particular, Corbyn personally, was a long way from embarrassing. Let's not forget the law-breaking by our Natural Rulers, either. 

Losing to Theresa May would have been embarrassing, except we didn't. With her pissing away her majority and signing herself up to a life of servitude to the dinosaur-deniers before getting horsed by her own partty, it's arguable that she was the biggest loser in that poll. 

Nope, Labour didn't lose to the Tories. Labour lost to the Media, to Phillips, to Kinnock, Watson, Mann, Hoey and all the rest of those who thought they knew better. Watson especially should hang his head in shame.  ETA: I forgot Umunna! Mind you, so have most people. 

What was embarraassing was the result of the GE in 2019. Not so much for the Labour Party, although god knows they fucked up. No, it was embarrassing for the fools who believed a proven liar's promises of milk and honey, and couldn't bring themselves to admit they'd been lied to over Brexit, so doubled down and ensured leopards will be eating faces for the forseeable. I've said it before and will again, I wouldn't care about the destruction of these peoples' lives, employment, or opportunities if they hadn't screwed the entire future of this country because they love flags and hate brown people. If they'd fúcked themselves, fair enough. They've fúcked us all, though. Stupid, stupid cúnts.

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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2 hours ago, Day of the Lords said:

I chuckled at this as well. How on earth does still managing to lose to a shambles of an administration led by the hapless Theresa fucking May count as a high? That election was pretty much a penalty kick which Labour missed by Gareth Bale proportions. May rubbered debates, didn't do much campaigning in person, totally avoided any and all possible awkward questions, and let's not forgot turned in one of the most hilariously awful conference speeches in living memory, resulting in nationwide humiliation.

Labour still couldn't beat her. 

In addition, her dementia tax was a turn off for her own supporters.

Also, there were people who were really hostile to Brexit and voted Labour as the best way to minimise the damage.   Can't have been much fun having Jeremy Corbyn as your best hope of stopping Brexit.


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3 hours ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:


I never mentioned the GE. The early part of the year saw month-on-month rises in membership, there was palpable optimism in local and national meetings, and a feeling that, if you actiually offered the electorate a choice, they may take it. I actually, and uncharacteristically, felt optimistic. An optimism which I still maintain was justified. To come so close, under the non-stop slurs and downright lies aimed at the Party and, in particular, Corbyn personally, was a long way from embarrassing. Let's not forget the law-breaking by our Natural Rulers, either. 

Losing to Theresa May would have been embarrassing, except we didn't. With her pissing away her majority and signing herself up to a life of servitude to the dinosaur-deniers before getting horsed by her own partty, it's arguable that she was the biggest loser in that poll. 

Nope, Labour didn't lose to the Tories. Labour lost to the Media, to Phillips, to Kinnock, Watson, Mann, Hoey and all the rest of those who thought they knew better. Watson especially should hang his head in shame.  ETA: I forgot Umunna! Mind you, so have most people. 

What was embarraassing was the result of the GE in 2019. Not so much for the Labour Party, although god knows they fucked up. No, it was embarrassing for the fools who believed a proven liar's promises of milk and honey, and couldn't bring themselves to admit they'd been lied to over Brexit, so doubled down and ensured leopards will be eating faces for the forseeable. I've said it before and will again, I wouldn't care about the destruction of these peoples' lives, employment, or opportunities if they hadn't screwed the entire future of this country because they love flags and hate brown people. If they'd fúcked themselves, fair enough. They've fúcked us all, though. Stupid, stupid cúnts.

I appreciate your point of view, one shared by many. I don't agree with it myself though.

2017 was in the midst of some freak circumstances. It was less than a year after the Brexit vote, and the ~4 million UKIP voters split fairly evenly between Labour and the Tories, really bumping their vote share. Lib Dems were still on the naughty step. We were post-Brexit referendum but before the negotiating had started so there was a bit of unreality about what was really going on. In hindsight it was a stupid election to call, but as has been said earlier Theresa May's political instincts are just awful. 

The fact Labour couldn't defeat the Tories says something here. May is the worst campaigner I have ever seen leading a party. Her reaction to Grenfell was tin-eared, her election strategy included not talking to anyone other than party members and journalists, and repeating the words "strong and stable" every third sentence. They had been in power for 7 years, with austerity gutting every part of the country. And still Labour couldn't beat them. Labour did in fact lose to the Tories.

Labour never get a fair shake in the media, that's not unique to Corbyn. I wouldn't hang my hat on that. And Labour were in-fighting (as they always, always do). Plus, Corbyn - for all that made some folk love him - wasn't liked or trusted by most people.  In some ways 2019 was back to normal. Labour hopelessly divided, badly led, rather pick internal fights than take on the Tories.

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Sidestepping the dribble above to note that Tony Blair endorsed the Labour candidate for Chesham and Amersham. Him and Hillary Clinton are locked in a mortal struggle to see who can be more toxic to a candidate’s political chances.

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12 minutes ago, NotThePars said:

Sidestepping the dribble above to note that Tony Blair endorsed the Labour candidate for Chesham and Amersham. Him and Hillary Clinton are locked in a mortal struggle to see who can be more toxic to a candidate’s political chances.

All that Labour candidate needs now is the ghosts of Jimmy Savile and Peter Sutcliffe knocking doors for them. Rolf Harris could tele canvas from HMP Nonce to complete an unbeatable campaign strategy.

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Guest Bob Mahelp

In my lifetime, the only times that Labour have been electable were briefly under Wilson and then long-term under Blair. 

As far as I can remember, outside Blair, there has only been a Labour government in Westminster in 12 of the last 121 years. That's absolutely fucking shocking for a party that consider themselves a major political force. 

A century of being in the political wilderness is not due to the media, or to Labour politicians who are not socialist enough. It's due to policies that the public don't want. It's due to an inability to connect to voters. It's due to a fanatic tendency to believe that socialism is the answer to everything, no matter the question. 

Labour have been political minnows for most of their existance, but due to the duopoly of Westminster politics they believe that they're big beasts that are relevant. 

White RoseKillie is a decent poster, but it's madness to suggest that appointing a leader who acted like a student socialist, refused to take a stance on the biggest issue since the 2nd world war, who spoke like a bumbling mumbleclown, and who looked like a permanent sack of shit was anything other then political suicide. 


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6 minutes ago, Bob Mahelp said:

In my lifetime, the only times that Labour have been electable were briefly under Wilson and then long-term under Blair. 

As far as I can remember, outside Blair, there has only been a Labour government in Westminster in 12 of the last 121 years. That's absolutely fucking shocking for a party that consider themselves a major political force. 

A century of being in the political wilderness is not due to the media, or to Labour politicians who are not socialist enough. It's due to policies that the public don't want. It's due to an inability to connect to voters. It's due to a fanatic tendency to believe that socialism is the answer to everything, no matter the question. 

Labour have been political minnows for most of their existance, but due to the duopoly of Westminster politics they believe that they're big beasts that are relevant. 

White RoseKillie is a decent poster, but it's madness to suggest that appointing a leader who acted like a student socialist, refused to take a stance on the biggest issue since the 2nd world war, who spoke like a bumbling mumbleclown, and who looked like a permanent sack of shit was anything other then political suicide. 


Best post you've ever made. 

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57 minutes ago, Bob Mahelp said:

In my lifetime, the only times that Labour have been electable were briefly under Wilson and then long-term under Blair. 

As far as I can remember, outside Blair, there has only been a Labour government in Westminster in 12 of the last 121 years. That's absolutely fucking shocking for a party that consider themselves a major political force. 

A century of being in the political wilderness is not due to the media, or to Labour politicians who are not socialist enough. It's due to policies that the public don't want. It's due to an inability to connect to voters. It's due to a fanatic tendency to believe that socialism is the answer to everything, no matter the question. 

Labour have been political minnows for most of their existance, but due to the duopoly of Westminster politics they believe that they're big beasts that are relevant. 

White RoseKillie is a decent poster, but it's madness to suggest that appointing a leader who acted like a student socialist, refused to take a stance on the biggest issue since the 2nd world war, who spoke like a bumbling mumbleclown, and who looked like a permanent sack of shit was anything other then political suicide. 



England seems to be permanently conservative with a small "c" at best. Blair and his "middle way" was conservatism with tax credits. They've tried everything since and still haven't come close to winning. It's over.

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34 minutes ago, TAFKAM said:

& now they've had someone who isn't all of those things for more than a year and they're polling worse than Corbyn, what's the explanation?

That’s a very good question.

However it should also be pointed out the paucity of talent in Labour.  I cannot think of a single Labour MP who would be a stand out as party leader.  That’s a shocking indictment of a major political party of a nation of over 50 million people.

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& now they've had someone who isn't all of those things for more than a year and they're polling worse than Corbyn, what's the explanation?
Labour have no genuine leadership material and a significant proportion of the electorate view them as an utter joke. They're fucked for at least the next 2 parliaments and that's being generous.
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