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Southport stabbings

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13 hours ago, A Diamond For Me said:


Fash are utterly humourless freaks.  Always have been, always will be.

Flounders especially.  Both eyes on the same side of their body.  Freaks.

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1 hour ago, throbber said:

Saying they couldn’t care less is pretty wide of the mark. Despite them being animals they will all have young / vulnerable relatives who attend public events and random attacks like this effect all of us.

Fair enough.  I disagree.

I don't think if your reaction is one of empathetic pain, then you behave in that way.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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33 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

I’d imagine here or MSM as the only social media I do is P&B.

The only person saying it on here is you.

It was mentioned on here yesterday by someone that he came from a Christian family, but that's not the same as what you're saying. Repeatedly.

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I’m not condoning the attacks on the polis or mob violence, but it’s time the feelings of the majority are recognised. I don’t know who or what religion or ethnicity the murderer is, but obviously it’s widely believed that he is Muslim and maybe even an immigrant too? I may be well off the mark here but, IMO, the Brexit vote was all about folks wanting to curb the immigration of people from other countries, and folks believed the Brexit vote would have helped this. Many believe it hasn’t made a blind bit of difference, and we still see many boats full of people risking their lives to reach the UK. We are seen as the land of milk and honey for these people and that’s part of the problem IMO. Why do they all want to come to the UK? Why don’t they stop and try to settle down on the European continent? Myself and many others believe it should be less attractive for these people to want to come here, but our politicians won’t change that. Our government must know the general feeling of the majority yet sit on their hands and protect these illegal immigrants, even put them up in hotels etc at the expense of the taxpayers. I don’t remember ever voting for this in this supposedly democratic country. And don’t even get me started about the fact that the majority of migrants are young men of fighting age who are coming here. 
I’m not saying that this murderer is an immigrant, to be honest I don’t know anything about him, but some reports on social media have caused these people in Liverpool to take to the streets in a threatening and violent manner. You’d think the highly educated MP’s would recognise this and maybe try to do something about it, after all isn’t it their job to do right by the taxpayers of this country? 
I’ve no doubt I’ll be called out on here for this post, maybe even get kicked off P&B for this, but I can’t switch the feeling that our leaders could and should help put a stop to this kind of behaviour. A good start would be to make it less attractive for migrants to want to come here, and that’ll maybe stop the potential for more mob violence. 

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14 minutes ago, Wacky said:

I’m not condoning the attacks on the polis or mob violence, but it’s time the feelings of the majority are recognised. I don’t know who or what religion or ethnicity the murderer is, but obviously it’s widely believed that he is Muslim and maybe even an immigrant too? I may be well off the mark here but, IMO, the Brexit vote was all about folks wanting to curb the immigration of people from other countries, and folks believed the Brexit vote would have helped this. Many believe it hasn’t made a blind bit of difference, and we still see many boats full of people risking their lives to reach the UK. We are seen as the land of milk and honey for these people and that’s part of the problem IMO. Why do they all want to come to the UK? Why don’t they stop and try to settle down on the European continent? Myself and many others believe it should be less attractive for these people to want to come here, but our politicians won’t change that. Our government must know the general feeling of the majority yet sit on their hands and protect these illegal immigrants, even put them up in hotels etc at the expense of the taxpayers. I don’t remember ever voting for this in this supposedly democratic country. And don’t even get me started about the fact that the majority of migrants are young men of fighting age who are coming here. 
I’m not saying that this murderer is an immigrant, to be honest I don’t know anything about him, but some reports on social media have caused these people in Liverpool to take to the streets in a threatening and violent manner. You’d think the highly educated MP’s would recognise this and maybe try to do something about it, after all isn’t it their job to do right by the taxpayers of this country? 
I’ve no doubt I’ll be called out on here for this post, maybe even get kicked off P&B for this, but I can’t switch the feeling that our leaders could and should help put a stop to this kind of behaviour. A good start would be to make it less attractive for migrants to want to come here, and that’ll maybe stop the potential for more mob violence. 

You're not the majority, and neither are they. Stop this ludicrous pretence that you are.

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1 hour ago, Granny Danger said:

I’d imagine here or MSM as the only social media I do is P&B.

On one of the other threads, I think a Dundee or Dundee united one, someone referred to you as being like Joe Biden during the Trump debate. 

I didn't think so at the time. 

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4 minutes ago, Estragon said:

You're not the majority, and neither are they. Stop this ludicrous pretence that you are.

This is what the social media algorithms do.  Create an echo chamber making everybody think that everybody feels the same, and therefore must be right. 

It's no wonder that middle-aged and boomers have flooded Facebook and made it their go-to online haven.

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20 minutes ago, Wacky said:

Why don’t they stop and try to settle down on the European continent?

Because when we left the EU we left the Dublin agreement. It was pretty obvious this would happen.


As for the rest of your post. Where to start. There is no evidence to suggest he is a Muslim and I guess he is an immigrant from Wales to England but do you really count that?

You can’t vote for everything the government does, where they house asylum seekers is an operational decision. It was a political decision to cut the Home office back to the bare bone, you did get to vote on that both Labour and the Tories ran on an austerity ticket and that is the impact.

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