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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I've posted this before, but it continues to infuriate me; the way Americans pronounce 'herbs'. Just where the f**k do they get 'urhbs' from?! Why do they think that's an acceptable way to pronounce it? It makes people sound like the thickest fucks in the world when they say it.

They've got a weird thing for randomly deciding to use French pronunciations, as already mentioned. The wife thought I was a complete moron when she heard me pronounce 'garage' for the first time. And many times since, I'm sure.

Aye, so tell me again how you pronounce 'Notre Dame', eh? :rolleyes:

Also the term 'Brexit'.

Grexit was bad enough. People who are desperate to create portmanteau are funts.

I love going to the cinema by myself, it's brilliant.

Harder to get a handjob without people complaining, I find.

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People who say that something enrages/pleases/ entertains them " on many levels", what does that even mean? It either slightly enrages you, mildly enrages you or gets right on your tits, but why "on many levels" . Just another modern phrase that people think is smart to use.

People who think that just because they don't understand a perfectly normal expression that expression is without meaning.

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On what's app, when you send someone a message, and you can see by the two blue ticks that they've read it, but they don't answer........GRRRRRRRAnd, people who text you, then don't answer when you reply immediately.

Sexism alert.

Women appear to be the worst for this.

17:23 Mum: phone me

17:24 *Phoning mum*

*no answer*

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People who have one of those non-smart phones and don't have the decency to turn the fkin keytones off. They then laboriously type long text messages in quiet public places ..... beep beep beeeeeep beep beep.

Worse than Hitler IMO.

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Sainsburys self service.

Its ability to give out change in too many coins. In last month,

Change of 25p in 4 x 5p, 2 x 2p & 1 x 1p

Change of 75p in 3 x 20p, 7 x 2p & 1 x 1p

Today change of £7.75,

Five pound note (good start),

2 x 50p, 5 x 20p and 15 x 5p

It is the nearest convenient shop to my work but it may be getting firebombed.

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Sainsburys self service.

Its ability to give out change in too many coins. In last month,

Change of 25p in 4 x 5p, 2 x 2p & 1 x 1p

Change of 75p in 3 x 20p, 7 x 2p & 1 x 1p

Today change of £7.75,

Five pound note (good start),

2 x 50p, 5 x 20p and 15 x 5p

It is the nearest convenient shop to my work but it may be getting firebombed.



I know where you are coming from brother. The store at Cameton Toll, does exactly the same, 10p change, I got 2x5p, I guess it could have been worse.


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I hate it when there are curtains open and lights on at same time.

Well get off yer arse and either turn off the light or shut your curtains.

Am pretty sure this is a secret signal for something though isn't it? Like pampas grass in the front garden?

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We've all experienced spam letters in the post, and we've been getting spam emails and pop ups etc online for years now too, but I have just experienced live action spamming.

Went to the newsagent beside my office to buy a can of juice and the young lad behind the till starts asking me if I knowthat it's possible to make "£1000 per week via associated marketing" if I'd like to give him a few minutes of my time. He also asked me if I "ever use the online world" and mimicked typing. It was like the Internet had just reached this wee guy's house.

f**k off, mate. I just want a Coke.

Edited by Sweet Pete
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We've all experienced spam letters in the post, and we've been getting spam emails and pop ups etc online for years now too, but I have just experienced live action spamming.

Went to the newsagent beside my office to buy a can of juice and the young lad behind the till starts asking me if I knowthat it's possible to make "£1000 per week via associated marketing" if I'd like to give him a few minutes of my time.

f**k off, mate. I just want a Coke.

He was going to pay you for a blow job.

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Those fucking UNICEF and other aid type of advert with Ewan McGregor asking the every-man for £3 a month for a blanket for a Syrian child.

If he donated £100,000 of his own wealth, that would provide 33,000 odd blankets for these poor people. Gimps like him make me not want to donate, and I end up shouting at the tv for him to donate himself.

IMO, it would be far better if these companies got someone like Kevin, the driving instructor from High Wycombe to do the ad, someone you can relate to, rather than a millionaire asking us for £3. I'd be far more likely to donate if this was the case.

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Newsreaders' schizophrenic attitude to using foreign pronunciation. Why the f**k do they insist on referring to the "Sharleee Ebdooee" attacks that took place in Paris? Surely if they're insisting on using native pronunciation it should be "Paree"? Fucking stop it.

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Maybe McGregor did donate £100,000, but wasn't crass enough to go on the telly and brag about it.

Who gives a f**k anyway. Either cough up or don't.

^^^ my slogan for when I'm asked to succeed the driving instructor from High Wycombe.

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People who think millionaires 'shud don8 thumsels.' They probably do donate large chunks of their money as well as their time to charity. Having a well liked public figure campaigning is going to give a boost to donations.

If he doesn't donate to charity how else he going to get his accountant to write it off against tax and screw the HMRC,

I sure all celebrities donate to charity out of the goodness of their hearts and never for beneficial tax purposes.

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If he doesn't donate to charity how else he going to get his accountant to write it off against tax and screw the HMRC,

I sure all celebrities donate to charity out of the goodness of their hearts and never for beneficial tax purposes.

^^^ Ewan McGregor's unacknowledged b*****d child


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