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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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28 minutes ago, IainMorton said:

Car adverts on TV. Every one shows a new car driving along a stretch of motorway or country road in nice weather with no other traffic around. You never see them advertise a car that is sitting in a three mile traffic jam due to roadworks in the pissing rain which is a lot more realistic.

Or avoiding the millions of shite drivers out there and foreigners who think they're still driving  back home.

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Took the kids to Edinburgh Zoo yesterday.  Anyone that has been and used the car park will be familiar with the fact that the entrance is on a fairly steep hill.  There was a car in front paying to get in and I pulled up behind.  As she's going to pull away I can see her talking to the boy and gesturing back at me.  He comes back and says that she's worried that she'll roll back into me and could I move back.  I've left loads of space, but as there is nothing behind me I roll back a bit.  She then starts trying to pull away, engine fucking howling and as soon as she releases the handbrake starts rolling back towards me.

There's now a couple of cars behind me and she's telling the boy that I need to move back more.  He's very apologetic and I can move back a bit, but not much as the queue of traffic is now about 6 or 7 cars long.  Same thing happens and she rolls back towards me again.  He's now asking everyone to move back, but I've pointed out that she's had two goes that this and moved back about 20 feet, and would she like us to reverse right back out onto Corstorphine Road to give her a proper run at it?

Luckily there is enough room for me to bounce up onto the pavement and get round her and into the car park.  I've already shown the boy my parking pass so decide I'm not fucking about any longer.  The look that she gave me as I drove up by her was priceless, as if i'm at fault for either;

a: Her driving a piece of shit with a burnt out clutch


b: Her being utterly incapable of performing a hill start and being unsafe to be on the road.

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14 minutes ago, KnightswoodBear said:

It was a bit, we're getting a new car in a week or so and this one is being traded in, the last thing I need is some daft arsehole reversing into it.

When I was selling my last motor I had a woman reverse into the side of it.

Had it parked outside my mates house and some mental bint reversed out her drive and right into the side of my car.

To be fair to her she could very easily have fled the scene as I was inside my mates house and didn't even hear her.

I had only just paid for a wax job to take away minor scratches too.

They gave me a crappy Peugeot as a courtesy car too. Thing sounded like an aircraft.

To make things worse the woman had her car picked up by the garage and returned fixed before mine even got collected. I was raging.

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49 minutes ago, KnightswoodBear said:

Took the kids to Edinburgh Zoo yesterday.  Anyone that has been and used the car park will be familiar with the fact that the entrance is on a fairly steep hill.  There was a car in front paying to get in and I pulled up behind.  As she's going to pull away I can see her talking to the boy and gesturing back at me.  He comes back and says that she's worried that she'll roll back into me and could I move back.  I've left loads of space, but as there is nothing behind me I roll back a bit.  She then starts trying to pull away, engine fucking howling and as soon as she releases the handbrake starts rolling back towards me.

There's now a couple of cars behind me and she's telling the boy that I need to move back more.  He's very apologetic and I can move back a bit, but not much as the queue of traffic is now about 6 or 7 cars long.  Same thing happens and she rolls back towards me again.  He's now asking everyone to move back, but I've pointed out that she's had two goes that this and moved back about 20 feet, and would she like us to reverse right back out onto Corstorphine Road to give her a proper run at it?

Luckily there is enough room for me to bounce up onto the pavement and get round her and into the car park.  I've already shown the boy my parking pass so decide I'm not fucking about any longer.  The look that she gave me as I drove up by her was priceless, as if i'm at fault for either;

a: Her driving a piece of shit with a burnt out clutch


b: Her being utterly incapable of performing a hill start and being unsafe to be on the road.

What did you think of the Zoo?

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7 minutes ago, KnightswoodBear said:

That I wish the lions were nearer the bottom of the hill.

What, so that woman could roll into them? Cecil's only been dead a year or so, have you absolutely no compassion? Far too soon!

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2 minutes ago, endieinreekie said:

I hate the hill on the way into the zoo, especially because our car has a shonky handbrake at the best of times. 

My PTTGOYN is having to prepare for an interview when I'm off on a public holiday 

There was no need for the dirty look you gave me yesterday.  It's not my fault you drive a clown car.

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