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18 minutes ago, Wacky said:

One of the many reasons I’m pissed off. 

Listening to that fat racist cùnt should piss anybody off.

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16 hours ago, parsforlife said:

Probably not, but what other choice do we have? Derision is far less to likely to bring them in? 

Always go with the reasoning approach first but if they double down in ignorance then I'm happy for them to then receive all the abuse they get tbh. 

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1 hour ago, Wacky said:

One of the many reasons I’m pissed off. 

Why aren’t you angry at the conservative government for spending billions on an illegal deportation scheme to Rwanda ( that didn’t include transport of people back to the UK once their applications were accepted) and angry at the people trying to come here? 

This is like when people get furious at migrant workers getting offered exploitative contracts which pay them less than British workers and people get up in arms at the migrant workers “ stealing jobs” opposed to the  capitalists exploiting cheap labour from desperate people.

The system in which we currently live only works when there is a boogeyman that the masses can get angry about rather than the people at the very top. Now there is no EU to blame it’s fully onto “ immigrants” and “ illegals”. Prior to modern day immigration it was the working classes taking the brunt of it.

Edited by Ocelot1877
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7 minutes ago, Ocelot1877 said:

This is like when people get furious at migrant workers getting offered exploitative contracts which pay them less than British workers and people get up in arms at the migrant workers “ stealing jobs” opposed to the  capitalists exploiting cheap labour from desperate people.

On this, I know someone who tried to get a job picking fruit back in 2020 when there was chat that they couldn't get people to do it.

The farmer he spoke to had no interest in employing him. They prefer foreign workers so they can claw back a chunk of the wages by renting them out accomodation, 6 men to a static caravan.

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17 hours ago, Willie adie said:

My son is on the autism spectrum  he is 16 and is uncomfortable  in public

However  a kinder more empathetic  person you could  not find he will  feel bad about silly wee things ie losing something, forgetting  things  I hope that if the suspect is on the spectrum  that others on the spectrum  that is such a wide one are vilified 

I think reporting around this needs to be far more careful. There is pre meditation in this act, its these factors which need to be explored, people living with ASD should not be be vilified for this any more than people with non asd diagnosis, we need to do more to educate people about neurodiversity. 

15 hours ago, MuckleMoo said:

Sadly, I think this may come down to another "don't like Monday's " scenario.  We are all desperately looking for a reason why something like this could happen. There are so many influences at play that an unequivocal answer will be impossible to determine. 


What I can say is that the  brutal cuts to social welfare and mental heath (child mental health in particular) has made these scenarios more likely. The mental health sector is beyond breaking point.

Made this point the other day and got grief off some of the more gb news types. Guaranteed when saw this person was 17 that they’d be known to services, but these services have all been decimated and you only have to look at sickness rates in social work departments to see how bad they have it. The truth is there are countless people living in the community who need significantly more support and just dont get it. 

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Immigrants aren't the only target of course. It's just generally people who are worse off than you. 

I was in my local the other week and overheard a woman ranting on about foreigners coming in this country and getting everything for free whilst people who were born here get nothing for free.... Then she effortlessly pivoted to benefits scum getting everything while those who have worked aw thur days get f**k all. 

I don't know she actually bottomed out who if anyone should be entitled to help. It just seemed like she wanted to make sure there was always sufficient people being crushed by the heel of society to keep her happy. 

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2 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Immigrants aren't the only target of course. It's just generally people who are worse off than you. 

I was in my local the other week and overheard a woman ranting on about foreigners coming in this country and getting everything for free whilst people who were born here get nothing for free.... Then she effortlessly pivoted to benefits scum getting everything while those who have worked aw thur days get f**k all. 


Absolutely spot on. The way folk go on about it and how much it was covered in the 2000’s you would have thought it was absolutely rife compared to the negligible number that it is. Think the governments own figures came out to around 1% of all benefits claims are fraudulent, yet people want to take a sledgehammer to the system which benefits so many people. 

However it’s worth noting even the classic benefits cheats discussion has been skewed by some to attack immigrants. It’s quite commonly touted how “illegal immigrants get given 4 bed houses and cars “ and “ all these immigrants get given benefits whilst our veterans lie in the street”. Despite the fact that you need to be granted status to claim benefits. 

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9 minutes ago, Ocelot1877 said:

Absolutely spot on. The way folk go on about it and how much it was covered in the 2000’s you would have thought it was absolutely rife compared to the negligible number that it is. Think the governments own figures came out to around 1% of all benefits claims are fraudulent, yet people want to take a sledgehammer to the system which benefits so many people. 

However it’s worth noting even the classic benefits cheats discussion has been skewed by some to attack immigrants. It’s quite commonly touted how “illegal immigrants get given 4 bed houses and cars “ and “ all these immigrants get given benefits whilst our veterans lie in the street”. Despite the fact that you need to be granted status to claim benefits. 

What amazes me about it, and I know folk personally who air these types of views, is the complete lack of any desire to find out if they have any idea what the f**k they are talking about. One fine example of this is the claiming asylum in the first safe place thing. The truth around that aswell as the scale of refugee movement versus those who come to Britain is easy to find yet you listen to these f**king idiots spouting off and you'd think Britain is the only place that takes anyone. 

And worse still, when you tell people where and how they are wrong, the response you generally get is akin to what you would expect if you had slagged off their football team. Usually ending up in "well I'm entitled to my opinion"!!!!

People have no f**king interest whatsoever in looking below the thinnest of veils. 

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4 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

What amazes me about it, and I know folk personally who air these types of views, is the complete lack of any desire to find out if they have any idea what the f**k they are talking about. One fine example of this is the claiming asylum in the first safe place thing. The truth around that aswell as the scale of refugee movement versus those who come to Britain is easy to find yet you listen to these f**king idiots spouting off and you'd think Britain is the only place that takes anyone. 

And worse still, when you tell people where and how they are wrong, the response you generally get is akin to what you would expect if you had slagged off their football team. Usually ending up in "well I'm entitled to my opinion"!!!!

People have no f**king interest whatsoever in looking below the thinnest of veils. 

A little bit of a tangent, but I firmly believe one of the worst things someone in a position of authority has said in the modern era is Gove giving it 'this country's had enough of experts'. 

We have not. The breadth of the human experience is so vast that no individual could learn everything even in 1000 lifetimes. So we defer to experts. We reason that we should go to a physical therapist to get over an injury, rather than working out our own exercise plan. When it comes to infectious diseases, it makes sense that Tony Fauci, who's spent 50 plus years in the field, probably knows more than some plamf on YouTube. I'm not that smart, but I'm smart enough to realise I'm not that smart and that there's an enormous swathe of what happens on this planet - including to me - where my opinion is worth less than f**k all. 

I'm sure I've said it on here before, but the best advice I've seen for life was in the sleeve notes of a Sultans Of Ping single and read 'Don't pretend to be clever if you're not. If you're stupid, pretend to be sexy.'

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2 hours ago, Monkey Tennis said:

A quite dreadful man.

A London cabby once told me that Holmes was the biggest c'nt he'd ever had in his taxi.


At the time I was a bit surprised but he was obviously 100% right.

Edited by Ned Nederlander
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4 minutes ago, doulikefish said:

Has wackjob made a post about Christian British born folk needing to integrate as they are obviously the problem here ? 

Jehovah’s Witnesses certainly need to.

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43 minutes ago, carpetmonster said:

A little bit of a tangent, but I firmly believe one of the worst things someone in a position of authority has said in the modern era is Gove giving it 'this country's had enough of experts'. 

I'm sure I've said it on here before, but the best advice I've seen for life was in the sleeve notes of a Sultans Of Ping single and read 'Don't pretend to be clever if you're not. If you're stupid, pretend to be sexy.'

The first para: very much the idea being pushed by the MAGA republicans; try to discredit the people who know what they’re talking about, promote the concept of ‘my opinion is as important as your facts’.  If Trump wins and Project 25 gets enacted some major government agencies will have very talented experts replaced with wholly unqualified loonballs.

The second para: there’s no way for me to pretend I’m sexy so I’m totally f**ked.


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3 hours ago, Wacky said:

One of the many reasons I’m pissed off. 

Using a video of a horrible racist c**t really doesn't show you in the best light. 

28 minutes ago, Ned Nederlander said:

A London cabby once told me that Holmes was the biggest c'nt he'd ever had in his taxi.


At the time I was a bit surprised but he was obviously 100% right.

Really? I've always assumed he was a horrible c**t of a man. He just seemed to hold himself back enough to keep his cushy number. Now he's on that shitshow of a programme I'd imagine his real self will be allowed to come out. 

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3 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

The first para: very much the idea being pushed by the MAGA republicans; try to discredit the people who know what they’re talking about, promote the concept of ‘my opinion is as important as your facts’.  If Trump wins and Project 25 gets enacted some major government agencies will have very talented experts replaced with wholly unqualified loonballs.

The second para: there’s no way for me to pretend I’m sexy so I’m totally f**ked.


If there’s one thing internet filth has taught me it’s that there’s literally nothing that some mad manky weirdo won’t find sexy. Don’t hide your light under a bushel Granny. 

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