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What is the point of labour ?


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7 hours ago, Freedom Farter said:

Mentioning John McDonnell, he seems to have noticed what I've been complaining about in this thread. That The Times are backing Labour, that they seem to have Starmer's ear and that they're doing their best to move him further rightwards.


This has precedent, of course. Murdoch and Blair combined forces previously. The deal was that Blair got Murdoch's huge media backing in exchange for only pursuing policies tolerable to Murdoch. 

Probably a sign that they'll be dropping this policy next.

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All the news outlets punting this "MPs lives were under threat" line to absolve Hoyle of his dropped bollock.

I mean, if it were "that" vital, why the f**k did it take Labour until just after the SNP raised a motion to think that their stance on Gaza was a touch worrying.

Its utter pish.

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So just before an updated report on MP safety is due to be published and to recommend extending exclusion zones for protests around MPs offices Hoyle is lying about the safety of MPs,

Introduce protest exclusion zones around MPs’ offices, says Sunak adviser (telegraph.co.uk)

Protest exclusion zones should be introduced around MPs’ offices, the prime minister’s official adviser on political violence has recommended in the wake of fresh safety concerns.

Lord Walney will use a forthcoming report to urge Rishi Sunak to extend “buffer zone” powers, which currently cover schools and abortion clinics, to constituency surgeries, Parliament and council chambers.

His recommendation comes after figures from across the political spectrum have been targeted in their constituencies by pro-Palestinian protesters since the Oct 7 Hamas attacks on Israel and the war in Gaza.

On Wednesday, Sir Lindsay Hoyle, the Commons Speaker, said he had chosen a Labour amendment to a motion on the conflict after being warned about threats to the party’s MPs if they were not allowed to support the proposal.

Lord Walney’s review, which was set to be submitted shortly after the Oct 7 attacks but has now been updated, will call for the expansion of expedited public space protection orders.

These orders were backed by MPs in 2022 and approved by the Lords last year following anti-abortion rallies at clinics across the country and demonstrations against Covid vaccines outside schools.


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1 hour ago, Leith Green said:

All the news outlets punting this "MPs lives were under threat" line to absolve Hoyle of his dropped bollock.

I mean, if it were "that" vital, why the f**k did it take Labour until just after the SNP raised a motion to think that their stance on Gaza was a touch worrying.

Its utter pish.


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2 minutes ago, betting competition said:

Stormed the office :D

Similar levels of terrifying old people and women have been seen (by me) peacefully demonstrating outside Ian Murrays office.

No doubt he will be next on the "my staff are terrified" bandwagon.


On the Ian Murray theme, I got a letter through the door last week -  theres been a spate of breakins, bike thefts etc in the area. He gave some incredibly helpful advice like "dont leave your garage unlocked" and "report any prowlers to the police".

This guy is leadership material....................

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11 minutes ago, betting competition said:

Stormed the office :D

a mob. Honestly - I know opinion on Sweeney is split and he can utter nonsense on account that he feels his tenuous Clyde/shipbuilding links give him a unique perspective and solidarity with the working man. This plus the fact he was claiming Universal Credit when he got punted as an MP, though you would question his need for doing so on the basis it seemed a comms exercise.

However, his stuff on Glasgow redevelopment is really good and he takes a genuine interest in seeking to maintain old Glasgow buildings, support sustainable redevelopment, and never seems partisan about his pursuit of this (would be difficult to do I guess as Labour in GCC are responsible for the majority of the rot of many a once great building). 

But the above just shows him as a shameless Labour careerist, towing the party line, blurring lines between lies and misrepresentation to justify the deceitfulness of the party head. With Sweeney and many Scottish Labour MSPs/MPs it is Labour first, Westminster second with constituents and Scotland appearing way down their list of priorities. 

Edited by KingRocketman II
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12 minutes ago, betting competition said:

Stormed the office :D

I mean, wow. 

It was hardly the assault by the loony right on the American Capitol building after Donny the Diddy had his backside handed to him by the electorate, was it?

From the look of them the "protestors" probably brought flasks of tea and some nice wee sandwiches. The terror!

Edited by Salt n Vinegar
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20 hours ago, Highlandmagar said:

It could be that with just over half ( to date) of SNP members signed up their leader hasn't got control of them.

Parliamentary group all do the same thing: "They're just party lackeys under a controlling leader."

Parliamentary group don't all do the same thing: "Their leader has lost control."

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15 hours ago, doulikefish said:

Yesterday Hoyle said he accepted labours motion because it was outdated procedures today it's terrorists attacking mps talk about coming up with some nonsense overnight 

I still dont even undersdtand who the terrorists were and waht their potential motive was.  

Unless it was some jewish or pro israeli terror organisation trying to shut down debate then I dont understand at all, these kind of things should not be allowed to be hinted at without at least a proper follow up statement.  

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Risible stuff.

Why not just make being a politician a protected characteristic, or make it illegal to shout at anyone who earns over 60 grand a year ?


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2 hours ago, MEADOWXI said:

So just before an updated report on MP safety is due to be published and to recommend extending exclusion zones for protests around MPs offices Hoyle is lying about the safety of MPs,

Introduce protest exclusion zones around MPs’ offices, says Sunak adviser (telegraph.co.uk)

Protest exclusion zones should be introduced around MPs’ offices, the prime minister’s official adviser on political violence has recommended in the wake of fresh safety concerns.

Lord Walney will use a forthcoming report to urge Rishi Sunak to extend “buffer zone” powers, which currently cover schools and abortion clinics, to constituency surgeries, Parliament and council chambers.

His recommendation comes after figures from across the political spectrum have been targeted in their constituencies by pro-Palestinian protesters since the Oct 7 Hamas attacks on Israel and the war in Gaza.

On Wednesday, Sir Lindsay Hoyle, the Commons Speaker, said he had chosen a Labour amendment to a motion on the conflict after being warned about threats to the party’s MPs if they were not allowed to support the proposal.

Lord Walney’s review, which was set to be submitted shortly after the Oct 7 attacks but has now been updated, will call for the expansion of expedited public space protection orders.

These orders were backed by MPs in 2022 and approved by the Lords last year following anti-abortion rallies at clinics across the country and demonstrations against Covid vaccines outside schools.


A particularly preposterous cherry on this cake is Lord Walney - John Woodcock - being the person entrusted with leading this.

The public exercising their right to peaceful protest and answer their betters back: a disgraceful threat to democracy

An MP leaving his party and claiming he's done so because of principled opposition to the leader, this principled stance being nothing to do with the fact he'd already been suspended due to allegations of sexual harassment against his staff and the party could no longer continue their investigation if he quit, then campaigning for another party come the next election and being rewarded by that party with a life peerage after their victory: a healthy and normal democracy

As an aside, he was obviously deeply concerned about the safety of MPs when he described that party leader as "a threat to national security", after someone had only a few months earlier been jailed for life for carrying out a terrorist attack on a mosque which killed one and injured another 12, the terrorist saying in his trial that he had chosen that mosque because it was in Jeremy Corbyn's constituency and he wanted to kill him, as "it would be one less terrorist on our streets. And if Sadiq Khan had been there it would have been even better. It would have been like winning the lottery.”

Funny how Sadiq Khan needing 24 hour police protection and receiving thousands of messages of Islamophobic bile on social media every single day never features in these discussions about politician's safety, isn't it?

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1 hour ago, GordonS said:

Paul Sweeney could compare notes Frank McAveety, who has been here before.

"Mr McAveety said he had felt the "worst intimidation in his life" while canvassing on Glasgow's south-side. Sheriff Graeme Warner said the Labour MSP 'must live a very sheltered life'."


Paul Sweeney looking very stupid - again.



Edited by DeeTillEhDeh
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2 hours ago, itzdrk said:

I still dont even undersdtand who the terrorists were and waht their potential motive was.  

Unless it was some jewish or pro israeli terror organisation trying to shut down debate then I dont understand at all, these kind of things should not be allowed to be hinted at without at least a proper follow up statement.  

The reference is to pro-Palestinian protestors at the offices of pro-Israel MPs, like Paul Sweeney. It's an islamophobic dogwhistle, Muslim=terrorist, repeated today on the front page of the Daily Telegraph. I doubt Hoyle realised what he was doing but it's still everyday racism.

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27 minutes ago, GordonS said:

The reference is to pro-Palestinian protestors at the offices of pro-Israel MPs, like Paul Sweeney. It's an islamophobic dogwhistle, Muslim=terrorist, repeated today on the front page of the Daily Telegraph. I doubt Hoyle realised what he was doing but it's still everyday racism.

I'm sure that is what he meant, yes.  I've never seen anything actually say it was about pro-palestine protestors anywhere so fair enough if I've missed that being pointed out.  

I thought he was just doing breadcrumbs so that people's conditioning over the years would make them hear terrorist and think Muslim like you say.  

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4 hours ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

I mean, wow. 

It was hardly the assault by the loony right on the American Capitol building after Donny the Diddy had his backside handed to him by the electorate, was it?

From the look of them the "protestors" probably brought flasks of tea and some nice wee sandwiches. The terror!

aye but some of those tea-biscuits are bloody lethal! 



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5 hours ago, D Angelo Barksdale said:

Risible stuff.

Why not just make being a politician a protected characteristic, or make it illegal to shout at anyone who earns over 60 grand a year ?


Before or after tax?

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