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What is the point of labour ?


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5 hours ago, orfc said:

Lads, we know you think practically everyone is a Tory, it'd be a lot more concise if you just listed the people and institutions who you don't consider Tory:

Dave Apart, Karl Marx, Greens Against Reality, Kilmarnock Social Revolutionary Front etc


What is it about calling Tories Tories that bothers you so much? 

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2 hours ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

Maybe it's becoming a bit like saying "Voldemort".

We know Tories exist, but it's socially unacceptable to refer to them in public. Maybe we should say "they who must not be named" instead?

Why not just c***s?

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3 hours ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

Mind when that one guy complained about Tories being called vermin? Great times.

Maybe he was with Nye Bevan on that issue.

The Labour party, he said, would win the 1950 election because successful Toryism and an intelligent electorate were a contradiction in terms. His own experiences ensured that no amount of cajolery could eradicate from his heart a deep burning hatred of the Tory party. "So far as I am concerned they are lower than vermin," he went on.





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On 14/09/2023 at 13:52, Sherrif John Bunnell said:

Fergus Ewing, the local Tory MSP, has also shockingly come out in favour of Airbnb landlords, despite the avaliability of long term rental properties being zero in many parts of the Highlands.

Airbnb owners who haven't got a license by Oct 1st should face the guillotine. Those who have a license should also face the guillotine.

He's always been a c**t, abstained on Section 28 and voted against same sex marriage. 

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On 31/08/2023 at 13:36, AndyM said:

I think their post was a bit flat tbh. As an ex Labour Party member I have pretty major criticisms of Starmer and I have no fucking idea what he actually stands for. But LBD have done some really good stuff in the past. Their past criticisms of the corrupt Johnson and then the catastrophic Truss and her band of mental libertarian moonhowlers were really good.

You are right though that PR is not a priority for most people just now. Getting rid of the Tories in 2024 and paying this winter's gas bill are higher up the priority scale.  Although I wouldn't put too much hope in PM Starmer.

The thing I never understood about Truss's "budget" is why said libertarian moonhowlers took against it, Ida thought it would've been all for it as it was skewed towards them. We all know the "market" is just a bunch of rich boyz playing with our pension funds and paying themselves handsomely for doing so - perhaps they just fancied betting against Truss that day.

I tend to think this is why Truss seems so deranged now, she did what she thought the "market" wanted and it bit her on the arse, she reminds me a bit of Miss Haversham in her tattered wedding dress pining for the lover who jilted her.

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1 hour ago, KirkieRR said:

Sirkier is going to renegotiate the Brexit deal so's we've got a Brexit but a good Brexit. A Labour Brexit.


Yay! for Labour Brexit!



Aye, and I'm going to "negotiate" free food and drink at the pub. 

The UK HAD a great deal as members of the EU. The Tories pissed it up against a wall.

The EU will tell Starmer to eff off unless he is discussing rejoining the EU or at least the customs union.  The gammonati won't stand for that, so he is urinating in a hurricane.

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15 minutes ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

Aye, and I'm going to "negotiate" free food and drink at the pub. 

The UK HAD a great deal as members of the EU. The Tories pissed it up against a wall.

The EU will tell Starmer to eff off unless he is discussing rejoining the EU or at least the customs union.  The gammonati won't stand for that, so he is urinating in a hurricane.

Saw a talking heads program during the wee sma hours a coupla weeks back discussing the 2025 renegotiation of the Brexit treaty and one of the speakers from the EU side (he'd been part of the EU negotiating team in the run-up to Brexit) said nothing significant would be discussed until the Tories & Labour were roughly in line as there was no point speaking to Labour for 2/3 years if the Tories just ripped it up upon winning a GE - all that's on offer until then is minor tweaks.

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10 hours ago, btb said:

The thing I never understood about Truss's "budget" is why said libertarian moonhowlers took against it, Ida thought it would've been all for it as it was skewed towards them. We all know the "market" is just a bunch of rich boyz playing with our pension funds and paying themselves handsomely for doing so - perhaps they just fancied betting against Truss that day.

I tend to think this is why Truss seems so deranged now, she did what she thought the "market" wanted and it bit her on the arse, she reminds me a bit of Miss Haversham in her tattered wedding dress pining for the lover who jilted her.

Truss just reminded me of the old saying "Better to say nothing and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and have it confirmed" 

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14 hours ago, doulikefish said:

UK gov to take over the running of Labour run Birmingham council after the council declared themselves bankrupt.

So the good folk of Birmingham can look forward to better services and lower taxes!

(Isn't that what the Tories usually say in the HoC whenever the subject of local government comes up?)

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