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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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"I say dance, you say dance" 

Getting fed up on hearing that shite song on YouTube adverts, it seems to be the only advert they have at the moment, well on my YouTube at least. 

You say France, I say France. Does my tits in as well
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The last train on a Sunday being so early and the general public transport service on a Sunday.

Missed the last train and currently out justifying the taxi.

Subhuman Scum.

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I do enjoy listening to Absolute radio as the music they play is the bollocks and I also enjoy the breakfast show.

My issue starts with their adverts.

Spin genie can go f**k itself.

That Amigo loans when the lassie says "easy monthly payments". I've had various loans in my life and a mortgage. They're all easy monthly payments. 

Last up is the Halfords advert. f**k off!!!

I now switch the radio off for the ad breaks.

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I had a Chinese after coming back from holiday last night as one last treat before back on the healthy eating wagon.

Insides feel like I've been on the booze, all achy. Had hong king style chicken, egg fried rice, chips and some onion rings. [emoji21]

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1 hour ago, Stellaboz said:

I had a Chinese after coming back from holiday last night as one last treat before back on the healthy eating wagon.

Insides feel like I've been on the booze, all achy. Had hong king style chicken, egg fried rice, chips and some onion rings. emoji21.png

Sounds like you'll be having the onion ring for a few days to come. 

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2 hours ago, Bairnardo said:


I sometimes listen to absolute online at work but despite having a whole decade to choose from (usually 80s for me) their playlist is pretty samey and gets boring after a while.

Central FM when in the car. They play a surprisingly diverse selection of music not just overplaying whatever shite is in the top 40 a la Radio 1


Radio at work, only channels that get played are;

Northsound - Is Ok as they have a 'no repeat workday' thing so from 9 - 3 (THEIR DEFINITION of a workday they workshy b*****ds), so each song can only be played once in that period, it may be crap but you only hear it once,

Original - Mostly 80s & 90s and Ok

Radio 1 - Someone needs to explain to these c***s that they are DJs to play music not whitter inanely about what they had for lunch yesterday, how much they all love each other and what crap they watched on TV yesterday. Hard to tell what worse their abysmal constant chatter, self-promotion and self-importance or their constantly repeating crap music.


I have said it before but you take fat cockwomble of talentless lard and humourless shouting that was Chris Moyles and put it through a mangle and you are left with the remains which are the even more annoying and talentless GrimshawBo. 

Edited by MEADOWXI
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I liked Moyles when he was first on Radio 1 in the early hours of the morning. Dominik Diamond used to make the commute into Edinbugh bearable (XFM Scotland). Loved his show with Scott Shaw and Marissa D'Andrade. 

Edited by Shandon Par
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Remember when Moyles was on the early shift, 0400-0630, he used to have a guest on his show, a listener who had a really weird voice and was kind of a bit, er, touched?  I remember that for some reason.

As soon as he got any success he became a total fanny though.  I listen to Chris Evans on my drive in these days, I like his show.  It's a bit middle-aged, middle-class and twee though.

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The seated carriage on the Aberdeen sleeper is always about 35 degrees and has the noisiest brakes in the world.

It is awful. If you are tall it is an awkward position as well. But hits euston at 7am so a good service for 50 quid even if it has its drawbacks ie the general public
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It is awful. If you are tall it is an awkward position as well. But hits euston at 7am so a good service for 50 quid even if it has its drawbacks ie the general public

Got it on three occasions, not out of choice. Only slept on it once, waking up at what I thought was Crewe or wherever the thing stops to prevent you getting into Euston at 4am. Had a sneaky peek out the berth window to see if I could see any signs saying where I was, and so there was. It said 'Montrose'. Never got a wink after that, another London business day crabbit as fcuk.
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