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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Driving into Aberdeen this morning, bit foggy and dark but not foggy enough that fog lights are required - as per the Highway Code and obvious to anyone with eyesight.


Got idiots driving about with fog lights on, others with their full beam on, and some with no lights on at all........


Why are Traffic Police not allowed to pull these people over and hit them with their batons till they admit they are Cockwombles?



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14 hours ago, philpy said:

One of our neighbours has openly admitted to giving her 16yr old son money to buy cannabis which he is now selling from the house, two doors up. Silly cow.

Silly? She's smarter than you might think.  She provides the capital for the initial investment, the boy sells off all of his weed and doesn't need to tap money off her for more weed. If her son is sound she'll get free weed too. She's also teaching her son a valuable lesson in supply and demand and how to deal with customers. She's ahead of her time, IMO.

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Ford's "Unlearn" adverts. Just feck off. Why don't they "Unlearn" being rip off cnuts at their dealerships, and why don't their salesmen "unlearn" being untrustworthy gits.

Winter tyres - what did we do before these pocket fleecing projects were unleashed? Was there untold carnage in Winter?? No, just GTF.

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3 hours ago, The Moonster said:

Silly? She's smarter than you might think.  She provides the capital for the initial investment, the boy sells off all of his weed and doesn't need to tap money off her for more weed. If her son is sound she'll get free weed too. She's also teaching her son a valuable lesson in supply and demand and how to deal with customers. She's ahead of her time, IMO.

That's a long winded way to have a dig at Philpy's customer service skills, is it not? 


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C***s that have been stood waiting for a bus, but decide to board it before fishing the fare out of their purse, only to discover they do not have enough change and hand over a £10 note to the driver after about 2 minutes.

Special mention to idiots who cross the road with their kids when there is a zebra crossing less than 20 metres away as well.

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The old shop "What Everyone Wants ". They had f**k all that anyone wanted. It was for the impoverished like me who got dragged there to get shite school clothes whilst i wanted to get nice stuff like the other kids at 7 years old. The sort of shop that sold rucksacks with fake things such as Teenage Karate Turtles or some other nonsense.
Smelly horrible stinking place where the staff hated it and the shoppers hated it as it confirmed their scaffiness as they handed over govenment vouchers for crap clothing.

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1 minute ago, Zen Archer said:

This is becoming a theme with you, however I concur.

I take it that you saw the intro to ITV's Europa highlights?

The w**k I was having after Scotland's Game on the other channel over-ran but if you're mentioning it I assume something happened besides him existing on the television.

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1 minute ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

The w**k I was having after Scotland's Game on the other channel over-ran but if you're mentioning it I assume something happened besides him existing on the television.

Pougatch was having a wee rub at himself watching GH give Ince a hug after that England qualified for some tournament, what the f**k that had to do with the subject of the programme I have no idea.

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15 minutes ago, Stellaboz said:

The old shop "What Everyone Wants ". They had f**k all that anyone wanted. It was for the impoverished like me who got dragged there to get shite school clothes whilst i wanted to get nice stuff like the other kids at 7 years old. The sort of shop that sold rucksacks with fake things such as Teenage Karate Turtles or some other nonsense.
Smelly horrible stinking place where the staff hated it and the shoppers hated it as it confirmed their scaffiness as they handed over govenment vouchers for crap clothing.

You could buy terrible Sega Mega Drive games there for £18. I got 'Wrestle War' there which may be the worst game ever made.

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1 hour ago, Bobby Skidmarks said:

People pushing me their prams across a busy road first and then shooting you a dirty look when you drive past after swerving at the last minute.

Prams are no good.

I just walk out waving my walking stick and the cars let me cross.

Low points if you kill a disabled old bloke like me.

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10 hours ago, LincolnHearts said:

Special mention to idiots who cross the road with their kids when there is a zebra crossing less than 20 metres away as well.

I once knocked someone down by reversing my van into them. The reason this happened was because they didn't walk about 10 yards down to the crossing, instead they came straight out a shop and straight behind my van. I only noticed I hit someone when I noticed the legs in my wing mirror, being in a van I didn't feel them there so could have went over the top of them. Was glad that a woman sitting in the car behind me saw it happen so could verify I was at no fault. I felt pretty shit about hitting the person at first but as the day went on I got more annoyed at their laziness.

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9 hours ago, Stellaboz said:

The old shop "What Everyone Wants ". They had f**k all that anyone wanted. It was for the impoverished like me who got dragged there to get shite school clothes whilst i wanted to get nice stuff like the other kids at 7 years old. The sort of shop that sold rucksacks with fake things such as Teenage Karate Turtles or some other nonsense.
Smelly horrible stinking place where the staff hated it and the shoppers hated it as it confirmed their scaffiness as they handed over govenment vouchers for crap clothing.

I doubt any of their former employees would disagree. I still shudder when I walk past the building where their Strling branch used to be.

Edit: I think they've been closed for about twenty years - have you been stewing on this for that long?  :lol:

8 hours ago, Swordfishtrombone said:

You could buy terrible Sega Mega Drive games there for £18. I got 'Wrestle War' there which may be the worst game ever made.

I subscribed to one of those game exchange places, where you'd send them your old games and give them a call to arrange for a swap from their current stockpile. I asked them for whatever the current WWF game of the time was, only to receive Wrestle War instead. When I called to complain, they'd shut down the business.

Glenn Hoddle would have plenty to say about what I did in a past life to receive such punishment.

Edited by BigFatTabbyDave
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