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What is the point of labour ?


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4 hours ago, RuMoore said:

Are you suggesting Wes Streeting is stupid because he isn't currently advocating abolishing the monarchy as a Labour position? 

He's stupid, because you can't advocate democracy under a monarchy.

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6 minutes ago, Crùbag said:

Labour must surely be disappointed with the coonsull election results in England?

Different brands of Tory jostling for just over half the English vote...

I don't think this was Tories crossing to Labour. Tories mostly stayed at home. But they will come out in the GE. I believe that Labour will be the largest party at best.

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1 hour ago, Highlandmagar said:

I don't think this was Tories crossing to Labour. Tories mostly stayed at home. But they will come out in the GE. I believe that Labour will be the largest party at best.


Yes. Labour didn't really make much progress. Starmer for all his adoption of right-wing policy, isn't really winning over many who probably voted Brexit and for Tory despite working class backgrounds.

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59 minutes ago, Sherrif John Bunnell said:

I'm sure his tepid showing at the English local elections will make Starmer reconsider Labour's lurch to the right.



Thats a fucking tremendous thread (well, tremendous in that its really fucking depressing as it shows Labour up for exactly what they are).

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1 hour ago, Sherrif John Bunnell said:

I'm sure his tepid showing at the English local elections will make Starmer reconsider Labour's lurch to the right.



It's so blatantly obvious, yet there are still people clamouring to Starmer completely ignorant and blind to the reality of the "alternative".

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I found this a really good podcast-style listen. Don't worry if you don't like Owen Jones as he hardly talks, its nearly all Mariana Mazzucato. She explains the problem of government shovelling public money into the private consultancy sector and how the value we get from this ranges from very little to nothing. The Tories, first under Thatcher then hugely since 2010, have obviously been by far the worst for this. However, I'm sticking it in the Labour thread because Blair's Private Finance Initiatives (PFIs) created a new channel for it to be done, worsening the problem. Also with Starmer likely being the next PM, Mazzucato says she's trying to impress upon his camp the urgency in ending this scam once they're in power.


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20 hours ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

I've noticed that the lazy media fervour that the SNP's travails will seamlessly benefit Labour in Scotland has recently subsided somewhat.

I find it illogical that policies that were undesirable two weeks or two months ago can suddenly become appealing purely by default.

Thats because - in the cold light of day - they know that.

Those twitter threads above lay out just how bad Starmers "vision" for the country is.

The fact that they are deemed not as bad as the Tories means they will win the next GE, but in too many ways he is just a tory in a red tie.

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On 08/05/2023 at 21:40, Sherrif John Bunnell said:

I'm sure his tepid showing at the English local elections will make Starmer reconsider Labour's lurch to the right.



He reminds me of indecisive Dave off the Fast Show just agreeing with the last person who spoke. 

I've voted Labour in every GE since i could vote but, as the thread title suggests, what's the point? 

The country is failing and their solution is more of the same? Get fucked. 

Still to decide who gets my vote but it won’t be that insipid spineless middle management weasel. 

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...and they would go into Coalition with the Tory-lovin' LibDems, but not the SNP owing to 'differences on Independence'.

English Labourites with whom I am acquainted still play the 'Nationalist, eh? Nod, nod, wink, wink...' card with regard to the SNP, the same line that has brought ScoLabour to the brink of the abyss - and they even seem to believe it. Effectively they're telling hundreds of thousands of former Labour voters that they are NAZIS but asking for their vote back.

There's a strong case to be made against the SNP in terms of competence in Government, but the old slurs about 'Tartan Tories' never worked, won't work, and Labour are thick as mince to still hang them out like coronation bunting.

Edited by KirkieRR
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59 minutes ago, Leith Green said:

Thats because - in the cold light of day - they know that.

Those twitter threads above lay out just how bad Starmers "vision" for the country is.

The fact that they are deemed not as bad as the Tories means they will win the next GE, but in too many ways he is just a tory in a red tie.

The very fact that there is growing discussion across all media of a potential LibLab pact as an outcome at the next GE says all you need to know. Starmer has the biggest gaping, chasm of an open goal and still there is a realistic chance he is going to blow it.

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9 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

The very fact that there is growing discussion across all media of a potential LibLab pact as an outcome at the next GE says all you need to know. Starmer has the biggest gaping, chasm of an open goal and still there is a realistic chance he is going to blow it.

I too am not convinced that the Labour 'revival' will deliver a majority for Starmer at Westminster. Any time now, he'll probably start going full Trump... 'we're gonna win bigly, and if we don't it could only be because of fraud/bibery/Corbynites/Venezuela/the Russians/the Chinese....' 

Of course he won't mention by name the real enemy of his chances, the Mail, the Express, the Telegraph, etc. 


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2 hours ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

I too am not convinced that the Labour 'revival' will deliver a majority for Starmer at Westminster. Any time now, he'll probably start going full Trump... 'we're gonna win bigly, and if we don't it could only be because of fraud/bibery/Corbynites/Venezuela/the Russians/the Chinese....' 

Of course he won't mention by name the real enemy of his chances, the Mail, the Express, the Telegraph, etc. 


And himself.

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Interpretation by The National so pinch of salt - but any flood of support for Labour and the Union over SNP self-harm seems to have reached high tide.


Labour will  be gutted, the Tories will be gutted, so will ALBA (3%!). And, I think, Mad Wings Stuart.

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