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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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On a packed train with dozens of people having to stand in aisles and end of carriages. I can see at least 4 folk sitting IN BETWEEN 2 seats, bags on spare seats etc. People like that should get 15 years in a Turkish prison.

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American-style Halloween, for several reasons.

  1. Adults getting involved. You're a grown man/woman, FFS - what the hell are you doing dressing up as a zombie? :death
  2. Making lanterns out of pumpkins. You're supposed to use a turnip (actually it's a swede, but we always called them turnips when we were kids). And what are you meant to do with the insides of a pumpkin once you've scooped it all out? At least with a turnip your maw can make a plate of haggis...
  3. Trick-or-treating. This is simply demanding money sweeties with menace. A watered-down version of a couple of wide boys going into a shop and telling the owner how unfortunate it would be if it caught fire one night, but for a hundred quid a week they'll keep an eye on the place. Kids used to put on their dad's old suit or wear their school blazer inside-out or something, and go round the doors guising - singing a wee song or doing a dance and being rewarded with a treacle scone or a handful of penny Dainties. Not given them so that they wouldn't throw eggs at your door.  
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