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What is the point of labour ?


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Jamaica isn't violent just look at Bob Marley! David Lammy is very possibly the thickest MP.

On building in the UK , EU rules don't allow governments to include the multiplier effect of commissioning work in your country and the effective discount on cost due to all the tax coming straight back. It's absolutely insane not to try and commission domestically as much as possible. The ferries have been a shambles but that is down it being a one off political point scoring commission rather than being part of a coordinated  long term plan of rebuilding Scottish/UK industrial capacity.


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1 minute ago, TAFKAM said:

Can't imagine what would cause VT to suddenly be really in favour of maintaining expensive public transport so people can live in remote areas despite everything contrary to this notion that he's said in the past about this exact topic. Anyway I'm off to read the Scottish Islands thread.

You should try reading for the same of comprehension, because there's a pretty fundamental difference between 'maintaining and improving public transport for everyone' (a collective good) and 'bending over backwards to meet the needs of commuters and/or private car owners' (two collective blights). 

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You can prefer to think whatever you want champ. The reality is that island connections have been rendered an absolute farce all year long because of Cal-Mac's ageing fleet and having no spare capacity to speak of to deal with breakdowns because of the continued, utter failure of Ferguson's to build some fucking boats as required. 

The overwhelming losers from this situation are in fact the residents of the Scottish islands themselves, who have been living under this omnishambles all year round and have been excluded in the special pleading from Jim McColl and countless other roasters about the harm done to the shipyard, when they should have had the plug pulled and the job given to a competent foreign firm ages ago.

That's what happens when governments try to pick local winners and overlook questions of competence. 

Edited by vikingTON
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3 minutes ago, virginton said:

They don't need to specialise in it: the plans were devised and companies bid for the work.

Devised by Ferguson, actually.  Apparently they started construction before the blueprints were complete.


4 hours ago, virginton said:

And in this case the company that was awarded the work has made an utter, rip-roaring c**t of the job - so evidently not 'specialised' in the task at all - yet gets away with wasting taxpayers' money and undermining crucial public transport links for years.

I get that, I just don't know why you think Poland doesn't have any shitty shipbuilders.

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Send the army round the doors looking for the unvaccinated.

When the history is written of Scotland s journey to independence there will need to several chapters dedicated to the raw luck the SNP had in who their opposition were. 

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Send the army round the doors looking for the unvaccinated.
When the history is written of Scotland s journey to independence there will need to several chapters dedicated to the raw luck the SNP had in who their opposition were. 
They are absolutely as thick as pigshit.

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5 hours ago, invergowrie arab said:


Send the army round the doors looking for the unvaccinated.

When the history is written of Scotland s journey to independence there will need to several chapters dedicated to the raw luck the SNP had in who their opposition were. 

Not sure allowing the army to shoot unvaccinated people is the right approach but a trial run of two weeks to monitor the impact might be the best way to evaluate it.

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12 hours ago, invergowrie arab said:


Send the army round the doors looking for the unvaccinated.

When the history is written of Scotland s journey to independence there will need to several chapters dedicated to the raw luck the SNP had in who their opposition were. 

Home visits is not the worst idea I’ve heard. Anyone who lives in Dundee is clearly not of right mind and special treatment should permissible.

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Not sure allowing the army to shoot unvaccinated people is the right approach but a trial run of two weeks to monitor the impact might be the best way to evaluate it.
I'm only half vaccinated, presumably I'll just get kneecapped or something?
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12 minutes ago, Stormzy said:

I don't see what the issue is? Basically speeding up the process by asking people on the doorstep if they want one, how could that possibly be a bad thing? 

Yeah but if the army showed up in a tank at my front door, I might feel a little bit intimidated.  🙂

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4 hours ago, Blootoon87 said:
16 hours ago, Granny Danger said:
Not sure allowing the army to shoot unvaccinated people is the right approach but a trial run of two weeks to monitor the impact might be the best way to evaluate it.

I'm only half vaccinated, presumably I'll just get kneecapped or something?

No you’ll still get shot but you’ll get a blindfold first.*

*Subject to availability.

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12 minutes ago, TAFKAM said:

Getting taken along for my second jag in a a chieftain tank would be class.

Using the machine gun on the top to fire syringes at people.

Edited by Thumper
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Drones circling overhead and a boy in a ghillie suit living in my hedge because the young couple next door haven't registered their new address with the NHS yet.

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16 minutes ago, Frank Sobotka said:

Drones circling overhead and a boy in a ghillie suit living in my hedge because the young couple next door haven't registered their new address with the NHS yet.

The Chernobyl level of Modern Warfare but it's Captain Price firing a big dose of Pfizer into Piers Corbyn's arm while he's protesting down Trafalgar Square

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For the second time this week I have watched a Labour MP on tv waffle on about what needs to be done. Their argument is okay until it comes to funding and then they are completely clueless with no answer.  Today's twat, Jonathan Reynolds,  was waffling on about how there would be tax rises to pay for it. When asked what taxes would rise he had absolutely no clue.  And they wonder how they are not taken seriously.

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They honestly think that going on TV and saying "we're a blank slate" every day is better than having concrete policies and having to defend them. The reason for this is that when Corbyn had solid policies and defended them, all these c***s went behind his back to attack them to their pals in Epstein's black book the press.

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