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The P&B Guide to Political Ideologies

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Inspired by the constant incorrect labels applied to political figures, parties, movements and individual issues (not just on here, but in general) and by @The Other Foot and @MazzyStar passive aggressive back and forth over several threads, this is the P&B guide to political ideology.


Is Nigel Farage a fascist ?

Is the Conservative Party no longer Conservative ?

Is Jeremy Corbyn far left ?

Are Lenin and Mussolini two sides of the same coin ?

Are you a beige centrist ?

Are you a woke Marxist Globalist ?

What posters have you identified as having Hitler particles ?

Who on the forum will be operating the guillotine when the time comes ?

Does it really matter and is it all just the irresistible forces of financial capital eventually crushing us all like the insects we are ?



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Is Nigel Farage a fascist ? No, I know a guy who’s openly a fascist and his views are very different to Farage. I don’t think Farage himself is “far right” but his views certainly appeal to the actual far right BNP types. 

Is the Conservative Party no longer Conservative ? No, they are still small c conservative. Perhaps even more so than at any other time in the past three or four decades. 

Is Jeremy Corbyn far left ? No, he is the most left wing mainstream politician ever though. “Far left” can be applied to SWP types. 

Are Lenin and Mussolini two sides of the same coin ? f**k knows. I’m not a big history person. 

Are you a beige centrist ? Yes

Are you a woke Marxist Globalist ? No

What posters have you identified as having Hitler particles ? None of them

Who on the forum will be operating the guillotine when the time comes ? f**k knows 

Does it really matter and is it all just the irresistible forces of financial capital eventually crushing us all like the insects we are ? yes

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4 minutes ago, oneteaminglasgow said:

Banana did/does, but he’s been punted or stopped posting long ago.

Farewell to the raging incel b*****d. 

Banana could be pretty funny at times, just pure 2016 alt-right Internet brain.

But aye, definite Hitler particles.

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Is Nigel Farage a fascist ? He's a very right wing racist but hard to know if he's actually a Fascist unless he gets in a position of genuine power

Is the Conservative Party no longer Conservative ? No, it hasn't been conservative since 1975

Is Jeremy Corbyn far left ? No, he favours a mixed economy and is therefore a centrist. He's Far Left compared to the mainstream because the mainstream has shifted so much to the right in recent years, by definition he's still centrist though

Are Lenin and Mussolini two sides of the same coin ? No, this is an argument used by particularly unoriginal morons

Are you a beige centrist ? I'm neither, my dress sense is mostly black and my politics are leftist

Are you a woke Marxist Globalist ? yeah, sounds good to me

What posters have you identified as having Hitler particles ? banana, some Clyde fan that PM'd me about "cultural Marxism", can't remember his username, think he's banned now. By me, probably (not for the PM, for being a racist twat)

Who on the forum will be operating the guillotine when the time comes ? Hopefully me. I bloody love sliced paper

Does it really matter and is it all just the irresistible forces of financial capital eventually crushing us all like the insects we are ?  no, it is inevitable that we will all end up human slaves, in an insect nation

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Is Nigel Farage a fascist ?

I don't think Farage himself is a fascist but some in Reform are

Is the Conservative Party no longer Conservative ?

The Tory party has lurched right. What was the centre of the Tory party is now on the left.

Is Jeremy Corbyn far left ?


Are Lenin and Mussolini two sides of the same coin ?

Oh, good question. I don't think far right and far left are the same but they're a lot closer than people may have you believe.

Are you a beige centrist ?

Nope. Only thing you get from sitting on the fence is skelfs in your arse.

Are you a woke Marxist Globalist ?

If believing in the rights of Queer, Trans, migrant and generally disadvantaged people makes me a woke Marxist Globalist then I'm happy to be one.

What posters have you identified as having Hitler particles ?


Who on the forum will be operating the guillotine when the time comes ?


Does it really matter and is it all just the irresistible forces of financial capital eventually crushing us all like the insects we are ?

I would hope that's a very cynical view. Change will never come if we don't try

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Posted (edited)

Is Nigel Farage a fascist ? He's a Faragist.

Is the Conservative Party no longer Conservative ? No, they are still c***s.

Is Jeremy Corbyn far left ? No, soft left but has an issue not identifying far left fellow travellers.

Are Lenin and Mussolini two sides of the same coin ? No. Lenin killed more (awaiting @MazzyStar follow up).

Are you a beige centrist ? No.

Are you a woke Marxist Globalist ? No

What posters have you identified as having Hitler particles ? @Bigmouth Strikes Again

Who on the forum will be operating the guillotine when the time comes ? @Bigmouth Strikes Again

Does it really matter and is it all just the irresistible forces of financial capital eventually crushing us all like the insects we are ? yes

Edited by DeeTillEhDeh
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Is Nigel Farage a fascist ? No.

Is the Conservative Party no longer Conservative ? No.

Is Jeremy Corbyn far left ? No.

Are Lenin and Mussolini two sides of the same coin ? No.

Are you a beige centrist ? No.

Are you a woke Marxist Globalist ? No.

What posters have you identified as having Hitler particles ? No.

Who on the forum will be operating the guillotine when the time comes ? No.

Does it really matter and is it all just the irresistible forces of financial capital eventually crushing us all like the insects we are ? No.

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Prime Lenin absolutely batters prime Mussolini but you'd have favoured the younger man if they'd ever clashed irl. Either could have leathered Hitler who in turn beats Franco. At the bottom of the pile getting bullied by a chubby wee spaniard, there's sad little Nigel. 

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I know someone who’s an actual fascist btw. His views are no different to your normal centrist dad. He believes in a fully funded NHS. He believes in bringing in a decent amount of immigration to plug skills gaps in the UK. The vast majority of his political views are deeply uncontroversial and certainly doesn’t have a racist bone in his body.


The difference is that he doesn’t believe any of this should be carried out democratically and instead the government should just be a self-electing panel of experts. Thats what actual fascism is.

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12 minutes ago, JS_FFC said:

I know someone who’s an actual fascist btw. His views are no different to your normal centrist dad. He believes in a fully funded NHS. He believes in bringing in a decent amount of immigration to plug skills gaps in the UK. The vast majority of his political views are deeply uncontroversial and certainly doesn’t have a racist bone in his body.


The difference is that he doesn’t believe any of this should be carried out democratically and instead the government should just be a self-electing panel of experts. Thats what actual fascism is.


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27 minutes ago, JS_FFC said:

I know someone who’s an actual fascist btw. His views are no different to your normal centrist dad. He believes in a fully funded NHS. He believes in bringing in a decent amount of immigration to plug skills gaps in the UK. The vast majority of his political views are deeply uncontroversial and certainly doesn’t have a racist bone in his body.


The difference is that he doesn’t believe any of this should be carried out democratically and instead the government should just be a self-electing panel of experts. Thats what actual fascism is.

That sounds more like some sort of technocratic Republican than fascism. That could easily fit into Plato's philosopher king model. 

One of the problems with assigning the label "fascist" to any set of policies, preferences or beliefs is that there's no real definition. 

The closest to a manifesto is a pamphlet "by" Mussolini that's about 2/3 impenetrable waffle (at least in translation). 


To my mind, the main characteristics are Nationalism, rule by the strong and militarism. I remember there being a strong whiff of social darwinism but it's a while since i read it. There's a fair bit in there about accomodating the church too.

The context wasn't, like the communist manifesto, a programme for society, it was a justification after the fact as to why rule by armed thugs was in fact fine. It's completely incoherent. 

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11 hours ago, Cheese said:

Is Nigel Farage a fascist ?


It gets overlooked that, as soon as UKIP started talking to Tommy Robinson, Farage quit and set up a new party. He even criticised their Islamophobia.

He's pretty far right but I'm not sure he's on the far right. Problem is, he's a huge help to the far right and opens doors for them. He should have a think about why he has to spend so much time admonishing or apologising for the hate and extremism of people on his own side.

As for me, I used to be pretty moderate until I saw how amoral and venal the other side is. The way the uber rich have accumulated wealth at the expense of everyone else since the economic crisis of 2008, and seeing police in riot gear use water cannons on peaceful protestors who'd quite like a liveable planet thanks, has me leaning more and more towards the guillotine solution. Offshore billionaires produce 70% of the newspapers we read and they're not doing it for the profits. 

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12 hours ago, Freedom Farter said:

This thread is going to be all jokes then me wrecking it with a giant long shit comment taking it seriously.

Waiting GIF

11 hours ago, Central Belt Caley said:

Taking me a while to get over a poll on this website that doesn’t include Yogi Hughes as an option 

@Ludo*1 would sue.

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